Soul Number 22: Meaning and Symbolism

The soul urge number is one of the five main numbers that make up your Numerology chart. The soul urge number reveals the secrets of your innermost self; your secret drives and desires that may be directing your behavior in ways you are not aware of.

Learning about the meaning and vibrational essence of your soul urge number can help you decipher messages from your innermost being that may provide clues to your life’s deeper meaning and purpose.

If you’ve ever wondered why you’re here or what great purpose your life has, cracking your soul urge number can help.

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Calculating your soul urge number

The soul urge number can be derived from your date of birth or calculated using the values ​​of the letters in your name.. Traditionally, soul urge numbers have been assigned to specific days of the month.

In the case of soul urge number 22, it would be the 22nd of any month. To calculate your soul urge number from the letters in your name, you will need to consult a Numerology letter chart. This chart assigns values ​​to all the letters of the alphabet. The soul urge number is the sum of all the vowels in your birth name.

It is important to use your full birth name rather than a nickname or shortened version of your name, because that is the name your soul chose when it left spirit and took material form.

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The meaning of the master number 22

Master number 22 is the number of the master builder, which has great importance in the world of numerology. Those who have the number 22 in their chart are luminaries who are adept at bringing their soul’s creative vision into material form.

Although we do not usually add the individual digits of the master number to form a single digit, the master number 22 can also be associated with the energy of the number 4, since its digits add up to 4.

The number 4 is associated with being detail-oriented, meticulous, and highly efficient, able to carry out projects with ease. The energetic vibration of 22 is very similar to that of 4, but on a larger scale. The Master Builder can bring anything into material formregardless of the perceived obstacles and problems that may arise.

In the Chinese I Ching, the kua or hexagram associated with the number 22 is P$0027I which can be translated as adornment, elegance or grace. The commentary of this kua says: “Contemplating the pattern of the Heavens, we can examine the development of time; contemplating that of man, we can successfully transform the world.”

In this commentary we see an acknowledgment of a universal energy that operates in the heavens, in the world, and in ourselves. The Master Builder is attuned to that energy and can use it to produce tangible results in the world of form.

The meaning of soul number 22

As a soul urge number, the master number 22 signifies that you are both a visionary and an architect, one who is both practical and creative and indicates that you have a deep desire to bring your vision into material reality.

This usually means bringing about an internal transformation that, once accomplished, it will also transform your outside world in an important way.

People with a soul urge number of 22 desire transformation on the largest scale possible, often becoming diplomats, idealists, and artists whose visions transform society on a grand scale. If you have this energy in your chart, you are a great thinker whose ideas can help bring about social change.

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Decipher the messages of the spirit using the number of your soul

The Master Builder can be associated with the Cobbler or Magician in the Major Arcana of the TarotY represents the creative forces that reside in all of us.

Another way to interpret the number 22 in terms of the Tarot deck, however, is to associate the master number 22 with the unnumbered Fool card.

This may seem counter-intuitive at first, until you realize that The Fool was left unnumbered so that he could appear at the beginning or end of the Tarot sequence, and represents the neophyte or spiritual acolyte on a journey from the illusion to the realm of spirituality.

The Major Arcana of the Tarot begin with The Magician in the first position and end with The World (in some decks The Universe) in the 21st position.

The card of the Fool without number could be placed in the zero position of the uninitiated world, or in the 22nd position as a fully realized spiritual teacher.

At the end of the major arcana sequence, The Fool is the spiritual pilgrim who has completed the spiritual journey and must now take what he has learned to the outside world. In the Rider Waite Tarot, The Fool is depicted as facing a yawning abyss.

The energy of soul number 22 supports you on your spiritual journey, providing you with creative resources that you can access any time you need them. That is why, instead of looking down over the lip of the cliff, into the abyss, The Fool has his gaze raised to the heavens.

Understand that there is nothing to fear because has accessed his own inner creative powers and it is aligned with the energy of the Master Builder, the energy that creates worlds.