How to make a man fall in love? 5 rituals and spells to achieve it

It is very painful to accept that the person for whom you sigh every day does not correspond to you. But you can reverse this situation: if you wonder how to make a man fall in love and the usual ways to proceed do not work for youor you trust more in the power of magic than in your abilities, these are some rituals and love spells to make a man fall in love no matter how difficult his conquest may seem.

Love spells and other rituals: when to use them

The spell or incantation is a magical act by which we change reality in our favor through supernatural processes of a ritual nature. When we project the spell towards the divination of the future, we speak of sorcery; when we want to submit the will of another person, we speak of enchantment.

And in that last category fall love spells: incantations. The spell can fulfill many functions, but its use to get the love of a person is called a love spell and has been used since time immemorial. Today it is still a widely used method to help the conquest process.

It is usually used when we resist the conquest of the man we like, or when it is evident that this love is not reciprocatedbut also to tie up a powerful man, an old lost love or a platonic and impossible love.

5 rituals and spells to make a man fall in love

These are the most effective rituals to conquer the man you want and attract him to you. As always, the effectiveness of the spell depends on many factors, so stay focused and don’t leave any loose ends.

How to make a married man fall in love: Ritual with rue

It is one of the most common situations, but also the most painful: when we fall madly in love with a man who is already engaged. That’s where our problems and our headaches begin, and the road to conquest is full of obstacles.

But that’s what magic is for: with this ritual you cannot escape.

Rue is a magical plant that is used, among other things, to modify the will of the other person. So that the ritual with rue is one of the most effective: to do it you will also need a couple of hairs from the married man.

To do it put dried rue leaves in a mortar with a teaspoon of saffron. Braid the two hairs turning them between your fingers, and burn them with a match on top of the mortar, so that it falls with the rue and the saffron.

Beat the elements until they become a single powder while reciting a prayer to attract that man: «Now and forever, come to me and focus only on me, because from this love eternal light will be born, and you and I will be one forever.»

Put almond oil in a container and add a couple of pinches of rue powder. Mix while repeating the prayer, and in a period not exceeding three days make sure to smear the man of your dreams with that ointment. The power of rue will act on him, attracting him to your designs.

Spell to make a difficult man fall in love

Impossible love doesn’t exist, it’s just a mental fabrication. What you need is tenacity, fight and strength. If you want your man very strongly and use the magical resources, any man, no matter how difficult, will fall at your feet.

Try the following love spell.

You are making a love tie to conquer a difficult man, so the cleaner your chakras are, the more attraction capacity you will have and the more effective the ritual will be. Clean your aura and your spirit and free yourself from bad energies before starting.

Cast the spell on Friday, when the sun goes down and before midnight. You will need a photo of you and a photo of him.

Get two red candles together or join them with magical plants, and smear them with jasmine. Light them while you dedicate a prayer to the angels of light, which are the ones that will connect you with your desires, and you project your desires with your mind. It is important that you concentrate on expressing your wishes well, repeating the name of the man you love.

Write your name and theirs on a piece of paper, join the two photos face to face with three loops of red ribbon while reciting a love prayer. Fold the paper and photos until they are small enough to fit through a ring, repeating that by the power of the angels and that ring you are united forever.

Ritual to conquer a womanizing man

Many women go crazy trying to tie up a womanizing man, because they tend to passion more than love and it is difficult to achieve a stable relationship with them. Through this spell you will not only get him to focus his attention exclusively on youbut also to abandon his passion for adventures.

This ritual to conquer a womanizing man requires a new and clean silk rope, because it represents our desire. We have to first project our desires clearly through meditation.

Invoke the deities of love and express your desire to remove that person from the evil path and attract him to your domains. As you pray, tie a knot in the rope. Repeat the process six times and burn the rope next to a piece of wood in a fireproof bowl.

When the ash is cold, bury it under a large and leafy tree, repeating that that person is united to you and only to you as the firmness of that tree.

How to conquer a rich and powerful man

Desiring money and power is not a bad thing, you just have to have ambition and confidence. Thanks to the following love mooring you will be able to attract your networks to a rich and powerful man who will be surrendered to your charms. Pay attention.

As usually happens in love spells, the ritual must be practiced on Friday, which is the day of Venus, at night. To do it you need a hair of his and a personal object, which you will put inside a red handkerchief. Burn it in a metal bowl reciting the prayer to the angels, to help you fulfill your wishes.

Write their name on a piece of paper and recite it as you burn them together to ashes. Then mix jasmine, orange blossom and rose petals to make a potion to which you will add the ashes. You may perform a candlelight bath while projecting mentally your desires, or anoint the person with that potion.

Spell to win back a man

Sometimes the passing of the years erodes passion and love, and although we maintain a certain stability in our relationship as a couple we realize that the other person has lost love. To change this situation we can make effective love spells and recover lost love. Attention: This ritual also serves to recover an ex-partner.

To make an already conquered man fall in love again, the most effective thing is a coin spell. For this she writes the name of your partner or ex-partner on a piece of paper, fold it and keep it in an envelope. Then hold a branch of rosemary and the coin in your hands, and repeat the name of the loved one. Rub the coin with the rosemary, and keep it inside the envelope with the paper.

Seal the envelope, roll it up and tie it with a red thread while projecting your wishes with your mind and recite a prayer calling for the return of lost love. Store the spell in a special chest and scatter the rosemary in the air as you visualize the return of lost love.