the messages of these beings of light

The Ascended Masters have been here to help us for centuries and centuries, trying to guide us, to teach us who we are. The Ascended Masters are beings of light, spiritual, who have achieved enlightenment and who in the past lived on earth in different lives of devotion and effort.

Ascended Masters: What are these beings of light

The Ascended Masters are powerful spiritual guides and healers. Having lived for the most part on Earth, at the end of their lives they have ascended because they understood and lived their divine nature. Now live with very high evolutionary plans and they have a mission to support us in our own ascension process.

The Ascended Masters encourage us to develop the flame of love in our hearts, realizing who we are and how we can find our own power, our inner wisdom.

Likewise, the Ascended Masters know how to instill in us the courage to achieve the necessary changes to advance in this meeting with ourselves and thus understand the deep meaning of our life.

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How to Communicate with the Ascended Masters

Establishing a connection with these Ascended Masters allows us to further our evolution as they convey a message full of love, compassion and encouragement. They allow us to vibrate at the same time, in unison with them.

The Ascended Masters offer us the opportunity to carry out a powerful internal cleaninga great purification of all our cumbersome emotions and memories.

On how to communicate with the Ascended Masters, we will be able to carry it out through a soft and deep breath, projecting our inner sacred templesymbolically opening our being so that the Ascended Masters help us to unite the earthly dimension and the heavenly dimension.

Messages from the Ascended Masters

The Ascended Masters manifest Divine Perfection and therefore all Power belongs to them. The Great Ascended Masters, those Beings of Love, Light and Perfection, who have guided the Expansion of Light to humanity since its origin on this planet, are not a product of the imagination.

They are real beings, visible and tangible, glorious, living, reincarnatedanimated by such love, so much wisdom and so much power that the human mind cannot conceive.

Here we highlight some of the main Ascended Masters and their messages.

Ascended Master Saint Germain

He ascended in 1684, but returned to Europe again in the 19th century under the physics of St. Germain to prevent revolution and teach democracy. The Ascended Master Saint Germain was the prophet Samuel, Saint Joseph, the father of Jesus, Merlin the enchanter. Christopher Columbus, Francis Bacon, and also point to him as the true author of the works of Shakespeare.

This Ascended Master is in charge of the transmutation process of the Age of Aquarius in the next two thousand years.

Ascended Master Adama

Priest of Telos, this Ascended Master is the intraterrestrial spiritual leader of the city of Telos. He is an ambassador and diplomat in contacts with the Beings of the Light of the Cosmos. Adama works for the Ascension of humanity and our planet.

Ascended Master Ashtar Sheran

Ashtar Seram, within the beings of light, is the ambassador of intergalactic peace and one of the leaders of the planetary Ascension of Earth and her galaxy. He works under the orders of Maitraya, the planetary Christ. Work to save the Earth and make the Ascended Masters known throughout the world. Help humans to develop their potential until Ascension.

Ascended Master Rhada or Divine Sophia

the divine sophia she was personified by the Virgin Mary, and also Isis. She is the Mother of all mothers, the feminine principle of God. Within the Ascended Masters and Beings of Light, she is pure wisdom, the Universal Cosmic Dimension. Her job is to defend oppressed women, children and all those in need.

Ascended Master Morya

Of the Ascended Masters, he is the inspirer of the world. Chief of the Great White Brotherhood, it was under this name that he rose in 1898. It was Abraham, the wise man Melchior, King Arthur, the English poet Thomas Moore, the Mughal Emperor Akbar, and then, in the 1830s, El Morya Khan. Help all leaders. Defender of the faith, he helps to gather all beliefs.

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Ascended Master Sananda

Lead the legions of healing. Seconded Christ Jesus in his mission of planetary transformation. It helps us fulfill our mission. Teaches ascension and helps Lightworkers. It transmits its energies for the elevation of consciousness.

Ascended Master Hilarion

It was John the Baptist, and later Saint Hilarion, when he was a hermit and a healer throughout his life. He runs the temples of scienceteaches the gift of healing, the power of the third eye and spirituality

Master Khout Houmi

Master of the world or the Great Initiator, he is the Master of the world with Jesus.

Ascended Master Lanto

Supervisor of all educational systems. He had many incarnations and was emperor of China. Help students and teachers.

Ascended Master Lao Tzu

He was the contemporary of the sages of Confucius. Of the beings of light, he stands out as a master alchemist and astronomer. The represents the Emerging Healing Ray of Mercy and the Compassion of the Divine Source. He founded Taoism.

Ascended Master Maha Chohan

He incarnated as Homer in Greece. He is a great teacher of strong love. With the Master Saint Germain, he is in charge of the transformation of humanity into the fifth dimension.

Ascended Master Lord Maitreya

He is an Ascension Master, an enlightened Divine Spiritual Being, with an enormous energetic vibratory range. He is the World Teacher for the Age of Aquarius, the Master of all Masters, the leader of the Spiritual Hierarchy of our planet.

Teacher Lady Portia

Goddess of justice and mercy, lived on the planet Mars. Grand Master of Karmaremoves all anger and judgment, pacifies the essence of being.

Ascended Master Melchizedek

He is High Priest of the Most High, King of Peace and Planetary Governor. It’s known that transmitted to Abraham the ritual of bread and wine.

Master Lady Nada

Advocate of divine justice, unites families and soul mates. She was a priestess at the Temple of Love in Atlantis. Gives the gift of human tongues and the power of the divine word.

Ascended Master Paul the Venetian

He is a divine artist. This Ascended Master was a master of beauty and architecture. He was a great connoisseur of cosmic laws, culture and sacred geometry. He was the great painter Paul Veronese, or Paul the Venetian.

Ascended Master Sanat Kumara

He is the Lord of the Earth, the Lord of the World, andhe Ancient of Days and the Sole Initiator.

Ascended Master Serapis Bey

Architect of the Holy Orders, Hierarch of Luxor, this deity was originally an egyptian god whose message is diplomacy, prosperity and peace.

Ascended Master Shri Babaji

He was born in India in 203 AD and attained enlightenment at the age of 12 and physical immortality at the age of 16. Help humanity to become spiritualteaches yoga, individual freedom and voluntary simplicity.

Master Venus Kumara

He is a higher light being, he works with some space commanders like Ashtar. He is committed to maintaining energy exchanges and communications between Venus and Earth. Help souls cross dimensions.