Discover how it defines your personality and your life

The natives who have the Sun in the tenth house want fame, live an honorable life and are sometimes involved in scandals.. They are determined to have a position of power and authority, without being bothered by the responsibility that this would imply.

They are usually politicians, military worthy or any other role that gives them power. By being good examples to others because they are motivated to make a name for themselves, they are likely to build a very good reputation.

– Strengths: Responsible, sensual and hardworking.

– Challenges: Superficial, tyrannical and vain.

– Advice: They need to learn to balance career and personal life.

celebrities: Albert Einstein, Napoleon I, Al Pacino, Christina Aguilera.

Only a few 10th house suns remain in the dark because these natives have a special need to be respected and appreciated in society. It is as if they were born to nobility and to inspire others to be greater people.

How is the personality of the natives of the Sun in the 10th House?

People with the Sun in the tenth house like to work hard for their goals, success and feeling of accomplishment because power is in their blood.

They hate taking orders and have a need to be the one in authority at work.. It is important that they evolve in a career where they are the ones leading, not the ones being led.

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These people must deal with the fact that they are ambitious, but not create a false image of themselves and try to act as if they have a higher position than they really do.

10th house natives are determined to succeed and most of them will, but not until their thirties or even a little later. They may have problems at home because they are always putting career first and are too ambitious about their professional life instead of their family life.

These individuals have what it takes to be great leaders, even though others see them as arrogant and tyrannical. The tenth house rules public recognition, the inability to take orders, and the need to control things.

While the Sun may be unusual when it comes to a career, natives who have it in their 10th house are thirsty for the attention of their audience and have the ability to succeed in whatever career they may choose..

No matter their profession, their Sun in the 10th house will be at peace if they are the ones pulling the strings and everyone admires them for being so hardworking. In relation to public image, the house just mentioned makes people with their Sun in it very aware of how others perceive them.

These people are very ambitious to get all the respect in the world, whether they are CEOs or just starting out in a job. As said before, many of them are politicians, so power is another thing that they will certainly fight for.

However, they must be careful not to become obsessed with it because a life that is only focused on self-image and power is superficial and not at all satisfying.

good points

Sun in the 10th house individuals are driven to be as accomplished as possible, from a very young age. They are strong-willed and hard workers who can overcome any obstacle, no matter how difficult it is.

These people are recognized by the public as responsible and determined to succeed the individuals. It is important that they learn to relax and create a balance between their professional and personal lives. Having a good time and being successful is possible if they become more willing to play from time to time..

More focused on what is going on outside their environment and on stating what their main qualities are, they will use everything they know to obtain a high social position and to be recognized at work.

The Sun in the tenth house motivates you to have a strong influence and be recognized as you satisfy your thirst for power and make your dreams come true.

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This means that they will fight for a good career and a good place in society, generally managing to obtain a status in which they have many responsibilities and are recognized by others.

The placement of the Sun in the 10th house influences them to want to put their talents to use and be better than the crowd, also to lead rather than follow. Anything that helps them advance in their career will fascinate them. They may have an identity heavily influenced by their work and other things that have made them successful or helped them achieve their goals.

Normally involved in public affairs such as those related to politics and speaking on behalf of the masses, these will be of the utmost importance to them.

If they do not have the opportunity to participate in public life, they will identify as someone who does, while secretly dreaming of having important roles in people’s lives.

They really don’t like to be deprived and alone because this limits their chances to be successful and achieve many things in life.. It is as if something is pressing them to succeed and become someone they are proud of, often seeming that success and achievement are matters of life and death for them.

That is why they will always have high goals and will work hard to achieve them. They are more likely to go to a job that allows anyone to advance than to a place where there is not much room to climb the stairs, such as the bar.

They really want to be appreciated and admired for their efforts, because this is what increases their self-esteem. Your goals will be precise and your approach to achieving them methodical.

These natives are the embodiment of professional success, all the negative aspects of their chart being sometimes too difficult to counteract. But they are usually composed, proud of themselves, authoritarian and charismatic people who are respected and even admired by others, no matter how reserved and shy they seem.

It may seem to many that these individuals do not even strive to advance their careers because they are in the right place at the right time all the time.

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Worthy and honorable, natives who have their Sun in the 10th house are often respected and even an example to others. Usually in leadership positions, as if their Sun is in the 1st House, they hate being bossed around and second place.

It’s like all the ambition in the world has gathered in themso your goals will be achieved more or less easily, depending on how difficult they might be.

It is important that they have ambitions, but they must pay attention because a rapid professional evolution can also bring them many enemies. It’s not that they should no longer pursue their dreams, but that they should be more aware that some of their colleagues may try to prevent them from succeeding.

bad points

The Sun in the tenth house individuals tend to identify with what they have achieved in life. If they don’t realize that they are more than the sum of their successes, they will always believe that only the race is important.

Their profession can also be a big part of their identity, making them feel very proud if it is a noble profession and they have gained recognition for being good at it. If they haven’t accomplished as much at work, they will think less of themselves, but still have their work done perfectly.

If the Sun in the tenth house is afflicted, natives with this placement can be tyrannical and abuse their power to deal with their insecurities..

They may also work around the rules and step on others to get where they want, causing Saturn to become angry and remind them through his negative influence to be more honorable.

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The fact that they want to succeed may have something to do with their constant insecurity, but the energy of the Sun would make them overcome this problem and become more stable, able to find their center and also turn their assertive or exploitative ways into a need to cooperate and make things better for everyone.

If they are insecure, they may feel that only professional success can save them. Since they appreciate themselves based only on what is not under their control at all times, they may feel unworthy when their boss does not give them the position they are working so hard for.

In this situation, they can push themselves to the extreme, until they feel that there is only emptiness in their life. Only success makes them feel authentic and happy, which is sometimes problematic when working with others.

Another way their insecurities express themselves is when they feel so intimidated by their need to be the best that they no longer know what standards they should try to function in and therefore fail all the time.

This means that they would begin to have low self-esteem and no matter how hard they try, anxiety and stress would be the only ones that would dominate them.

Authority is what makes them weak too because they want to have it too much. They should be mature enough and put their pride aside as it is the only way to develop efficiently and from the inside out.

Should they manage to reach a certain level of maturity, they will undoubtedly become models of power and responsibility for others.

The Sun in your 10th house makes them oppose authority while commanding it themselves. This would be inconvenient because they can annoy some important and influential people in their life and not get what they want most, which is success. It can be a challenge for them to be parents because they are too authoritarian, but at least they will be appreciated at work for this.