How to read the palm, the lines and their meanings

it is possible to find out what is likely to happen next

It has been known since ancient times that the palms of the hands contain hidden meanings… Surely the line of destiny, or the cross of Saint Andrew, are familiar to you. Do you want to know the meaning of the lines on your hand and how to read them? Here you will find a fairly complete article on the generalities of the complex art of palmistry.

what is palmistry

palmistry is the divinatory art that focuses on the interpretation of the lines of the palms of the hands. Throughout history we have always tried to find out what people were like long before they opened their mouths. Prevention is the best antidote. Thanks to observation, we intuit very well who possesses goodness or evil by taking a look at a face.

More recently it has been discovered that the palms of the hands are in close connection with neural development throughout the gestation of the fetus, that is why it is said that part of the nervous system can be seen drawn on the palm of the hands. The palm lines bear some resemblance to the convolutions of the brain; Nothing about this is casual…

Now that we are clear about what palmistry is, which hand shall we examine? Well, for starters, we must know which is the dominant handor in other words, interpret the right hand in right-handers and the left hand in left-handers. Handdominant represents the most important influences of the character and the non-dominant hand gives us information generally related to influences from a person’s past lives. Its reading is better reserved for when you have more experience in the matter.

types of hands

When interpreting the hands we have to be methodical, if we don’t want to saturate ourselves with the huge amount of information that we can get from a single hand. The first step is to look at the shape of the hands. Are they big or small? Delicate or rough? Wide or thin fingers? This reveals the person’s tendencies or temperament. His first impulse to act. There are several classifications, but the most accepted is that of the elements that we present below.

Earth Hand

Also known as a square or useful hand, it is wide and square, its fingers have a length that matches the height of the palm. The skin is thick and the center of the hand is reddish. People with this hand shape are characterized by being orderly, stable, safety-loving and that inspire a lot of confidence in others. Very strong, attached to the material, with their feet firmly on the ground. Their appearance is not the most graceful, but they are people you can always count on.

Air Hand

It is also called «conical» or «artistic». in this hand the palms are slightly shorter than the length of the fingers, the knuckles being quite remarkable. The texture of the skin in this case is described as slightly dry. They are very sensitive people, love technology, skillful researchers, Very active and get bored easily. They stand out for being extremely creative. Also, these hands have great capacity for healing.

The fingers of the air hands are elongated, perfect for playing the piano |

Hand of Water

We say that we are before a hand of water when the palm is longer than it is wide, but the length of the palm and the length of the fingers are almost the same. People with this type of hand shape possess elegance and beauty, with a great sense of the artistic. They do not leave home without wearing a clean set of clothes, although they are not materialistic. Sensitivity is on the surface. Some develop psychic powersThey are a bit weak physically and their emotional stability will depend on the maturity of the people around them.

hand of fire

It is considered a completely square palm, but with the fingers much shorter than palm length, the skin color is pink. Those who have this form are characterized by being enthusiasticoptimistic, energetic, reliable, active, they can do work where detail is appreciated, since they are extremely detailed, sometimes a little vain so they like to be admired.

Mixed Hand

This hand has mixed characteristics and traits from the previous hands. Some typical ground hands might have fingers typical of air hands; water hands could have tapered fingers, etc. These people are very subtle and can successfully adapt to very diverse situations, although they risk making bad decisions if they always depend on third parties.

The hills

They are the bulges of the hands. We observe that there are hands that are more flattened than others, the relief of the hand is not always the same throughout the palm. There are certain mounts that are quite revealing of the personality of the subject that possesses them and that They are very important in palmistry when making a good interpretation.


