These are the extraordinary benefits of eating olives for your health

Vitamins and minerals

Olives are a good source of various vitamins and minerals, some of which are added during processing. Beneficial compounds in this fruit include:

Vitamin E. High-fat plant foods often contain large amounts of this powerful antioxidant.

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Iron. The olives black they are a good source of iron, which is important for red blood cells to carry oxygen.

Copper. This essential mineral often missing from the typical western diet. Copper deficiency can increase your risk of heart disease.

Calcium. Calcium, the most abundant mineral in your body, is essential for bone, muscle, and nerve function.

Sodium. Most olives contain high amounts of sodium since they are packed in brine or salt water.

Health benefits of olives

Olives are a staple of the Mediterranean diet. They are associated with many health benefits, especially for heart health and cancer prevention.

antioxidant properties

Dietary antioxidants have been shown to reduce the risk of chronic diseases, such as heart disease and cancer.

Olives are rich in antioxidants, with health benefits ranging from fight inflammation by reducing the growth of microorganisms.

Improved heart health

High cholesterol and blood pressure are risk factors for heart disease.

The oleic acid, the main fatty acid in olives, is associated with better heart health. It can regulate cholesterol levels and protect LDL (bad) cholesterol from oxidation.

In addition, some studies indicate that olives and olive oil can reduce blood pressure.

Improved bone health

Osteoporosis is characterized by a decrease in bone mass and bone quality. This disease can increase your risk of fractures.

Osteoporosis rates are lower in Mediterranean countries than in the rest of Europeleading to speculation that the olives could protect against this disease.

Some of the plant compounds found in olives and olive oil have been shown to help prevent bone loss in animal studies.

While human studies are lacking, animal studies and data linking the Mediterranean diet to decreased fracture rates are promising.

cancer prevention

Olives and olive oil are commonly consumed in the Mediterranean region, where rates of cancer and other chronic diseases are lower than in other Western countries.

Therefore, Olives may help reduce cancer risk.

This may be due in part to its high content of antioxidants and oleic acid. Test-tube studies reveal that these compounds they interrupt the life cycle of cancer cells in the breast, colon, and stomach.

Possible disadvantages

Most people tolerate olives well, but they can contain large amounts of salt due to their packaging liquid.


Although the olive pollen allergy is commonallergy to olives it’s rare.

After eating olives, sensitive individuals may experience allergic reactions in the mouth or throat.

heavy metals

The olives they can contain heavy metals and minerals such as boron, sulfur, tin, and lithium.

Consuming a large amount of heavy metals can harm your health and increase your risk of cancer. However, the amount of these metals in olives is usually well below the legal limit. Therefore, this fruit is considered safe.