Meaning of tarot cards

the worldthe result of the Wizard’s patha reflection of the entire structure of the tarot

  • Learn about the minor arcana of the tarot

How is the World interpreted in a card spread? Does it mean the same thing in a spread oriented to the past as in another that refers to the present and the future? Here we detail all the keys of the arcane The World.

Arcane of the day – The World (XXI) General characteristics

Here ends the journey of the Magician, yes, but it is a female character the one in the center of the oval. However, she continues to recognize herself because the rod remains, and if we look closely, she is a woman with very masculine attributes. The tarot thus demonstrates that the complete journey through the life of a human being passes through the total acceptance of the two energies, both the masculine and the feminine.

full consciousness is symbolized by four beings that appear on the letter: the Angelthe eagle, and the ox and the Lion: the angel represents the emotional perfectionthe eagle, symbolizes the realization of the mental; the ox refers to material welfare and the lion represents the creative energy, the movement that leads to conscious creation. And the character in the center, he is blessed with such gifts! In fact, his gaze goes to the left, which means a state of full receptivity, while one of the feet resting on the ground indicates its full acceptance of the world as it is.

What does The World mean in tarot?

This arcane represents the wholeheogre at its maximum power, as well as recognition. Coronation and power.

encompasses the femininethe tripsas well as the freedom. Represents positive emotions about oneself, such as confidencethe wellnessthe refinement and the integrity. There is a full receptivity towards the outside world and this makes us fulfilled people, we achieve success in our projects.

In negativethis letter means that there is an isolatelie from the outside world. falls into the unpopularity because pretentiousness and snobbery repel others. It doesn’t stand out too much with the card in a bad position or inverted, other than that it is not possible to correctly harmonize the positive energiesof the feminine and the masculine. It is self-centered and quite simple in conversation.

How to interpret letter XXI?

the important peoplethe higher social classes, a realized being in his world, a masterpiece, people with whom it is very easy and pleasant to contact.

Is a letter to keep in mind if you wonder about the future home placementor housing, or if you expect to see a Romance who lives somewhere other than ours. It also reveals in one roll and without our specifically asking for it, our degree of openness to the world and the desirability of this being so. Normally it is good to show openness, but not always, if this arcane appears next to the Priestess, for example.

  • Read about The Priestess, one of the wisest cards in the tarot

love tarot

When this letter comes out as an answer to our question, the couple lives in perfect harmony and no problem affects us. Communication is excellent, at all levels. The understanding of feelings is reciprocal. In the case of not having a partner, it is time to open up to the outside, because there are great opportunities to meet the one who will be the love of our life.

In a negative sense, It preferred keep up appearances rather than work through relationship difficulties. It’s so easy to fall into extravagant behavior, and the couple encourages to be out of tune, but in this case it will be experienced as something negative in the environment of both. The lie on both sides it is something normalized.

money and work

The growth both at the labor and economic level is notoriouswith being arcane it is not surprising that we end up abroad, especially if it is accompanied by the Chariot card

  • See more about the Chariot, the quintessential job card of the tarot

If you don’t have a jobthe most convenient strategy would be turn to contactsIt is an excellent time to promote yourself.

in a bad positionthis letter brings certain melancholy of mind, we do not feel loved and appreciated. It can also invade us the wish that everything changesWell, it’s been a long time doing the same thing. One crosses time of impediments although for more psychological reasons than circumstances. In the event of not having a job, we must learn to don’t be so proud.

health consultations

This arcane announces a excellent health, and in case of being sick, recovery will be quick and complete. It brings with it the recommendation to go out more often to get fresh air. Locking yourself in is bad for your health!

The World in the tarot. card reading

| magic horoscope

The revelation of this card, providing large doses of realization, makes the spread acquire a quite positive connotation.

It is important to notice that the card comes out at the end of the throw. In this case it will reveal your Maximum potential. Otherwise could be indicating that we are living “locked up” in ourselves.

In any case, beneficially transforms any other cardor mitigate its negative effects, extracting its best meaning.

the world in the past

doWhat is the result of everything we have done in the past And what changes has it produced in us? We cannot stay in all the good that has already been done, it is necessary to continue working to improve our personality.

The world in the present

The question that needs to be asked at the present moment is if we feel fulfilled. It also leads us to ask ourselves if we feel claustrophobic with our own life. Are we giving ourselves the opportunities we need? If not, the world will find us, even if we want to escape from it. Better to welcome him with open arms.

the world in the future

Here the letter develops its full potential. tells us situations that are yet to come that will mean the culmination of this entire process that we have been developing. We will meet people who will make our lives even happier, we will find the dream goal at the work level or we will recover our health as soon as we take care of our bodies on a daily basis.

Curiosities about The World, card XXI of the Major Arcana

  • In the Christian tradition, sometimes the saints are represented within this oval figureas in the case of the World and is called “mandorla”. This is a word that comes from «almond», What is it a symbol of eternity and which in turn reminds the female sex.
  • The Angelthe oxthe eagle and the Lion represent the four evangelists, Mark, Matthew, Luke and John
  • The number 21 is the highest in the Tarot and therefore indicates the supreme realization.
  • The world is associated with color blue violetthe music note THEthe Hebrew letter taw (meaning “cross”), the planet Jupiter and the element Lead.