How to know if a Gemini man likes you in 5 signs

The lovely dual plus sign of the zodiac knows how to dazzle everyone around him only with his presence and his natural charm. But among the crowd and the masses that fall at his feet, there is also the chosen one, the one, the woman who will know that she is the only one who really dazzles him.

If you want to know if a Gemini man likes you, be clear that, if you’re the one he really only has eyes for, the signs will speak for themselves. We tell you what they are.

Does a Gemini man like you? 5 signs to find out

Discover what lies behind their eloquent looks and beyond their words.

1. He likes everyone… but you more

One of the problems when it comes to knowing if a Gemini man likes you is that in reality, it seems that he likes everything living: He is a very sociable person and has a natural gift for relating with genuine skill with everybody.

When you see that, talk to whoever he talks to, whoever he is with, he has a smile that disarms anyone put on his lips… it makes it a bit complicated to discover if he has any special interest in any of those people. And what is worse, you come to doubt that you are the one who arouses some kind of interest.

But don’t get confused; it is one thing to be sociable and another to be charming. And if you are the woman that Gemini man likes, do not doubt that you will perceive a difference in treatment (from good to better) towards you.

2. Choose their plans if you are part of them

With the great ability to relate that characterizes this sign, keep in mind sure that the plans to stay will rain yes or yes.

Now imagine to what extent it can be requested and the urgent need to have to choose between one plan or another. Well, therein lies the key! Because if you are a person from your immediate environment and, when deciding between going here or there, first he makes sure he knows if you’re going tooyou can be sure that this Gemini man really likes you.

3. Talk until the hours run out

Showing off his communicative and linguistic skills, the Gemini man is unique in that he takes you by the side and chat, chat and chat… until he runs out of voice rather than things to say.

Has it ever happened to you with him? If you know those moments coming from this air sign, stop thinking you have a verbal incontinence problem and change it to the idea of ​​what really happens to him: he loves talking to you.

And knowing that Gemini men are the kind of people who truly appreciate the stimulation of a good conversation, score yourself a few extra points, because that alone can tell you that he likes you.

Now, to know to what extent and what he wants from you, pay attention to the complicity factor. Are you present? Do you notice that his expression lights up talking about those topics that both of you are excited about? Yes and yes? Well, be clear that you are closer than you could imagine.

4. Looks that speak

Among the possible forms of communication between two people who are attracted to each other, the look can say much more than a thousand words. And as intense as this air sign can get with the woman he’s attracted to, it will probably make you mute too and you don’t need any more explanation.

We could speak of a true “eloquence in silence”. That is why we recommend that, in your search for signs that this Gemini man really likes you, raise your gaze until you meet his and see with your own eyes in his what he feels for you.

Only an explicit statement sung from the rooftops could surpass it in clarity.

5. The one chosen to star in his plans

When the time comes, it may be that you do not have to look for yourself more indications of whether you are the woman that attracts him, because he himself is the one who is in charge of letting you know word by word: If this sign feels something special for you, he will love you. will surprise you by telling you when you least expect it in one of your long conversations.

But beware! have be careful with promises in the most emotional moments typical of the Gemini man, since in a matter of impulses it happens to him like fish: they die through their mouths. And at a given moment of emotional ecstasy, it may be that he comes up and even tells you «I love you» when in reality his feelings for you have not yet reached those levels.

If it were to happen to you, and it’s something that gives you a huge high, hit the brakes a little and, before embracing that impetuous declaration of love, quarantine it: That Gemini man likes you is crystal clear, but for that class of feelings, better look for some more evidence to confirm it. The best? Let time pass and be he who shows it to you.