Actinolite is a mineral that was discovered in 1794 by the mineralogist Kirwan. The name of Actinolite was given by René Just Haüy, and comes from the Greek «aktis», which means lightning and «lithos», which translates as stone, alluding to its fibrous appearance and the rays of its crystals.
This stone is known to be an important element in the constitution of green slates, and it is with the chlorite that gives it its green color. Also, compact fibrous actinolite is known to be a component of nephrite, which is one of the jades.
In its gem variety it can have a color between apple green and emerald green. It has a hardness on the Mohs scale of 6.5. It is usually translucent to opaque, with a transparent sample being very rare, though not impossible. It has a vitreous luster when cut and polished, however, when obtained in crystal form, actinolite exhibits a dull luster.
Gemstones obtained from Actinolite always are cut in cabochon to show the reliefs of the stones. It is very common to see it in oval, round and pear cuts. Gem cutters need to try to center and orient the cat’s eye correctly so that the groove chamfers the finished stone.
Most actinolite cat’s eye gems are cut with uneven bottoms, this being considered normal. In fact, even the most skilled lapidary is of the opinion that very often uneven results are required to center cat’s eye gems.
Despite its beauty, Actinolite cat’s eye is not a gemstone, and is very rarely found in jewelry stores. Indeed, unlike nephrite, actinolite is known to have good cleavage, thus lacking the hardness and durability considered necessary for most conventional jewelry. However, if used carefully, they can be used for some spectacular jewelry.
In addition, actinolite is not a really well-known gem, except for its nephrite form, most consumers do not know about it and therefore do not look for it in their jewelry stores and other products.
Like most cat’s eye gems, when used for jewelry, actinolite is commonly used to make rings with it, since this is the best way to show off the effects of the stone.
If you have any samples of actinolite, cleaning them is very easy, just use soapy water and a soft cloth. However, you should make sure to rinse them thoroughly to remove any soapy residue. Also, you should avoid chemicals when cleaning it, since actinolite is sensitive to acids and can be damaged. As with most gemstones, it is advisable to also avoid the use of ultrasonic cleaners and heat vaporizers.