Mons pubis

This mountain indicates taste for the pleasures of life. If it is a highly developed mount, then the subject will probably be able to enjoy his senses enormously, he may even be good at cooking. On the other hand, an excess of bulge indicates gluttony and a certain laziness.

mount of the moon

This area of ​​the palm indicates the tripscreative ability, as well as unexpected events. A mountain that is too voluminous and humid indicates a person with an overflowing capacity for imagination., but is also prone to suffering from mental disorders, it all depends on where the person marks their limits. The mount of the moon that is too flat indicates a lack of charisma. The ideal is a balanced mountain, that its touch is pleasant. In this case, life will always bring unexpected joyful events.

mount of mars

They indicate the person’s fighting ability. It is located where the thumb begins.. When the aspect is normalis someone with A lot of energywith a marked but good character, very optimistic. If it’s sunkenis a person with a strong character and you have to be a little careful, since They tend to aggression. An oversized mount of Mars tells us about a violent person.

the lines of the hand


There are endless lines with divinatory meaning, but there are three basic lines that will tell us a lot about a consultant (or about ourselves). They change throughout life, so it never hurts to take a look at the palm of your hand from time to time. Really, very few people know the drawing of the lines of their hands in depth, unless we study palmistry!

Line of life

The line of life is one of the most importantas it appears on all hands. Its route is limited to the mount of the thumb. A marked life line indicates a good vitality. From the moment the line is cut, this does not mean that the life of the person is in danger, rather it indicates a energy slump or that they are going through a period of illness, without further ado. If this line is accompanied by another line that surrounds it, then there is an extra flow of energy. The double line of life is very common in athletes.

Intelligence or head line

It is the line just below the mound of the index finger, and it normally splits much of the palm horizontally. It reflects the type of intelligence of the person. If the line is straight and solid, which seems to leave a deep groove in the palm of the hand, we are dealing with analytical intelligence of excellent quality. The longer the line, the greater the logical capacity, although this does not mean that people with short lines are incapable of reasoning. The short head lines reveal a type of divergent thinking, capable of unexpected results that can make a difference in creative work. The more this line inclines towards the mount of the moon, the greater will be the tendency to fantasy and imagination.

line of love or heart

It is the line that runs horizontally across the palmbordering below the mound of the little finger, ring finger, heart and index. a deep lineas if it were a cut, indicates that we are dealing with a person of a faithful nature, who loves intensely, but can become somewhat obsessive. If, on the other hand, the line is barely drawn, the person is not particularly interested in romance. A love line that seems frayed and from which many branches come out indicates love affairsfleeting romances and a lot of success with the opposite sex, although relationships usually remain on the surface.

special lines

There are lines that do not appear on all hands, such as the cross of Saint Andrew or the line of destiny (described later) but when they appear, we must pay special attention because indicate great gifts that are very rare. No one who practices palmistry will miss these signs.

fate line

Its appearance in one of the palms indicates that the person could be predestined to lead a mission that will take her a lifetime. This line usually runs vertically across the palm, from the middle finger to the base of the wrist. On the quality of the line will depend how straight that person will perform in his personal mission. A crooked destiny line indicates that the person will discover her mission after many disappointments. The reward of a meaningful life is worth it!

Cross of Saint Andrew

The presence of this cross reveals the ability to heal with hands. The cross of Saint Andrew also appears among those with spiritual or religious concerns, who in some way guide others, once they accept the light they are bearers of. Great mystics and esoterics carry the cross of Saint Andrew in one of their hands.

This cross allows you to heal others with your simple presence, although they are not aware of its power. Being with them cleanses our energy and makes others feel better, they manage to make pain, stress or tiredness disappear. It is as if they have an internal filter that helps purify the energy of others.

the line of sons

They are small lines located on the mount of the little finger. The number of lines on the right hand indicates how many children will be had.

Special figures in the palm of the hand

Some of these figures may appear in the middle of a line, in which case their meaning changes. They tend to blend in with other surrounding lines, so make sure they don’t form from intersections.


They are a considerate sign of good luck. The presence in the palm of a person of a sign in the form of a triangle is positive and says that in the course of life this person will have success and good fortunea series of happy and well-being events associated with creative activity will arise.


The squares that are in the hand are guard signs. You have a lot of common sense in the area where the square appears. A person with a square on the love line will always know how to choose the best partner, for example. Exists ability to learn, both from their own…