Meaning of tarot cards

The arcanum of the day, The Devil (XV) makes an impression among tarot learners, but as always, there are no good or bad cards, it depends on your interpretation! Let’s not forget that initially this being was the fallen angel that God expelled from paradise…

If the Pope indicated a bridge to spiritual heights, the Devil appears as a tempter who shows the way to the depths of being.

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In the popular mind, the Devil evokes money, tempts humans with a promising contract and is the one that requires our souls, but what other meanings does he hide in a card reading? All the mysteries of this disturbing arcane will be revealed to you here.

Arcane of the day – The Devil (XV): General Characteristics

In the image we can see represented a be androgynous, with female breasts and male genitalia. Sexuality takes center stage in this figure more than in any other arcana of the tarot.

In his left hand he holds a white sword with the tip raised and the right hand shows claws… This being uses all his arsenalto achieve their ends. Both of reason, associated with the manufacture of weapons and tools, and of the most basic instincts, represented by that animal claw.

His facial expression is ambiguous: it suggests, on the one hand, a deep concentration and, on the other, a childish grimace. Arguably breaking through the layer of popular fear she inspires, she thus reminds us that it’s just a caricature. The devil hides nothing it is completely devoid of hypocrisy. We are the people who insist on not accepting the darkest part of ourselves.

Finally, draw attention the two characters their feet are like roots that sink into the blackness of the ground. They have been reduced to their most primary features, which is why they are represented with animal characteristics. They are two beings who are tied to each other by their desirebut also rooted in the deep origin (the black soil) and thus converted into servants of the androgynous creativity of El Diablo.

What does The Devil mean in tarot?

the devil represents our instincts brought to lightthe wishes and the Will of domination. In each one of us this type of hidden power sleeps and it depends on us how to use that energy. Whether it’s for him right or for him wrong!

This card has traditionally been associated with the black magic, with the subordination, to the devastation and the fatal fall. But it also tells us the mysterious trials of life through which we increase our personal powerwithout necessarily hurting anyone.

It is the beginning of physical vitality, of the physical and hidden senses. When it appears, the chances are that very soon we will have sex, money or power in abundance. It is not a card that can be ignored in a spread, since refers to everything that humans care about on a sensory level and makes us wake up at night. Our capacity for persuasion and seduction is enhanced. It is the letter of temptation. But there is no better way to get rid of temptation than to give in to it.

This letter in bad positions does not bode well. arise the brutality and the violence, especially if it is accompanied by The Force, dirty business and material problems of all kinds come our way. Destructive passions, sterile and dangerous stubbornness…

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In a more advanced interpretation, the inverted position of the arcanum indicates a certain spiritual overcomingthe fact of being above the banalities of this world. liberation from slavery which sometimes involves meat. It gives in a certain way to the lowest human nature.

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How to interpret letter XV?

This card represents the warlocksto people with magnetic power used for the dark, like the burglars or people with can Y money. It also refers to speculators, idols and people from the world of sports as well as politics… All of them with great ability to influence the reality of other people.

It is clearly the generic figure when asking about material gains. It is also usually associated with questions that have to do with hobbies The questions about sexuality they are also represented under this arcanum.

The actions are fast and forceful when it comes out in a card spread. The devil cannot be cajoled with the promise of a calm and nurturing wait. You want everything and you want it right away.

love tarot

passion is red hot as for the couple. It greatly enjoys the most carnal pleasures and the bed becomes a creative space where you innovate without too much effort. Expenses without measure in pleasures. The fidelity it is present, but on condition that the partner is a strong stimulus on a day-to-day basis. Sex becomes too important an issue.

on the negative sidethere is a certain tendency to violenceor to perversion. Lies and manipulation must be closely watched, as well as emotional blackmail.

money and work

In money and job opportunities, there is no better arcane when it is in your favor in the spread. There are salary increases and the will to dominate on the professional environment is fulfilled. However, there is still a tendency to use others intelligently to reach their own ends.

in the negativethe excessive appetite for the material It leads us to abuse of power or to complain bitterly when money is lacking, which prevents us from trying to be happy.

health consultations

The sexual organs are a source of diseases before the appearance of this letter. The hormones may be alteredjust like him sleep, which appears disturbed. The excesses of all kinds are dangerous.

well positionedindicates an excellent sexual health that brings the psychosocial well-being.

The Devil in tarot. card reading

If we have to summarize this letter, we would say that guides us towards our deep nature, It encourages us not to mask it. Fulfillment consists in being what one is.

Nevertheless, It is a difficult energy to masterthat is why its polarity in a spread is rather negative. It depends on our degree of spiritual maturity that this card will bring us positive consequences.

This arcane becomes relevant in questions about the futureas this card is deeply related to progress and evolution (material, spiritual, etc.)

the devil in the past

What is the passion that keeps us tied today? What sexual desires are we repressing? In a negative sense, this card can indicate sexual problems that we have been dragging from the oldest past. There are traumas that we must deal with. The past takes up too much space in our lives and prevents us from getting closer to material abundance.

The devil in the present

You make money, but it is also good to consider reasonable doubt. To whom have we sold ourselves to tame our fortune? Because this card, although it indicates the triumph of the material, always has to encourage us to examine our conscience. It is not going to be that this money is the source of our discomfort in our present, instead of our joy.

The devil in the future

What values ​​that we consider negative in us, should we mitigate? Well, until we rectify ourselves on a moral level, it becomes difficult for us to move towards our final goal. In the future, we can earn a fortune that can destroy us if we don’t do prior spiritual work first.

Curiosities about The Devil, card XV of the Major Arcana

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  • The arcanum of The Devil is related to the Baphomet of the Templars, goat on the head and legs, woman on the breasts and arms
  • The rosary beads It is composed of fifteen big bills and fifteen tens. This reminds us that it is not possible to develop spirituality without first starting from a lower human nature.
  • The color related to card XV is blue violetits musical note is THEits Hebrew letter is Ayin (meaning “eye”) and corresponds Capricorn as a zodiac sign.