Seven symptoms of pregnancy, before missing the first period

Unfortunately, without taking a home pregnancy test, blood test, or ultrasound, there’s no 100% sure way to know if you’re pregnant before you miss your period.

However, certain signs and symptoms can be an indication that you are in the first weeks of pregnancy.

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According to the specialized sexual and reproductive health magazine HealthLine, the early symptoms of pregnancy that you may experience before you miss your period are varied and should be taken into account often. mimic the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome. Here we present the most frequent:

Sore or tender breasts

One of the first changes you may notice during pregnancy is sore breasts. Your breasts may also feel tender to the touch, or fuller or heavier than normal. This is due to increased levels of progesterone in the body.

this symptom can continue throughout pregnancy or disappear after the first few weeks.

darkening areolas

You may also notice that your areolas (the area around your nipples) they darken. This can happen as soon as one to two weeks after conception and often it is a first sign of pregnancy.


Fatigue is common during the first few months of pregnancy. This is due to hormonal changes. Also, your blood sugar levels and blood pressure are lower at this time.


Nausea and morning sickness usually start between the fourth and sixth week of pregnancy. you can experiment some dizziness before that happens. Morning sickness is worse for some women while others hardly feel it at all.

cervical mucus

You may notice a change or increase in vaginal discharge in early pregnancy. During the first trimester, you may secrete sticky, white or pale yellow mucus. This is because increased hormones and vaginal blood flow.

This can continue throughout the pregnancy as that your cervix softens.

implantation bleeding

You may experiencing implantation bleeding, spotting, or minor bleedingabout 10 to 14 days after conception.

Implantation bleeding usually occurs about a week before your expected period. The bleeding will be much lighter than your usual period. It will stop after one or three days.

frequent urination

You have probably heard that You will have to urinate all the time during pregnancy. This is because your body increases the amount of blood it pumpswhich makes that the kidneys process more fluid than normal. That means more fluid in the bladder.

Frequently, having to run to the bathroom to urinate It can be a early sign of pregnancy. This can start as soon about two weeks after conception. But it is possible that do not have this symptom until the second or third trimester.

Basal body temperature

You basal body temperature (TBC) is your temperature when you are completely at rest. Usually it is taken when you get up in the morning.

An increase in basal body temperature for 18 days after ovulation may be an early symptom of pregnancy. This method works best if you have been tracking your TB for a while and know what it was like before pregnancy and throughout your cycle.


if your stomach feel bloated, it can be a symptom of an early pregnancy. Your digestive system may slow down due to hormonal changes. This can cause bloating, constipation, or gas.

How reliable are the symptoms?

Pregnancy symptoms vary for everyone. They are also easy to confuse with SPM. That is why it is impossible to know if you are pregnant with symptoms alone.

Your best option is take a home pregnancy test or see a doctor if you suspect that you are pregnant and have already missed your first period.

Home pregnancy tests are quite reliable. But occasionally you can get a proof of false positive. This can happen for a number of reasons, including having a chemical or ectopic pregnancyor even when taking certain medications.

After a positive home pregnancy test, you should follow it up with a visit to the doctor for a urine or blood test to confirm the pregnancy. So if you’re pregnant, you can get the care you and your baby need.