It doesn’t matter what zodiac sign you were born with, you may not always be as honest and open to the truth as you think. In fact, research has found that 60% of people lie at least once every ten minutes.
honest people may have more arguments with family, friends, or even acquaintances because they hurt other people’s feelings with the things they say or do.
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But still, lies are a dangerous thing that seems tempting to tell, but can often spiral out of control the more we use them. Even the smallest of lies can ruin the way other people see us, and the last thing anyone wants to be called a liar.
some signs of the zodiac they tend to be more or less honest and trustworthy than others. There are signs like Virgo and Taurus, who are fairly balanced between being honest and dishonest, while Capricorn and Aquarius tell lies that are conditional and situational.
While there is much more to who you are than just your Sun sign and not everyone with a certain zodiac sign possesses all of the associated traits, there are some general patterns related to trustworthiness between each of the signs.
Here are the most and least honest zodiac signs in astrology, ranked from most to least trustworthy.
1. Sagittarius (November 22 to December 21)
Sagittarius is the most honest zodiac sign. Lying is the last thing on the Sagittarius mind. They love to be open and honest with those around them. In fact, they are brutally honest.
And sometimes too honest, which ends up biting them in the butt because some posters see it as tough.
A Sagittarius will respect you more if you are open and honest with them. They can’t stand deception and usually know when someone is lying to them.
Lying is an insult in the eyes of Sagittarius, that’s why they always tell the truth. The one thing they can never be called is a liar.
Sagittarius can seem a bit outspoken because they will always tell you how it is. However, on many occasions, his «honesty» in a situation may seem unnecessary.
2. Aries (March 21 to April 19)
Aries are known for telling you something about yourself that you may not have asked for.
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Whether they ask you «why did you wear that colored shirt?» or say “those glasses don’t do you much good”, an Aries won’t hold anything back.
They don’t believe in biting their tongues and they have no problem getting into petty discussions.
From the fire element, Aries is always able to light up a room with your truth.
And, just like fire, an Aries can be very brutal. No matter what happens, Aries will unapologetically be themselves.
3. Leo (July 23 to August 22)
Staying true to their animal sign, the lion, Leos they fear absolutely nothingnot even tell the truth.
While its truth emerges primarily in a «questions and answers» scenarioinstead of giving the truth you didn’t ask for, his too honest answers They make you wish you never asked to begin with.
A Leo wants to be a confident leader. whom others want to follow, and that can’t happen unless you’re sincere, so a Leo strives to always tell the truth.
Leos take pride in the fact that they constantly tell the truth, and the image they defend is much more important to them than telling a lie.
4. Cancer (June 21 to July 22)
The closer you are to a cancer, the more transparent they will be with you.
Since Cancers are known to be very affectionate, they are always mindful of other people’s feelings.
Because Cancer is closed to people they don’t know very well, it’s easy to think that being painfully honest isn’t in their nature.
However, friends and family who know the Cancer well know that they believe that honesty is vital to the growth of a relationship.
5. Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
Virgos sometimes share the truth a bit too much, which can make them seem a bit harsh.
However, they have also been known to tell white lies to spare the feelings of their loved ones.
Virgos struggle with honesty because they don’t like to hurt people.
The intentions of a Virgo are never malicious, which is why they sometimes feel the need to lie.
6. Taurus (April 20 to May 20)
If conflict doesn’t need to happen, then a Taurus will make sure to avoid it at all costs.
Even if it means telling a lie. This is because Taurus really dislikes being uncomfortable.
Often when they find themselves in uncomfortable situations, they will do whatever they can think of to get out of it.
Sometimes they even lie unnecessarily to make whoever they are feel good.
7. Scorpio (October 23 to November 21)
Unlike many of the other signs, a Scorpio’s purpose in lying is to make themselves feel better. They know what to say if they want to make you feel bad.
Scorpios also tend to be dramatic and extreme in some situations. This makes them lie more for the simple fact of telling a good story.
And although many often notice this tendency, Scorpios continue to do so.
If you can get close to a Scorpio and build a relationship, they become one of the most trustworthy signs.
8. Capricorn (December 22 to January 19)
In certain situations that demand the truth, Capricorns may respond using sarcasm, to get around the question.
A Capricorn’s personal life is something they’d rather not talk about unless it’s with a close friend.
If you are not a close friend, a Capricorn He will have no problem lying to you.
9. Aquarius (January 20 to February 18)
An Aquarius will only tell the truth if they feel you need to hear it.
They do not enjoy confrontation at all and will go to great lengths to avoid it.
Their truths can be hurtful when told, and they make sure the lies they tell come from a good place.
10. Pisces (February 19 to March 20)
A Piscean lie can be so well formed that they sometimes even end up deceiving themselves.
Although they are not as honest as a Sagittarius, their main reason for lying is to avoid other people’s feelings: sometimes unconsciously.
They don’t enjoy criticism, so if they need to lie to avoid it, they’ll happily do so.
11. Libra (September 23 to October 22)
Libras tend to lie in the name of personal gain. The only person Libra will be completely honest with is themselves.
Libra is one of the least reliable zodiac signs.
They hate when they are wrong, and if they have to lie to appear truthful, then they will.
If they’re caught up in your lie, they’re ready to argue.
His lies do not necessarily come from the desire to deceive, but to make everyone happy with them.
12. Gemini (May 21 to June 20)
Already known as the best liars, Gemini is the least honest sign of the zodiac and does not usually tell the truth. They tend to make excuses and fabricate their stories.
If you know a Gemini, you already know that you should not take the things he says seriously because it can end up being a lie.
Geminis are good at lying, so be careful.