Compatibility in love, in bed and in relationships: Gemini and Aquarius

For wild Aquariuses and adaptable Geminis, going for something deeper than a one-night stand comes very naturally. This relationship is one where both of you are ready and able to do anything to make things go perfectly.

Degree of compatibility between Gemini and Aquarius

emotional connection: Below average. Communication: Strong. Trust and reliability: Doubtful. common values: Strong. intimacy and sex: Average.

Flexible and imaginative beyond compare, they left doubts and anxieties behind and opted for a more direct and frank approach in all matters, especially those related to personal problems.

It is good that they are very tolerant and understanding of each other, as they can be very different in personality or temperament.

When Gemini and Aquarius fall in love…

It is a cosmic event, the meeting between these two celestial individuals, Gemini and Aquarius. Wherever they go, they will eventually start to get curious about what exactly is hiding behind the foliage, or under the steep ground, in other words, are deeply curious and eager to discover the mysteries of the entire world.

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And even better, it would be a great idea for both Aquarius and Gemini to put aside the lone wolf attitude and go into a partnership instead. Who knows? Maybe it would be the best idea ever.

For example, while resourceful Gemini lovers have the most inventive ideas ever, wanting to put them into action is much more difficult, especially in the later phases. And this is exactly what ambitious and persevering Aquarians are good at. The result? Success, success and success once again.

When they manage to put aside all extraneous thoughts and instead focus on a common goal, miracles will happen and people will have to wonder what their secret is.

When things get really boring or muddled into routine, they both have their own ways of dealing with it, Water Bearers putting extra effort into work, or striving to build a better future in general, while Twins will fall asleep, a lot.

Yes, that’s what they do when nothing new and exciting is happening, they sleep a lot. And this is exactly what both of you should do, slow down and take a well-deserved break from all the back and forth.

Because both Aquarius and Gemini they are endowed with great potential and a terrifyingly dynamic personalitythere will be times when you will get so fed up with each other, that personal space will become an essential concept for a period of time.

Not only this, but in general, both of them can take the reins and start leading the troops into action, without even considering that there are other people who would want to express their thoughts and opinions.

This is bound to receive a review over time, because quite a few of these situations will eventually create a rift in your relationship.

The relationship between Gemini and Aquarius

The way these natives do things, and especially how they present themselves to most people, is not so much strange as surprising, because they cannot understand how they manage to do what they do, the way they do it. make.

Well, if for the others it is all a mystery, for the other it is nothing if it is not clear, because only they understand what it takes to unleash the true coordination of the souls between the partners.

It is exactly the highly complex and complicated psychology of both Aquarius and Gemini that confuses a lot of people, because they can make it simple and obvious when they go around messing around with a problem and solve it in no time, but it is not as simple as that. It requires a lot of concentration, attention to detail, as well as most importantly, incredible trust in one another.

Professionally, these guys they will have to be very careful, since they are both gifted who want nothing more than to achieve a very respectable and successful position. That will come with a lot of effort and time spent wisely, obviously, and then you won’t even have time to glance at each other.

Preferably, they should have the same occupation, or be incredibly adept at dividing their attention across multiple things. Otherwise, the Gemini-Aquarius relationship will not progress at all, and there will always be a risk of disaster and even breakup if these situations keep piling up.

Socially, these natives are quite unique in their own way as Aquarius lovers often tend to forget about these petty things like going out and meeting people. What use is it to them, apart from a temporary distraction?

Well, social life has its role, and Geminis are there to explain it, forcing them out of their houses and putting drinks in their hands, or a nice red balloon in front of them.

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But when both feelings are anxious and fit for nothing but staying inside, what then? Well then, they should choose to do what they both likeand that is any of the following: research, intellectual debates, and discussions of the world’s not-so-common topics.

Be it philosophy, science, biology or chemistry, ethics or metaphysics, these natives have it all covered, as if that is what they have been doing all their lives, taking notes on these subjects.

