Special prediction and its magical ritual

On December 18-19, 2021, the Cold Full Moon in Gemini. It will be visible at 05:35 Spanish time, at 01:35 in Argentina, at 22:35 in Mexico and at 23:35 in Colombia. The full moon will be placed on the sign of the twins, which promises rapid emotional changes.

Full Moon in Gemini: think, communicate and express

The Full Moon in Gemini on December 18-19 It affects the field of communication, expression and the desire for adventure. Its influence will last for four weeks, until the next full moon on January 18. You will receive the influence of Mercury, especially if you are Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.

In astrology, the Full Moon offers an opportunity to see yourself objectively and become aware of what you want. It is a moment with many emotions, in which deep transformations are experienced within you. This can happen in a negative way or in a positive way.

When it occurs in a negative way, a recovery period begins that culminates with the next New Moon. If it has a positive impact, a new window opens to take advantage of all its benefits. That’s why it’s important to know How the Full Moon of December 18-19 affects you according to your horoscope sign.

In general, the Gemini Full Moon represents an intellectual challenge to be under an air sign. But it also receives the influence of Mercury, which is the messenger planet that allows us to send and receive, inform and communicate, and express. With it you start a journey of exploration about the meaning of your life.

December’s full moon occurs on the Gemini-Sagittarius axis. The Full Moon in Gemini and the Sun in Sagittarius combine fire and air to unleash the optimism of action and the gift of intelligence and communication. Everything that has to do with studies, ideas, contacts, projects and trips will be enhanced: discover how to take advantage of it.

How the Full Moon in Gemini on December 18-19 affects you

The Full Moon in Gemini allows us to materialize what we have been thinking for a long time. And it is a window to others, which allows us to relate to the people around us. Find out how the Full Moon in Gemini affects you according to your zodiac sign.


Aries is one of the signs that is most influenced by Full Moon in Gemini this December 18-19. The situation invites you to focus on your most immediate goals. The intelligence area establishes the steps to be taken to turn ideas and projects into reality. On an emotional level, ties with the people in your family will increase, a good opportunity to resolve conflicts and return to spiritual harmony. You can channel lunar energy through study, travel, and verbal expression.


The natives of the sign of Taurus receive the influence of this Full Moon in Gemini with the urgency of planning for the immediate future. Its energy will help you set priorities and focus your forces on concrete actions. Above all, you should focus on personal and contractual relationships. You have to spend more time with the people you really care about. An ideal time has come to put aside differences and restore your relationship or friendship. Be aware of the money you share with others.


The Full Moon in Gemini will help the natives of this sign to let go of negativity and focus on positive thoughts. Everything that has to do with relaxation and meditation finds its place in the world of Gemini, which stops for a moment. It is also time to take stock of the last few months, and to take advantage of the lessons to improve. You are on a learning path, and this new lunar energy will help you rationalize recent experiences to transform yourself into a better person.


The influence of this full moon December will also directly impact the sign of Cancer. Its power will free your abilities to express what you feel, and this allows you to rebuild some relationships that were eroded. Sincerity and generosity will spring up within you to get closer to the people you love. A renewed awareness will help you focus on what you really need, and you will discover what you have to do to achieve happiness.


The leo sign it is in the process of growth, and the December Full Moon arrives to invite you to pause and reflect. During this period you will go from action to thought, from adventure to meditation. But in addition, the light of the moon will reveal some unknowns about what is happening around you, and you will be able to analyze reality in a more lucid way. The moment that opens before you invites you to focus on the process of actions, not on their result, and to continue on the path of learning.


Personal relationships are not at their best in the virgo sign, and the power of this Full Moon can make it more difficult. You will feel the emotions on the surface and you can commit verbal excesses or take wrong steps. Do not make decisions on impulse, which you may later regret. Use the strength of your intelligence to solve problems irrationally. In the field of money and health you also have to exercise caution, avoid certain excesses that can have short-term consequences.


Libra is one of the four signs in which the influence of Full Moon in Gemini influences in a more special way. Your light shines in a more natural way and you appear in the eyes of others as an irresistible sign endowed with great magnetism. The power of the Moon brings expansion in the realm of love and sensuality. You can see new relationships being born and expand your social contacts. You will also get the gift of opportunity when it comes to finding work and carrying out the projects you have been planning for a long time.


The scorpio sign he is caught between the optimism of the Sun in Sagittarius and the cool intelligence of the Moon in Gemini. The situation poses an invitation to adventure for the natives of this sign. It’s time to get rid of your chains and dare to do the things you don’t do out of fear. This will help you discover a part of yourself that you may not have known. Someone more courageous and determined who helps you increase the field of personal satisfaction. Relationships of love and friendship experience an evolution.


The astrological confluence helps you recover energies that you had lost in the last period. Now you have to give yourself your time to think about where you want to go, and start the journey with enthusiasm and optimism. The Full Moon in Gemini it is your ally to support you more in others. Break the isolation and dare to say what you think without ties. His message will be essential for your success in love and at work, but you must stop and listen to him. You have to come out of yourself to observe the outside.


The confluence of Venus with Mercury in your sign invites you to surround yourself with beauty, harmony and well-being. The Full Moon in Gemini opens a magical moment in the world of Capricorn. You will feel more fulfilled than ever in the company of people who make you feel special. At work you begin to reap the fruits of success, which you will know how to share with others. And all the problems that may arise can be overcome thanks to this renewed energy that the full moon offers you, with an extra dose of love and peace.


In this decisive phase of the year, the Full Moon in Gemini It helps you have more mental clarity to focus on your immediate projects. Its power allows you to understand what you want and what you need. In the field of love, the opportunity has come to consolidate the relationship that had been faltering for some time. You finally know where you want to go, and now you can start the path of happiness for both of you. Social relations acquire dynamism, and you will discover that you have much more to contribute to others than you imagine.


The natives of pisces they receive the necessary energy to take the step that they have been waiting for a long time in love. If you did not dare to tell that person that you like him, communication will no longer be an impediment because you can formulate your feelings naturally. You will find in others a very valuable source of energy, which increases your vitality and your optimism. But you must also dare to look within yourself, because you will find important messages to face the immediate future with more self-esteem.

Magic ritual for the December Full Moon

The Full Moon of December 18-19 in Gemini comes with positive things for you. To make better use of its energy, you can make a full moon magic ritual with which you will attract their forces. The Full Moon bath is one of the best ways to do it.

Prepare a bath with water and sea salt and immerse yourself in a relaxing atmosphere. With an incense you can carry out the energetic cleaning of the space. And then surrender to the meditation with some exercise to become aware of what you want.

The last step is to expose yourself to the light of the moon and communicate with the star to receive its influences. You can make a prayer of thanks and make wishes for the immediate future. Thinking about your desires and expressing them is the best way to communicate with the Full Moon and receive its benefits.