meaning of the number of the beast or antichrist

Often associated with misfortunes of all kinds, with the end of the world and the apocalypse, with Satan and the antichrist, or the book of revelations, the number 666 is considered in many places around the world as the mark of the beast, with the figure of the devil. But does 666 have real meaning, should we fear this number?

The 666: Biblical meaning according to the Apocalypse.

In the Apocalypse (or Book of Revelations), the last book of the Christian Bible, in its chapter 13, verse 18, Saint John says: «He who has knowledge calculates the number of the beast, because it is a number of men, and their number is six hundred and sixty-six.»

This means that 666 would identify the beast with seven heads and ten horns that come out of the sea and that would bring the end of the world as we know it. This beast symbolizes the world political system, ruling over «every tribe and people and language and nation» (Revelation 13:7).

Another passage indicates that «To all, young and old, rich and poor, free men and slaves, a mark is imposed on the right hand or on the forehead. And no one can buy or sell, unless he bears the mark, the name of the beast or the number of his name. This is the moment of discernment: one who has understanding, who interprets the number of the beast, for it is a number of man: and his number is six hundred and sixty-six”. (Rev 13:16-18).

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666: Meaning of the mark of the beast

The number six symbolizes imperfection. In the Bible, numbers are often symbolic and 7 represents perfection.n, what is complete, even to God. 7 days are, for example, the time it took to create the world according to these sacred scriptures.

In this way, the number six represents something incomplete or defective from the point of view of the creator, or with the enemies of God according to the book of Daniel. The 6 rejects compliance, closes the doors, locks itself in a finite vision of reality.

The fact that there are three identical digits, 666, is due to the fact that 3 is the divine number par excellence, from the figure of the Trinity. In number 3 we can see the principle of the figure applied to all levels of being: body – soul – spirit.

In the movie ‘The Prophecy’ / ‘The Omen’, which we will talk about later, it is indicated that 666 would be the opposite of the Holy Trinity, that is to saythe Diabolical Trinity, and instead of Father, Son and Holy Spirit would be formed by the Devil, the Antichrist and the False Prophet, an equalization to the dragon, the beast and the false prophet who dwells in the abyss according to the Apocalypse.

Beelzebub, Satan or the Antichrist? Who does the 666 of the Apocalypse identify?

The Bible says that people receive «the mark of the wild beast» because, full of «admiration» for it, they follow it and even worship it, it can even be equated with a cult, hence it is said that the Antichrist is dialed by 666.

The reference to the hand and the forehead refers us to another book of the sacred scriptures, Deuteronomy, and according to the biblical meaning of this text we understand that the mark of the beast is not a physical mark, like a tattoo with the number 666, but something symbolic to recognize those who have stopped following God.

So thatwe do not expect to find the Antichrist, Beelzebub or Satan walking the streets and recognizing them by such a sign, since it will not be visible to our eyes.

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Is 666 a code to identify the Antichrist?

The figure of 666, according to all the above, highlights the fact that the beast and his followers do not respond to God’s creative objectives for humanity, and many have tried to decipher the number to find a name.

A custom for encoding texts was replace letters with numbers, and there are authors who point out that after 666 the figure of Emperor Nero would be hidden. In the last century, the names of Kaiser or Hitler were calculated up to 666. As a curiosity, throughout history, it has also been pointed out that the Antichrist was Napoleon Bonaparte or the eccentric Emperor Caligula.

All attempts to identify the number with the literal calculation of the names of certain individuals encounter difficulties due to the metaphorical way of language and numbers are used in the book of revelations or apocalypse.

The 666 in the movies: ‘The Prophecy’

That 666 is the mark of the beast is well known thanks to the seventh art, especially thanks to Richard Donner’s film ‘The Prophecy’ / ‘The Omen’. In it, Robert Torn, a diplomat (Gregory Peck) loses his newborn son, but urged by the hospital where his wife has been admitted, they replace the little one with another orphaned baby, the son of a homeless woman. family.

His wife is unaware of the secret, and they raise the boy, Damien, healthy, who begins to behave strangely and sinisterly. A priest will warn Robert that his son is the Antichrist and who wants to bring the end of the world. One of the most famous moments of ‘The Prophecy’ is precisely when he is skinning the little boy and finds the 666 mark hidden under his dense hair.

The film had two sequels with Damien as a teenager and as an adult, and a third in which the protagonist is a girl, Delia, who will turn out to be the daughter of the Antichrist. In 2006 a new version was released, ‘La Profecía 666’ and it premiered on June 6 of that year, so that in the calendar, as a joke, 6/6/6 could be seen.

In many other films the 666 has been used as a claim in the title or on billboards, and among them we can highlight ‘La marca de la bestia’ / ‘The mark of the beast’, about a satanic sect that kidnaps a woman with the intention of sacrificing her.

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