Gemini and Aquarius Marriage Compatibility

Marriage? It is not an option for most Aquarius-Gemini couples, because, considering their spontaneous and unrestrained nature, also unstable, how could it be possible to establish a family?

It would take away its charm and its mysterious appeal, it would impede its development and it would take away all its vitality. That’s not something worth making a sacrifice for.

Instead, they will focus on honing their skills and abilities, because adventure is just around the corner. With the Aquarians’ keen analytical and deductive skills, Geminis will have all the material and security to invade yet another fun and dangerous enterprise.

It’s really surprising that these two haven’t sealed the deal and already walked down the aisle. They have been together for so long, others have already established a family and possibly even made a child or two. How come they haven’t taken that step yet?

Well, it’s because they are so deeply attracted to each other, thanks to all the similarities that bind them together. With so many great qualities and intriguing traits, they could forget about the future and the formalitiesif they are really hypnotized in the presence of the partner.

compatibility in bed

When you start having fun with Geminis in bed, you better watch out for unexpected surprises, like a hand suddenly making its way into some of those wicked places, or something.

Both may seem like careful and lascivious individuals at first, who will always take it easy and imbue themselves with passion with pleasant touches of charm and languid love. But, the truth is that there is a rather psychopathic side to the Aquarius-Gemini couple, in which they can quickly change their sexual tone at any given moment.

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What is most interesting here is that Aquarians are also very interested in trying and experiencing new things, which is exactly what their partners want.

The drawbacks of this union

The main problems that can arise when these two try to fix each other for a long time is the lack of devotion and weak emotional bond among them. They are carefree and spirited individuals who seek the adventure and excitement of an exciting life.

If things are meant to be more than a show, then it will take a long time for the bond to deepen and for each of them to get used to the routine and tediousness of a relationship.

Another possible problem between them concerns the contradictory sparks that appear as a result of Gemini’s tendency to walk through life unhindered, not caring what order and disorder mean.

Now for the inconveniences that can create some problematic situations from time to time. Both Geminis and Aquariuses are quite stubborn, pun intended, and will often seem to be staring at the horizon, thinking of who knows what, leaving everything else on the verge of success or disaster.

Responsibilities are truly malevolent and abhorrent, why are they forced to do all these boring and tedious things? They should be given the opportunity to have fun all day, and not work or do housework. Yes, this is going to be a problem, definitely.

What to remember about Gemini and Aquarius

What could be so intriguing and charming that they can drop everything else and stay level for so long, you wonder? It is good that you ask, because this is also one of the reasons why, once you have taken the final step, your relationship will take to the skies and never come back down to the common plains of love.

Intellectual fervour, curiosity, a cultivated mind, deep and complex discussions that seem endless; these are the culprits, this is exactly what they are both so good at, and what they have been ultimately looking for in a partner.

It’s all about the freedom and independence needed to pursue your dreams with these guys. They won’t voluntarily close themselves off in a relationship if it means they won’t have any private space.and they will have to spend all their time with the partner.

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That would be one of the worst disasters that could befall them, and they will do everything in their power to find someone just as wild and adventurous, or give up such a toxic relationship from the start.

Also, when it comes to emotional depth and romance, Gemini and Aquarius aren’t the ones to go for it, preferring instead to ramble for hours on end about science.

Aquarians are naturally more balanced types who require the safety and security that comes from a stable environment, where there is a state of balance, and where unexpected things don’t tend to happen spontaneously.

What makes this relationship stand up against the corrosive powers of time is that neither of them are overly clingy or have exaggerated expectations or possessive compulsions.

They each want some time alone from time to time, and they realize that it’s completely normal to want that. A) Yes, they won’t get mad at the partner for taking time off, locked in a space of their own, and will patiently await your resplendent return, better than ever. Forcing them out of their meditative calm and snapping them back to reality would only lead to disaster.