If you have the opportunity, celebrate the magical festivals that have a pagan character and that, of course, have a cabalistic and esoteric property, some have become superstitions and also use magic spells, potions and filters; most of the pagan peoples adjust their calendar and thus also circumscribe the rites and traditions to the four great seasonsa relationship must be established between them and the elements of Earth, Fire, Water and Air.

The druids implanted in their almanac a relationship between the sun, the moon and the stars, which speaks of the deep feeling of magic associated with the sacred, it is a lunar calendar of 13 months, of 28 days each with a day interposed outside of accounts, attributed to each month a vegetable factor related to the Magic of the Druids, beginning with the birch and ending with the mistletoe; his astrological knowledge was reflected in the Coligny calendar.

The main celebrations, dedicated to the element of Fire, were called Samhain, Imbolc, Beltane and Lughnasadh.which are at the beginning of November, February, May and August.

Samhain is the agricultural and livestock cycle, a time to store the harvest, collect the cattle and take them to the stables, clean the house, bring offerings to the ancestors, it was the most imposing because it also represents the celebration of the end of the world and the birth of the new year, the relationship between the world of the living and the dead; Formerly this celebration lasted three days and it was believed that the predictions of the future that were made could be more accurate, it can be related to the day of the dead.

Imbolc is the festival that is celebrated on the first and second day of February, starting the time of purification and renewal, it is also called Brigantia, after Bridhe, goddess of fire during Imbolc, the goddess is transformed, from an old crone dressed in black, into a virginal bride dressed in white; passing from death to new life; Imbolc was the festival that tried to awaken the winter sun to promote fertility and purification.

Beltane was celebrated on the first of May, it is another festival associated with fertility under the protection of the god Belenos, god of fire who influenced the fertility of animals and the earth, the important thing about these festivals was the bonfires to take care of the animals from diseases and for that reason, they were made to cross the flames as a powerful protection against witchcraft and diseases that stalked men and herds, it was a celebration of rapprochement between the world of evil spirits and the living; The rites related to the trees were typical of these dates and thus have survived until today.

In summer the most important festival of the cycle was celebrated, that of Lugnasad or Lughnasadh, was the festival of light, the agrarian festival par excellence, where the fertility of the animals and the abundance of the harvest were thanked. which were the reservations for the winter.