Discover how it defines your personality and your life

The natives of Jupiter in the 8th House are very good at dealing with problems and determine the root of any problems they may have because their instincts are impeccable.

They love mysteries and don’t mind dealing with slightly more complicated and sticky situations. Sex life will always be rich because Jupiter is the planet of expansion and the Eighth house also deals with sex.

Jupiter in the 8th House in summary

– Strengths: Spiritual, intuitive and with a warm heart.

– challenges: Manipulative and overly emotional.

– Advice: They need to stick to the causes they commit to.

– Celebrities: Michael Jackson, Jennifer Lawrence, Grace Kelly, Benedict Cumberbatch.

If you don’t like one night stands, you’d better find someone else, since Jupiter in the Eighth House natives are always looking for a new partner and want as much diversity as possible in their bedroom.

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They don’t care about limits

In the 8th House, Jupiter has a negative influence. This means that individuals with this placement could have problems in their career and at the same time live a long life that would not be very happy..

If, on the other hand, the other planetary aspects of the chart are beneficial, natives with Jupiter in the 8th house and the influence of these celestial bodies will be very attracted to the occult. Jupiter’s position in this house indicates that they like children., but they may not have some of their own. Your friends will be selfish and spend a lot of your money.

Some of them will love astrology and have the opportunity to become famous in this field.. If Jupiter is in fire signs like Sagittarius, Leo or Aries, people with these influences are likely to inherit a fortune and become rich.

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When Aquarium either scorpio they are the signs in which Jupiter resides, people with this location will have many problems in life. They will probably not be successful in business and will even destroy everything they have inherited. More than this, his death will be painful and very difficult. Death is addressed so many times here because the 8th house deals with it among other things.

In fact, natives with Jupiter in the eighth house will benefit from many things related to death, whether metaphorically or literally. For example, they could be great morbid artists or funeral directors.

If there is no negative aspect with Jupiter in your chart, they will not have money problems and will inherit everything they need. But if there will be oppositions and clashes with this planet, they will probably fight over finances and even have to wait for their money to arrive.

This can happen especially if Saturn or Mercury are in negative aspects here. If the evil Mars is also involved, they will be the very aggressive type and will even fight with people for wealththey will spend everything they have and will not even think about others.

The eighth house is also for other people’s money, so those with jupiter here can marry someone rich. However, when the aspects of this planet are not so beneficial, they will take money from others and not pay it back, or spend a fortune on things they don’t really need.

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The same Jupiter when in bad aspects can influence the natives to have all kinds of legal problems, to do illegal things, to fight with the banks and even the government. All individuals with Jupiter in the Eighth House attach great importance to intimate relationships and are very active when it comes to lovemaking.

They want pleasure and will have deep and spiritual relationships with some of their partners, even taking sexual encounters with these people to the extreme point. For them, relationships are not just an activity, it is something mystical that can unite two people and make it possible for other territories to be discovered.

If they don’t have someone stable in their life, they won’t mind having sex with anyone who comes their way. Jupiter represents the planet of expansion, so people who have it in the Eighth House will not mind any limits when it comes to love and in bed..

In fact, they will spend too much time thinking about pleasure that they will lose the meaning of what lovemaking is. They will be very interested in the paranormal and will try to find out what happens after death.and.

Very intuitive, it’s as if they were psychics who could master the dark arts like no one else. Not-so-well-intentioned people will not be able to negatively influence you because they immediately perceive energies harmful and have a good perspective of what to do to protect themselves.

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It is important that they are happy spiritually and that they know that they are in power. Although power struggles are not at all beneficial to anyone, they can learn from others that the simple life is also enjoyable.

Jupiter in the eighth house people are manipulative and don’t care if others have strong emotions about them. In fact, they can use emotional blackmail to obtain loansconvincing others to give them money, to have sex, and generally to get what they want.

They should try to understand people and also try to lend a hand when they can, because being trustworthy could make them get what they want in life. In addition, they must be careful with their inheritance and plan their finances very well. Investing in a new house and perhaps a new car would mean that you have made a smart financial decision.

It is also possible that you will marry people who will help you get rich, so you should use the full extent of your Jupiter and become warmer and more attached to the person in your life considering all the help they offer.

The good and the bad of his character

If Jupiter crosses Scorpio in the Eighth House, people with this placement will be able to heal faster from any kind of emotional problem. Normally, all individuals who have Jupiter in the Eighth House they are fascinated by mystery and want to discover things that are not revealed to them. This and learning what power means makes them prosper and want more.

They really know how to devise strategies and they usually use everything they have so that luck is with them. These natives love to study the occult and learn from any mystical teachings, so if they normally transmit only positive energies, expecting exactly the same in return.

being enigmatic, many people will want to meet them. They have a lot of friends and they don’t even fight to be popular. They are very dedicated as friends though, so their loyalty will always be rewarded. Nevertheless, no one will know them because they keep a lot to themselves. These people do not want others to be aware of their weaknesses, so they cling to their thoughts very tightly.

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Jupiter in the eighth house indicates that they may even hide things from their relatives. While doing this, they seem to have the ability to read others as if they were open books. It can be hard to get close to them, even if they want someone to spend the rest of their life with. Many won’t be able to see what your intentions are, so you should at least open up to your partner when you go out for the first time.

In this way, they will introduce themselves and perhaps have the opportunity of a lifetime to meet someone who is their soul mate. With Jupiter in the 8th House, natives of this collocation are usually luckythey enjoy their worked and they have money that comes from inheritances and even from marriages.