Parenting Mistakes That Can Contribute to Children’s Poor Mental Health

When it comes to parenting, child psychology is essential to understand that there are many things that we do well and some that can do more damage than we imagine. Wanting the best for your child and putting pressure on them for the wrong reasons is a fine line that should not be overlooked.

In many cases, parents doing so seriously affects the mental health of their children. Many times, parents are unaware of the damage they are doing to their children’s minds and claim that «everything is for the best.»

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With that said, here’s how you can contribute to your child’s poor mental health and how you can prevent it.

Each family is different and parenting is a period in which you have to know how to learn to exist together (Photo: Pexels)

Parenting Mistakes That Can Contribute to Children’s Poor Mental Health

Neglect your emotions

Children have pure intentions. So everything you feel has its own real essence. Scattering them and neglecting their feelings and expression will only destroy their sense of individuality. It will make them more doubtful and contribute to their anxiety, which can result in poor mental health. The important thing is to teach them to resolve their conflicts.

Therefore, never take your child’s emotions for granted. As a parent, you need to be able to read what they’re feeling, and if they reach out to you, you need to be more supportive and able to steer them in the right direction.

Underestimating your decisions and choices in life.

As a parent, you have every right to intervene when your child is unable to make a decision. However, instead of dismissing what is on their mind, think of ways to direct them to a life choice that is more fulfilling and in no way detrimental to them.

If you belittle their decisions, they are likely to keep their thoughts bottled up in the future and reveal nothing, making their childhood more tense.

Parents are the example and have to live up to their children to give them an optimal mental future (Photo: Pexels)

demanding perfection

Children should be taught to aim high, but reaching for the stars should be an option, not an obligation.

Many parents, who want the best for their children, demand and expect perfection from children who are barely prepared to face the world. Imagine the amount of mental pressure and anxiety they must go through to satisfy the will of their parents.

Force them to adhere to socially constructed rules and norms.

Children often have their own forms of expression and there are some that, according to society, are ‘different’. Now, by different, it does not mean wrong, but according to socially constructed norms and rules, they are not acceptable.

For example, if a boy wants to learn ballet and wear pink clothes, which according to social rules is a girl’s hobby and choice of dress, respectively, he may be singled out for it, which should not be the case.

So, as parents, you should never force your child to limit your personality, but help them improve it. The goals of children are different from those of their parents (Photo: Pexels)

Pushing them to achieve your incomplete dreams

Your child is likely to have better conditions and more exposure to resources than you did during your childhood. But does it mean that you pressure them to achieve what you couldn’t? The answer is no.

Every child is different and, just like you, may have their own likes and dislikes. So molding them to love what you love is taking away the opportunity to do what they want. This can put a lot of pressure on your mental health.


Every child is beautiful. But every child is prone to developing mental health problems for various reasons. That said, do not contribute to it, rather help them to overcome it.