home remedies for heartburn

The esophagus is the tube that connects the mouth to the stomach and is responsible for pushing food down in rhythmic waves (which are actually called peristaltic movements). Once food reaches your stomach, acids and enzymes begin to break it down to nourish you and then aid digestion.

Stomach acids are quite powerful (they are designed to dissolve food, after all), and your stomach has a special lining that protects you from the acid. However, in the case of heartburn, some of the stomach acid instead of staying where it should, travel backwards to the esophagus and is that the acid reflux that is leaving with a burning sensation.

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Heartburn can be caused by many thingssince spicy foods to caffeine, but also genetics play an important roleso often it’s hard to know what triggers acid reflux. Fortunately, there are many ways to relieve heartburn. without resorting to over-the-counter or prescription medicationsand you may find relief with things you already have in the house. Here are some ways to relieve that burning sensation naturally and quickly:

1. Baking Soda –

Pay attention to what we said baking soda and not baking powder (it is not a cake: do not confuse the powders). Sodium Bicarbonate It is economical and completely natural.. Simply dissolve a teaspoon of baking soda in a cup of water. Sodium Bicarbonate will help neutralize acid. Note: Sodium bicarbonate contains sodium, So, if you have high blood pressure problems and follow a low-sodium diet, it is best not to do so unless you consult your doctor.

2. Aloe juice –

aloe juice sold in most stores. like aloe vera used to soothe sunburned skinaloe juice can Help soothe irritation caused by acid reflux. If you suffer from heartburn, it’s a good idea get into the habit of drinking ½ cup of aloe juice before meals to relieve the stomach and esophagus.

3. Sugar free gum –

Saliva helps dilute the acidso that Increasing the amount of saliva you produce after a meal is a great way to help prevent acid production. (I know it sounds gross, but it’s the way) Try chewing a piece of gum for 30 minutes to reduce heartburn.

4. Apple cider vinegar –

Everyone’s Favorite Remedy can help relieve heartburn. Mix 3 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in a cup of water, then drink it (it tastes like lightning guaranteed, so be careful) before each meal or before bed.

5. Eat a banana –

This is THE BEST DATA EVER! and very easy. Did you know that bananas contain natural antacids? Start eating a banana every day to help counteract acid reflux. If you don’t have a banana, an apple works too.

6. Quit smoking –

If you smoke and need another reason to quit, here’s one. If you have noticed that your acid reflux has worsened and you smoke, this will only aggravate your esophagus and make everything sore. Now is a good time to quit smoking.

7. Changes in lifestyle –

If you are overweight, making small changes to your diet and increasing physical activity may ease your heartburn. Try to eliminate foods that cause heartburn, such as fatty or spicy foods, caffeine, chocolate, or carbonated drinks, to name a few. omit them from your diet can eliminate the problem completely.