What does it mean to dream of a mobile? Find out in the dictionary of dreams

It is almost impossible to find a person today who does not have a mobile phone. And precisely for that reason, it is getting easier to dream with mobile devices. The more it is a part of our daily lives, the greater the chance that it will appear in our dreams. Therefore, we must not forget that the symbolism of the mobile phone is directly related to communication.

In the midst of the speed of information, dreaming of this important and «light» device can compose a precious message for your daily life. This type of dream can arise in curious scenarios, specific situations in our lives and even in moments when we do not even realize that we are living.

Dream that you lose your mobile phone

The best way to get as close as possible to that message is to join the two symbologies. In other words, when you dream of a lost mobile phone, stick to the symbolism of loss rather than the symbolism of the mobile phone.

The presence of the loss of something in our dreams is equivalent to our carelessness. That is, how much we are slow and disconnected in our day to day. The message is that we are more present.

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Dream that a mobile starts to burn

First, access the dream of fire to have a greater understanding of that dream. And second, keep in mind that there may be controversial (at least) controversial situations related to you.

Do you feel like “breaking up” with a relationship? Have you felt a strong need to express it, but is it affecting the repercussions that this may have? Time to reflect! Anger is not always a good option.

Though fire is something that transforms and promotes change, know that before consuming something. Are you ready for these drastic changes? To isolate yourself from everyone? This dream is just asking you to consider these questions before choosing how to express yourself.

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Dream of a new mobile phone

Dreaming of a new mobile phone can represent your need to be more «up to date» for your own life. As usual, is associated with a feeling of discontent with yourself (find out how it felt to see your mobile phone). And because of that, you need a boost.

For example, if you were quoting this device at a store, did you feel a sense of helplessness? That she couldn’t have it. Couldn’t she «be in contact or in the midst» of/with other people? Possibly, the idea of ​​speaking by voice through a call is replaced by communicating the state of your life to everyone.

Questions arise such as: «- In a more modern device I can do several things». However, from a feeling of discontent (being out of date) a stubbornness is born. A willingness to change. Therefore, it is very likely that changes will soon come to your life.

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Dream that your mobile phone is stolen

To dream of cell theft, even if it is yours, is a clear sign that there is a «theft» of identity and expression. Do you know when you are robbed and then you think about your belongings and memories? Then! Dreaming of the theft of a mobile phone is the same.

You have probably noticed that your opinion, result or presence is being stolen from you. Whether related to boycotts or treason. Deep down, deep down, you have already noticed that there is «hostility, dispute or intolerance» in a certain area.

This for some may be a harbinger of danger. And for others, unfair and excessive competition, where «anything goes». However, in both cases, vigilance can prevent these thefts.

Dream of a mobile phone without battery

It may not be so difficult to understand the message that comes from dreaming of a mobile phone without a battery. However, for that, you have to consider the context. If you dreamed of your mobile phone running out of battery when you needed it most, it means that you have not paid attention to the basics of your life.

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Be healthy, be a financial reserve, be a relationship and especially with yourself. Who knows, maybe it’s time for a survey of all that is essential in your life? Think about it!

If you have dreamed of a mobile phone without a physical battery, that is, parts are missing, it is a sign that you may be taken by surprise. That is, you received a device that had no battery. Means you can be cheated. Presence of bad faith. Your subconscious has detected it and you, who for other reasons ignored it. There’s just a little more focus on your decisions. You have great insight, so use it.

Dream that mobile phones fall into the water

Certainly, dreaming that mobile phones fall into the water tends to interpret them as periods in which you can lose something. Okay! It can be that too. But on the other hand, keep in mind that water also has a symbol to purify matter. Therefore in this dream, the mobile phone does not only represent your communication with the external environment. He represents you.

Who are your contacts today? If you’ve expanded your friendships, it may be time for a «dig.» Be aware of who you are beginning to bond with. If you’ve lost your phone at sea, it means it may be time to «leave» a version of yourself. So that the waves take the old version and bring a new one.

Have you kept your identity? Soon your life may ask this new version is ready for new challenges.

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Dream of a broken mobile phone

On the contrary, when you dream of a new mobile phone, dreaming of a broken mobile phone is equivalent to a probable perception that «something» is not working in your daily life. That is, even if it tends to be something related to you, it can also be a situation in your life where something «got stuck.»

Check the context presented in the dream. If, for example, you find yourself in a delicate situation in life and you see no way out, know that this is the manifestation of this discomfort in the form of dreams.

It is as if our communication device with the «external» world is really broken. In other words, your expression is compromised. However, the fact that you have identified that something is «broken» is already a great way. I just want this change to change, okay? What the message is to let you know that if you continue to live with the sick person, nothing will change!