【 Dream Dictionary 】 What does it mean to dream of PREGNANCY?

In the same way that pregnancy implies the growth of a new being within you, dreaming that you are pregnant is the metaphorical representation of growth of new feelings and new illusions inside you. In short, personal evolution in a positive sense. If you wonder what it means to dream of pregnancy, we offer you the explanations and their variants through the dream dictionary.

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Dream dictionary: What does it mean to dream about pregnancy?

If you are in a hectic stage of your life in which there are many changes or a very important change, it is possible that your brain reproduce in dreams the illusion that you are pregnant. And it is normal that when you wake up you wonder: Am I really pregnant?

Dreams are always subjective sensations that have to be analyzed in their oneiric context, but as a general rule the dream of pregnancy always carries a positive message of change and growth staff. Because if you dream that you are pregnant you are harboring in yourself new hopes, new projects, new illusions: you are evolving.

Since pregnancy is normally a positive event in the life of the human being, the brain metabolizes it in sleep as allegory for a situation that brings something good. Depending on the context of the dream, however, things get complicated, as there are several meanings associated with pregnancy and, in some cases, it is encouraging us to improve some aspects of our lives.

The fear of assuming new responsibilities, the estrangement from your partner, insecurity in the face of physical changes, the failure of some personal projects or anxiety about becoming a mother can be some of the various interpretations of the dream. Even men can dream of their own pregnancy. The best way to know what the brain is telling us is to go to the dictionary of dreams.

Dreaming of pregnancy: variants of this type of dream

Pregnancy in the dream is synonymous with harboring new things in our lives, which is directly related to illusion and hope. But depending on the variants of the dream we will see associated new meanings, not always so flattering.

dream of own pregnancy

The dream of pregnancy is associated with the idea of ​​change in life: you are facing new challenges in your personal or professional project and your sensations of hope are represented in the image of pregnancy. It can represent the achievement of a new job, a job promotion, the opening of new paths in life, the birth of a new love, personal change, etc.

Dream of someone else’s pregnancy

Dreaming that another person is pregnant is synonymous with personal shortcomings and frustration. It is giving you the idea that you only care about others and that you neglect your personal world, to the point that you end up being unhappy. Even if it is a negative dream, you can extract an important lesson: the need to strengthen your inner world towards something positive.

Dream about a friend’s pregnancy

In this case, the meaning has an indirect meaning: you do not experience changes within yourself, but the dream announces the arrival of good things that will help you evolve and improve. Furthermore, it indicates that you harbor positive feelings and that you are in a very good moment of your life in which the people you have around you and that you love are bringing you joy and hope.

If you are a man and you dream that you are pregnant

It is a strange dream in men, but it can also happen. When you are a man and you dream of your partner’s pregnancy, you are experiencing a couple evolution or overcoming a marital crisis. But if you are the one who is pregnant, your subconscious expresses your real desire to be a father or feelings towards new projects that you are undertaking with energy: they are your goals and desires.

Dream about pregnancy with twins

The idea of ​​twins opens up a new dimension in dreams: contradiction. If you dream that you are pregnant with twins, you are probably going through a period of confusion in which your two real worlds, the material world and the spiritual world, fight to prevailand where the need to find balance and make the right decisions become the anxiety generated by that daydream.

Dream of pregnancy of a girl

The girl in our dream is the oneiric representation of jealousy and is related to our closest environment: analyze your personal context, you may be dissatisfied with your life and you project it through jealousy towards others. In addition to conveying the idea of ​​problems in marital or family life, dreaming of a girl’s pregnancy can come from anxiety about failure to get pregnant.

Dream of pregnancy of a child

Attention: if you dream of the gestation of a child you are in luck, because it is the expression of a good omen. You are harboring good feelings and positive emotions within you. You may have started a positive cycle in your life full of good intentions in which you develop new talents and qualities that you did not know. It can also represent success in a new job or project.

Dream of pregnancy and childbirth

This reverie is the materialization of your dreams, the oracle that announces immediate success. If you dream that you are pregnant and that you are in labor you have successfully completed a cycle of inner renewal and you are ready to enjoy your new achievements, or you are in the last steps of a very interesting project that will soon bear fruit.

Dream of pregnancy of a family member

The subconscious tells you with this dream that the people around you, in this case a family member, are needing your help to complete its evolution towards a new challenge. In some cases, however, the meaning is not so positive: dreaming of a relative’s pregnancy can mean disappointment, frustration, guilt or an unfinished project.

Conclusion: if you dream of pregnancy, pay attention to…

Taking into account the subjectivity of dreams, if you analyze well the context of the images that your subconscious reproduces, you will reach the conclusion of the meaning of the dream. In general, if you dream of pregnancy, it does not mean that you are going to get pregnant or that you already are, but that you are harboring within yourself new feelings and new challenges towards life improvement.

This dream can represent imminent success, in the case of dreaming of childbirth or breastfeeding, or the contradiction between two internal worlds that fight to prevail, when it comes to twins. In other cases, difficulties or conjugal fullness, the call to support our friends and relatives or, on the contrary, jealousy towards them and personal frustration, can give an answer to this dream.

In any case, at a time of change as important as the one you are experiencing, dreams can be an oracle for guidance or a personal support tool very interesting. Analyze the variant of the dream and extract the lessons to perfect that positive cycle of inner renewal.