mystical meaning of the 6 pointed star symbol


The Star of David is a 6-pointed star with great mystical significance.. Jewish symbol, also sometimes referred to as hexagram, seal of Solomon, star with 6 points, double triangle, talisman of Saturn… Names are not lacking for this famous symbol!

It is a timeless star full of history, which gives meaning to our past, our present and our future. It carries within it the energy of the numbers of creation and the power of the words of the Bible.. But there is no explanation for its origin, except for an Indian source or stories about King David.

In the following report we will analyze its origin, its properties and its uses, as well as many other details.

Mystical meaning of the Star of David: uses and properties

The hexagram or seal of Solomon is the base of the Star of David and it is an ancient symbol that has been used throughout the centuries by the Jewish people, but also by Arab magicians, Kabbalists, Druids and even Satanists.

In occultism, the 6-pointed star is not only inseparable from the pentagram or pentagram, but in fact it is just the opposite, the hidden part.

The Star of David can be seen as a double pyramid. The descending triangle represents the negative principle and the ascending one the positive. For many it is considered an equivalent to the oriental symbol of Yin and Yang.

There are also those who see in the Star of David a union of the masculine and the feminine, and how the two triangles intertwine to evoke the sexual actbetween an active and a passive force according to the scheme of the aforementioned Yin and Yang.

Of its properties and uses, it stands out how the 6-pointed star is used within the satanist cult to represent the number 666, the number of the antichrist according to Revelation 13 because it contains 3 figures of six: 6 points, 6 triangles, 6 faces of the hexagon. The Star of David is used in black magic and many witchcraft manuals describe rituals to summon demons from the hexagram.

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Why is it called the Star of David?

If the 6-pointed star is known as the Star of David, it is because it is attributed to King David. The bible tells us that David was the first king that God placed on Earth, and his most famous feat was to kill the giant Goliath, whom he defeated by throwing a stone at him with a wave. He then became a warrior king.

The Star of David has six star branches that symbolize the six days that God created the world. According to tradition, the Star of David symbol was on King David’s shield, which protected him against enemies. This tradition comes from the Bible, from Ephesians 6:16, because there it says «Take above all the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the fiery darts of the evil one.»

If before we talked about that the hexagram is also known as the seal of Solomon, it is because Solomon, the son of David, engraved the fight between his father and the giant on a ring with this symbol, It represented the fight between the earth and the sky. And it is that another mystical meaning of the star of David is the conjunction of heavenly and earthly energy.

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Linking the Star of David and the Jewish people

King David is buried in Jerusalem, just outside the old city, and every day it is visited by hundreds of faithful of the Jewish religion, who prostrate before it to pray. However, the connection of this figure as a symbol of Judaism was also reflected in the conquest of Europe that Adolf Hitler tried to carry out in the 20th century. Hitler forced all Jews to wear a yellow six-pointed star. on their clothes during the time they were brutally persecuted at the time of the holocaust.

At the founding of the state of Israel, the Star of David depicted on the flag became the symbol of Israel. From a distinctive sign to a sign of infamy, the Star of David appears today as the key to knowledge that leads every man to God.

Recentlya representation of the Star of David was found in a Jewish sanctuary in the city of Taranto, in southern Italy, in a tomb dating from the early third century after Christ. His name, as such, appears in Jewish writings for the first time in the 20th century, in a book by Judah Hadassi, which mentioned that the «Shield of David» is behind the name of each angel.

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Some experts point out that the Star of David is a complicated interlocking figure that has not six, but twelve sides, since it would not be composed of two superimposed triangles but of six smaller triangles that emerge from the central hexagram. Like the Jewish people, the star has twelve sides, representing the twelve tribes of Israel.


Another explanation of the star of David

Kabbalah teaches that God created the world with seven spiritual building blocks which are his seven emotional attributes. As a result, all of creation is a reflection of these seven fundamental attributes. These are Hesed (kindness), Gevurah (severity), Tiferet (harmony), Netzach (perseverance), Hod (Splendour), Yesod (Foundation), and Malchut (kingdom).

The Star of David contains seven compartments, which would represent these attributes. Yesod would be the center, the base, and all the other attributes are rooted in it and come from it.

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