For many years it has been customary to fake precious stones and in recent decades this activity has grown much more. Fraudsters have found it easy to obtain materials that resemble real stones, and with the development of techniques and tailoring, they can make a simple piece of jewelry look like a real gem.

When you have a stone as important as jade or jadeite, you must be completely sure that these are true, since the rock not only exhibits its beauty but must also generate energetic effects in you.

Real gems have unique characteristics and if you are well versed in the properties of this mineral, you will be able to tell if it is fake. Recognizing its authenticity will not be difficult if you follow the steps below. Once learned, you can never be scammed.

What is the first characteristic that will make it obvious that this stone is real or not? The first thing you should do is place the stone near natural light, where you can look through this gem in more detail. The jade stones, inside, always have small dark green lines that, in addition, may be accompanied by some cracks. If these features are absent or the stone has air bubbles inside, it may be a poor imitation.

Another way to know if it is original is that it does not scratch easily. What is the next step? With the tip of some metallic object, such as a pin, try to make a small scratch, if it was very easy to scratch it, it is not a real gem. In addition to this, it is important to know that jade is a stone that, even if it is found in hot places, will always remain cold.

Jade and jadeite stones have a smooth and shiny surface. You will never see them with very marked reliefs, and if they do, they will practically not be felt. Run your fingernail across the entire surface of the stone, if you notice any bumps and it’s only slight, you’ll be fine. Imitation stones also have very smooth surfaces, so you should be careful, as this is a factor that creates many doubts for those who want to purchase jade or jadeite.

These stones produce unique sounds, and by listening to them you would know whether or not it is an authentic stone immediately. The high resonance sounds they cause are unmistakable, hit it with another stone or metal object that is not hollow and you will immediately notice the difference. This sound is very similar to the sound of bells colliding, so you can get an idea of ​​how they will sound.

Do not be scammed by any seller, remember that these gems are some of the most sought after in the world. Ready to go out now to acquire one of these gems?