Statins: drug could trigger aggression, anxiety, depressed mood, and fatigue

Statins are effective in lowering cholesterol and protecting against heart attack and stroke, although they can cause side effects in some people.

A study has found that the psychiatric effects of statins may include irritability/aggression, anxiety or depressed mood, violent ideas, sleep problems including nightmares, and possibly attempted and completed suicide.

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The research involved participants self-referred with behavioral and/or mood changes, in apparent association with statins, who completed a survey to obtain history of cholesterol-lowering medications, character and impact of behavioral/mood effect, time course of onset and recovery in relation to cholesterol. -reducing medicine.

“Participants reported changes in mood/behavior that started after initiation of statins and persisted or progressed with continued use”the study noted.

He continued: “Reported issues included violent ideas, irritability, depression and suicide.

«Problems resolved with discontinuation of the drug and recurred with a rechallenge when attempted.»

Most of the participants had risk factors for psychiatric adverse drug reactions (ADRs), statins, and the coexistence of other ADRs recognized by statins, the study says.

He concluded: “The ADRs had implications for marriages, careers, and the safety of oneself and others.

«These observations support the potential for adverse mood and behavior change in some people with statin use, add to the limited literature on such effects, and provide impetus for further research on these suspected ADRs.

«Potential mechanisms are reviewed, including hypothetical mechanisms related to oxidative stress and bioenergetics.»

Other studies have found that people taking statins may experience higher levels of fatigue and general tiredness, especially after exertion.

A study of University of California at San Diego found that people taking statins experienced lower energy levels than people taking a placebo.

Other lesser-known side effects of the drug may include short-term reversible cognitive impairment, mild, transient restlessness, euphoria, and mental confusion.