Although cellulite is not cured definitively, It is possible to use some home remedies that will help reduce its effects, eliminating toxins from your body, avoiding fluid retention and burning fat, so that your skin looks healthy and firm.
One of the most effective remedies to combat cellulite is horsetail tea., which favors the elimination of toxins through urine and eliminates fluid retention, thus reducing cellulite. This type of tea should only be consumed, for a limited time, mainly if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, undergoing medical treatment with diuretics or if you have kidney disease, in which case you should consult your treating physician.
Another natural product, effective to reduce cellulite is coffee, since it allows fat cells to redistribute, reducing the appearance of cellulite. You can make a cream with coffee powder, sugar and olive oil, mixing the ingredients to form a paste that will be applied to the affected areas for a period of 3 to 5 weeks.
You can also use meadowsweet, which is a plant that favors the elimination of toxins and detoxifies the body, giving a better appearance to the skin. The way to use it is to consume it in an infusion of this plant for twelve days, to obtain better results. In the same way, green tea is effective in fighting cellulite due to its thermogenic effectsdepuratives and decongestants that will help keep adipose tissues under control.
Another effective home remedy to remove dead skin cells and promotes collagen production is papaya, with this you can prepare an exfoliant that will help reduce cellulite. You should only crush half a papaya and add a tablespoon of brown sugar, mixing well until you get a paste, then massage the affected area with the paste for five minutes and remove with water.
Apple cider vinegar is also effective in reducing cellulite, you should only mix 3 teaspoons of vinegar in a quarter glass of water and apply it to the affected area by massaging it.
According to the opinion of Isabel Lostao, beautician, a balanced diet is recommended that provides essential nutrients for the good condition of your skin, reducing the consumption of salt, saturated fats and sugar. For her part, Inmaculada Canterla, a Cosmetologist, affirms that you should avoid consuming sugar and excess fruit, as it provokes a metabolic reaction making the collagen more rigid, causing loss of firmness.
Likewise, Paula Rosso, a specialist in preventive medicine, affirms that a preventive and effective remedy to avoid cellulite is reduce salt intake by replacing it with lemon and herbssince in this way fluid retention, the main cause of cellulite, is avoided.
These home remedies and the recommendations of the specialists will certainly help you reduce your cellulite. If you have any doubts, consult your doctor.