Meaning of tarot cards

The arcanum of the day, The Chariot (VII), also known as Le Chariotis the seventh of the major arcana. It is the young Wizard who becomes a prince. The mutations and transformations in the past, present have given him good results, and bring him closer to a very promising future. The various lessons of life begin to bear fruit, the desire for autonomy and construction has been activated. It is the evolution of an indecisive young man who becomes someone eager for conquests and victories.

The dualities of the horses and the masks on their shoulders are somehow complementary, and affirm that everything in the universe is complete. This arcanum is a symbol of a total integrity that manifests its action on earth.

You want to know its meaning in a reading of love, money or health cards? Do not lose detail of what we tell you here!

Arcana of the day – The Chariot (VII)

This arcane invokes good luck, success. His talent and pride lead him to systematically break down obstacles, until he reaches total mastery of the problem. Progress and victory come naturally with such conduct. It symbolizes the work as a whole, the displacements, the vehicles, the progress in general.

The car represents action par excellence on all levels, on oneself and in the world. Unlike the empresswhich occupies the corresponding place in the earth square and which would indicate an outburst without a determined objective, The Chariot knows exactly where it is going.

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What does The Chariot mean in tarot?

The Chariot is often seen as a conqueror of mighty actiona lover of successful sexuality. Sometimes announces a trip. It is a card that advances towards success. Virile and extremely active card, sometimes suggests for a woman, who was desired as a child. The chariot also prompts one to wonder about the means of action that are used on the world and the way one directs one’s life.

In negativesuggests recklessness and inflexibility of the conqueror who believes he has the right to everything. This figure tells us about a harmful pride, the one that leads us directly to failure because you can’t see beyond your own nose. There’s a stagnationobstacles arise and everything that prevents the smooth flow of events or is not being entrepreneurial enough. Be careful with motor vehicles!

How to interpret the card of El Carro?

In general, it refers to the active people, in their twenties to fifties. More specifically, in a spread this major arcane can allude to the athletesa travelersthe conquerors who throw themselves into adventure without thinking twice, as well as the people given to others. Mechanics and all people related to automobiles.

Is a figure closely related to work and money tarot spreadssince the Chariot is only interested in winning, and what better battlefield than the material world. It brings with it triumph, success and evolution. The work and the victory are there; that is concrete and does not require external affirmations. The presence of this tarot card is very positive.

Upon his appearance, no matter what kind of query it is and as long as he is in a good position in the spread of cards, It tells us of an acceleration of events. The runaway horses of the cart are in a hurry to reach their destination… If you are against it, it indicates slight delays.

love tarot

The car poses an amorous conquest during a displacement (with El Enamorado), a good match, a favorable evolution or simply harmonious relationships in the couple (mastery and generous love). You feel attracted to structured and high-level people. Along with this arcane, there is also a desire for social evolution through the affective. We feel seductive and thirsty for love, regardless of the obstacles that come our way.

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on the downsidedisorder and restlessness arise, with which personal ambition harms the couple. More time is spent outside on the street than at home and the desire to escape in single people. The encounters are rather adventures, experiences that are lived without further ado. You may also incur some snobberywhich is the interest in people of a certain social class.

Tarot of money and work

Work is done with talent, and this reaps achievements in our path. Know-how is always present in everything that is undertaken, even if it is the first time that one dedicates oneself to an activity. Very good luck, overall. Responsibilities are justified and not suffocating. When this card appears, it also refers to the fact that it has a certain popularity, and it would not be unusual for us to be proposed for the professional trips. If you are starting in the company, there are rapid career advancement. It is also a good sign for job seekers.

as counterpartthere are some excessive desire to succeed that cloud the visionthe excessive harmful activitypoor coordination, it is too much opportunist and candor is lacking, and thus problems arise. Excessive rush to finishthe means are lacking or you have to move and make yourself known.

Regarding the financesyou enter a boom periodthe regular financial entries are correct, so much so that you can easily buy the vehicle you want. Money is earned thanks to personal merit and perseverance, it is a little wasteful but without great consequences.

In negative: too many Expenses generated by excessive impulsivenessin the case of considering the purchase of a car, the vehicle is too expensive or defective. (This arcane refers to problems related to vehicles, in general) financial problems that can be caused are difficult to overcome.

health tarot

In general, good vitality, but watch your legs, hips and feet; arrhythmias due to stress; There is some risk when traveling, especially if they are at full speed.

certain nonchalance can cause health problems. The mobility of the limbs can also be compromised by the appearance of this arcane.

The Chariot in tarot. card reading

Arcane of the day – The Chariot (VII): Meaning of the tarot cards | magic horoscope

The cart is an active figure that dynamizes the roll in the sense of movement and evolution. It is the figure that represents good periods of life in which “everything goes smoothly”. It is a mainly work letter, so it is vitally important when raising a question about whether or not you will get a job.

The car in the past

Our way of being has been strengthened for the events of the past, for the great efforts and sacrifices made. It is the fundamental strength of character in this type of past-oriented question. Were we forceful enough? Otherwise, with the car badly positioned indicates that we need to clothe our personality with a heavy layer of discipline; Only then will we achieve the objectives.

The car in the present

Asking about the present in a spread where the Chariot appears means that success is in the palm of your hand. The situation is overcome without problems.

The car in the future

If we continue as before and do not give up, in the future we will get the results we are looking for. Of course, we must rethink if we are taking the necessary measures for this. requires that we involve our conscious attention in the now to have a hopeful future.

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Curiosities about The Chariot, card VII of the Major Arcana

  • The charioteer could be thought of as the god Osiris in his triumphal chariot.
  • From an astrological point of view, this card is associated with the sign of cancer because the car is related to the shell of the crab and also to the one that carries its house everywhere. This card is also associated with the planet Mars, which seems contradictory… Cancer is a water sign and Mars, a fire planet! Does this have to do with the duality that accompanies all the symbology of this arcane?
  • The number seven is oriented to perfection and human globality. There is talk of the seven days of the week, the seven notes of the musical octave, the seven wonders of the ancient world…
  • The color corresponds to the car yellowthe musical note Methe Hebrew letter theth and the trail 18 of the tree of life