We are women, and although we deny it, many times we want to hide certain flaws or complexes in ourselves, and the truth is that we always want to look perfect in every way; nevertheless; You should keep in mind that you are already perfect just the way you are, but if you are still not convinced, and want to touch up those slight imperfections, now you can do it with the magic of makeup. Today we will see some tricks to learn how to shape your nose.
Well, to start working you must take into account very well the shape of your nose, and what you want to correct. Next, we are going to describe what should be done for each case, and thus make it much easier for you when applying your makeup technique.
If your nose is very wide, for example, to stylize it you should focus on the sides; It is important to know that the colors for your case are dark tones, since these are slimming; on the other hand, clear ones give volume. Start by using a foundation in the color of your skin to hide the corners of your nose, then to outline start by drawing two vertical lines on the sides of the nose with a concealer in a dark shade; the line should start from the tip of the eyebrows to the wings of the nose. To take a bit of attention away from the ends of the nose, it is recommended that, with a lighter shade, draw a straight line from the eyebrows to the tip of the nose, this to add light, then blur with a sponge. If, on the other hand, your nose is very thin, try to brighten the sides with much lighter colors.
If, on the other hand, your nose is very long, you can try applying a base of a dark tone on the tip and then further down where the nostrils are, and thus it will give the effect of being shorter. In the case of having a very short nose, it is very easy to apply a light base or concealer only from the middle of the septum towards the tip of the nose, and after this, a darker tone on the sides. Now, if your nose is slightly crooked or deviated, you can hide this imperfection very easily, depending on where you lean. For this, a straight line is drawn with a dark tone corrector, and it is applied with little touches where it is crooked, then it is completed with a light tone on the side where it is not crooked, this is with the purpose of hiding with dark colors unwanted areas and illuminate the rest of the nose; The trick of this technique is to blur both shades of colors very well, but respecting the difference between them.
These tricks are very simple and anyone can do them, and thus obtain the expected effect, the important thing to know is that «less is more», use the right amounts of makeup and you will be beautiful.