Meaning of tarot cards

The character of Emperor can be seen seated stable, or on the contrary, standing and leaning on the throne, ready to act if he wishes, is the force at rest. Arcanum number four of the tarot does not feel any need to be agitated, since it is established in the consolidation of its authority. His crossed legs draw a white square that shows us his roots in matter. Everything in this card indicates nobility.

He is the husband of the Empress and the father of the Magician and its meaning denotes security and stability. But what is your message in a tarot love or money spread? Here we reveal the nuances of the arcana of the day, the Emperor.

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Arcana of the day – The Emperor (IIII)

Arcana of the day – The Emperor (IIII): Meaning of the tarot cards | magic horoscope

Represents power and authority, the foundation of the facts, the faculty of reasoning, logic, inductive reasoning, scientific progress, from a conscientious and thorough work. The emperor is frequently associated with the figure of his father. He suggests a very constructive masculine energy.

The letter tells us about self discipline, self-confidence and stability through action and firmness that we have in the situations we live in. That determination will lead us to control what wants to stop us and, with our heads held high, get out of any pothole.

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What does The Emperor mean in tarot?

It represents the authority, the foundations of what is well built and its roots, it has the capacity for work and the actions materialize in the most convenient way. Ideas become concrete and this is realizing.

well placed, the Emperor suggests a stable and protective companion, a balanced home, work carried out successfully, well-established health. For a young man, he can also pose the question of masculinity well resolved.

on the negative side, there is an excessive rigidity that prevents changes of ideas, it is easy to fall into sectarianism and emotional blockages. When the Emperor becomes too materialistic, there is a risk of mismanaging material goods, being too selfish.

How to interpret the letter IIII?

In a query, represents a man of power, the ability to pacify, to reign, to protect, stability. To a man between thirty and sixty years old, or a person who is capable of making his own decisions because he knows that he is usually right.

The emperor gains more strength in those questions that have to do with employment, work and finances. Faced with these questions, the fact that it appears in a favorable position bodes well for our plans. As for questions of love or health, their appearance is not so decisive, although it also adds nuances to the interpretation.

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love tarot

It is a relationship that we have assured, love is stable and mature. It may be that with peace of mind some of the spark is lost, but it ensures that together with that person we can build very satisfactory common projects for both of us. Firm decisions and realism prevail over romantic ideals, which often do not lead to anything good. when this letter appears There are great possibilities of moving in together.

If the letter comes out poorly positioned or invertedThis means that there is a lack of firmness, even professional concerns can hinder the relationship. excessive jealousy or an excessive sense of possession can lead to violence, we must be vigilant.

health tarot

we have one strong and resilient healthbut, in case of illness, the prognosis is that we will get out of this situation and health will recover.

in the negativeindicates a highly resistant disease to treatment. The liver must be monitored, as well as the blood pressure and the spleen.

Tarot of money and work

The appearance of this card refers to the possibility of becoming master of one’s own material life, of take charge of what makes it possible to guarantee one’s own safety. There is a certain economic balance that brings happiness Good administration of the economy is made or one enjoys the social position and the goods acquired, the authority achieved before others.

If you are looking for a job, Hiring is highly likely or even ascend to positions of responsibility, if they remain in the company for a certain time. The Emperor is recognized for his authority, being a positive period of affirmation and social recognition of his own abilities.

on the negative sidethe foundations of professional stability may disappear, or there may be a tough job loss. There is a risk of falling from the pedestal or falling into the head for no reason.

Regarding finances, financial stability is good, money comes to life thanks to hard work and the development of one’s own abilities. Being serious and saving is the key.

The meaning in a negative card reading announces the appearance of punctual financial problems, a tendency to greed and the commitment to projects harmful to oneself.

The Emperor in the tarot. card reading

Arcana of the day – The Emperor (IIII): Meaning of the tarot cards | magic horoscope

In general terms, this arcane in a spread of cards tells us about the important people who taught us what power is. When asked about the pastrefers to the people who have accompanied us and they have instilled a sense of responsibility and a job well done. When the question is asked in the Presentpoints the aids that are availablewhile if you query for the futureportends that we must stand firm for the love of our loved ones.

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The letter is of a clear positive trendso even if it appears in a bad position and acquires a negative meaning, the effects at the predictive level will always be mitigated.

Meaning of the Emperor in the past

Throughout life we ​​have had the protection of a strong authority, which in some way has allowed our position to improve, thanks to a person or an entity. In the negative sense: in the recent past there have been conflicts with authority of some kind.

Meaning of the Emperor in the present

Right now we may need help in some aspect of life, someone with more experience and in a position of authority will arrive to give us a hand. Just as someone protects us through his influence and authority, we also have loved ones who depend on us and who must be cared for as if our lives depended on it.

Meaning of the Emperor in the future

There will be an event in the future that will give us the opportunity to lead some aspects, but You have to take the initiative and be responsible for decisions. It is the promise of a dazzling future, but first you have to bet on yourself.

Curiosities about The Emperor, card IIII of the Major Arcana.

is related to the sign Leothe music note DOcolor redhebrew letter hethand with him trail 15 of the tree of life.