Ritual to find work: 4 spells to achieve it

The human being has his life configured around money, and he achieves it through work. Something that goes back to the very Bible, because God cursed man, his creation, with that sentence of «you will earn your bread with the sweat of your brow» that Genesis collects in one of its first chapters.

Currently, work and job opportunities are a scarce commodity, not everyone who wants to be in the labor market has the opportunity to prove their worth. And it is that although we have an excellent preparation and a considerable trajectory, that may be insufficient for us to be called for a job interview, and we can resort to sorcery to achieve the signing of a contract.

Rituals to find work

Thus, Magic Horoscope offers you a good selection of rituals to find work that you can carry out in your own home and with elements that are easy to find in any store.

1. Ritual with green candles

For this ritual, you will need the following:

– A green candle big enough to burn scriptures.

– A sharp knife.

– A bowl of milk and a piece of bread.

Once all the elements have been gathered, lock yourself in a place where you can be comfortable and calm, without interruptions. Take the candle with your right hand, and write with the knife the name of the job you want, or in which company you want to be hired. In case our professional profile is very versatile and we can apply for several positions, we can simply carve «a good job», or any other concept that you consider appropriate. Yes indeed, the more concrete and concise the work, the more likely the ritual will take effect because the energy will be concentrated in a more effective way.

Have you already written it? Then you must wait until the following Sunday, and thirty minutes after the Sun has completely disappeared, you must light the flame of the candle with a wooden match preferably. Put it next to a window, and next to it, leave the glass of milk and the crust of bread, a food on each side, as an offering. We let the candle burn itself outand we throw the remains of wax, bread and milk to an area where water runs, or we can bury it in the garden.

2. The power of the magnet

For this ritual you will need the following items:

– A small magnet.

– Two yellow candles and one white.

– A piece of square yellow cloth.

– Three bay leaves.

– Carnation petals, preferably yellow.

– Wheat grains.

-A yellow ribbon.

On a Sunday night, place the candles in a straight line, with the white one in the center, and turn on this one first and then the others. Place the fabric next to the candles and put the vegetable ingredients in the center.

The next step is to gently take the magnet in your hands and pronounce the following invocation three times. «I invoke the good spirits of heaven and earth, which attract me by the power of attraction, which this magnet represents, to bring me total and lasting success in my professional activity».

Put all the ingredients in the cloth and tie it with the bow, and let the candles burn completely. Carry this little bag that you have made as a charm, inside your bag during the day and under the bed at night. Use the magnet as a paperweight or give it some use, but try to be in contact with it daily.

This ritual to find a job can also be useful to us to be successful in creating a business., facilitating a transfer, advancing in a particularly ambitious project and in any other circumstance related to the labor market. We can even perform it on behalf of another person and give them the yellow cloth bag and the magnet, which you will have already charged with powerful energy. According to tradition, from the eighth day of its realization we will begin to notice the effects of this spell.

3. An offering to Saint Pancras

Within Christianity, Saint Pancras, a Roman martyr, is often invoked as a patron to have a job. Her figure is usually offered parsley, and a coin is placed on the image’s finger, which points to the sky. have a hole in its center.

If we have an image of San Pancracio at home, in addition to making the aforementioned offering, we can pray the following aspiration:

«Glorious Saint Pancratius! Reach me from God honest work and sufficient for all the needs of this temporary life. I ask you for health and strength to carry out my work, and through you, I trust in reaching eternal glory. Amen».

If someone in our environment is actively seeking employment, we can give them a figure of this long-haired saint, because according to tradition, it is more effective if we buy it ourselves.

In addition to so that we do not lack work, Saint Pancras is considered the patron saint of people afflicted by poverty, of fortune and of games of chance.

4. A prayer to the firmament

If we do not have Christian beliefs, we can also pray. In the evening, preferably on a Thursday, go to an open area where you can see the sky with your eyes by tilting your head back.

Next, cast the following magical spell, preferably barefoot:

“Great Heaven and great Masters, I ask all of you to obtain a worthy job according to my abilities, in which I will learn to work and obtain the appreciation of my superiors. My request concerns a noble cause and I ask you to implore on my behalf.. I promise that I will be able to show myself up to the requirements and that I will be able to work wonders. Tonight I ask you to help me. With you I am the one who acts. Thank you».