What the colors you secretly wear say about your personality

You may think more about your clothes when shopping for something new, especially after reading about what the colors you wear say about you.

Most of us don’t wear our favorite color, but the colors we do wear can have a similar meaning.

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Here are 11 colors that are part of a normal wardrobe. Whether your closet is filled with one color or more, the clothing color meaning behind each one is directly related to your personality.

Here’s what the colors you secretly wear say about your personality:

1. Black

Black is a color that imparts power; however, too much black can be, well… overwhelming.

So be careful not to overdo it and balance it out with colorful accessories. Black is also popular in fashion because it is classic and elegant.

White clothing can help you look clean and innocent. It can also imply that you are an organized and detail-oriented person.

Too much white can make you fade, so add something bold and bright to break up the monotony.

2. Blue

Blue is one of the most common clothing colors. It can help keep calm (as well as those around you). It also represents honesty and reliability, which are great qualities to have.

Blue is always a great color choice. This is also why hospital employees, bank logos, and law enforcement uniforms are often blue.

3. Green

While green is a calming color that is easy on the eyes, it is also a color that represents nature. When you want to look completely natural, green is the way to go.

Of course, the shades of green make a big difference. Green is the color of money, as well as envy and greed, so be careful not to use too much green, especially dark green.

Green is also a military color. Army green can make you look stiff, but it gives the impression that you follow the rules, which is not a bad thing.

4. Coffee

Brown and other neutral colors actually make it easier to strike up a conversation.

So if you’re meeting new people and want to help start conversations, wearing shades of brown can help you do just that. Brown is also the color of the earth, so it can help you look down-to-earth.

5. Gray

Gray is another neutral color that makes you look classic, confident, and organized. Of course, too much gray can look boring, so add pops of brighter colors to achieve this look.

7. Red

Red is a color of action, power and passion. It definitely shows that you want to be recognized when you walk into a room.

Red increases the heart rate and can call to action. It’s bold, and if there’s an occasion where you want to be bold and unforgettable, go for red.

8. Pink

Pink is also a color of passion, similar to red. But it’s not that strong. It shows that you are vulnerable and, of course, feminine.

9. Purple

Purple is a rare color choice. People generally either love it or hate it.

Purple means royalty, so if you want to look regal, purple is a great choice! It is also a sentimental color that shows uniqueness and artistic creativity.

10. Yellow

Yellow is a bright color that represents the sun. As such, it can mean that you are bright and cheerful.

Yellow is also a color that can indicate fear, so if you’re feeling shy or shy, avoid yellow. Yellow is hard on the eyes, so always break it up with other colors.

11. Orange

Orange is a playful color that often represents children and learning. Since it is a mix of red and yellow, it can also be a combination of those color personalities.

If you wear too much orange, you may not be taken seriously, so wear it sparingly if you want to feel youthful or playful.

How does each color affect how you feel and how others feel about you?

Many colors can have multiples, and even opposites! — meanings, so be aware of how different colored outfits make you feel, as well as the kind of reaction they elicit from others.

Doing your own little color social experiment can help you identify which colors work best for you for different occasions and events. Too much of any one color is overwhelming, so try to break up monotonous outfits with different colored accessories.

It ensures that your mood changes (for the better) and that others have a complete impression of you.