rods, pendulums and tables in the divinatory arts

Dowsing gets its name in France. he is the abbot Alexis Bouly (1865-1958), known as thefather of dowsingwho gives it its name, since it was previously known as dowsing.

To discover what and what this technique consists of, read the following article, in which you will be able to discover, among other things, what it means when the rods are crossed in dowsing.

What is dowsing

The radiesthesist combines a double skill. A deep knowledge of the human anatomy and mastery of a gift that in theory has been given to all of us (but that some have dormant) which is the perception of natural magnetism.

Dowsing is considered a divinatory art of detection, based on an individual’s ability to perceive extraordinary sensations, given the etymological origin of the word, which comes from the Latin radiumradiation, and the Greek aesthesiaie perception by the senses. Thus, we speak almost of seeing the invisible. Thus, dowsing consists of a search technique for substances or physical masses, thanks to the radiation they emit.

Pendulum, rods and tables: 3 tools of the radiesthesist

Experienced dowsers work by adjusting their magnetic flux to that of the object they are searching for, whether they are archaeological remains, water pipes or minerals. For this they can use various types of tools.

The pendulum

Many experts in radiesthesia also use the pendulum, or other similar objects, that allow the dowser to find the material he is looking for. The pendulum is a receiver of energy variations and an amplifier of intuition, and therefore helps the clairvoyant.

Although resonance with the magnetic and vibrational fields of beings can resemble communication with the invisible, the divinatory pendulum acts, albeit in a very subtle way, interacting with the electromagnetic variations that exist in the place.

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dowsing rods

The type of rod used seems to be of little importance, although the use of hazelnut is common. Assembled wire ends, in the form of the letter L or Y, are also used.

How to use dowsing rods? Easy. The dowser grasps the ends of the wand gently in the open palm of the hands. The intensity of a perceived movement can be more easily appreciated by placing the two wrists at different angles.

What does it mean when the rods are crossed in dowsing? When the dowser (also known as a dowser) passes over a critical point, the rods will cross (or the hazel branch) will tilt sharply downward or may suddenly deviate to the left or right. That means he has found something.

dowsing tables

Of course, a pendulum cannot express itself orally, nor can it be directed up or down like dowsing rods. Yet it spins, wiggles, oscillates, tinkles, and that’s the way it can communicate.

In order to optimize the information that can be obtained through its use, the pendulum can be used in combination with the dowsing tables. When looking for the answer we want in these tables, we must pass the pendulum over it little by little, and it will change its oscillation when it detects the point with the answer to our question, such as making circles around that point.

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In searches for missing persons, some also use a photograph and the dowser resonates with the person through the photograph. He will thus connect with the energy of that person and will be able to perceive it (or not) in the place.

Some famous experts in dowsing

As stated, the Frenchs Alexis Bouly was the father of dowsing, and thanks to him various sources and archaeological sites were discovered throughout the world, as he was called from various places. After the First World War, its services were used to detect shells that had not exploded. For Bouly «each body, animal, plant, mineral, is an accumulation of energy whose vibrations are spreading throughout the universe.» In 1929 he created the Society of Friends of Dowsing.

the radiosthetist Joseph Treyve said that he had discovered eight hundred and forty water points. It is said that the Nobel Prize in Medicine, Alexis Carrel, lent him a watch and asked who owned it. Treyve, using the divination pendulum, perfectly described the owner, who turned out to be the famous aviator Charles Lindberg.

Sometimes authorities have asked dowsing experts to help find missing persons or criminals. In the seventeenth century, in Lyon, France, Jacques Aymar became known working with the police, as he successfully found thieves and murderers. Her story tells us that he went with his dowsing rods to the grave of a murdered woman while looking for water, and that his rods led him to the murderer, who was her husband, who fled. Thus he began his facet as a detective. Another famous expert in dowsing was Jean-Louis Crozier found and located hundreds of people with great precision..

Dowsing and health

Dowsing is expressed in many fields of application, but it is probably in the field of health where it offers its best benefits. The dowser, through the dowsing rods, the pendulum or his own hands, will focus on detecting and analyzing the waves emitted through the patient’s chakras, as well as exercising energy healing on said points.
With his gift, he will try to detect imbalances related to a disorder or pathology. In addition to the dowsing oscillation itself, the questioning of the patient will enrich the sensory perception of the therapist.