Ranking of the 3 strongest signs of the Zodiac

We could well ask ourselves, what is considered the authentic strength of a person? And investigating we would talk about his ability to resist adversity, complications and less advantageous setbacks that life itself throws at us, and how to deal with it all of it. Based on this criterion, we are left with the three strongest signs of the Zodiac. Can you imagine what they are? Right now we clear you of doubts.

The 3 strongest signs of the Zodiac

And here we bring you the 3, 2, 1 of the three strongest horoscopes, curiously all of them with the common factor of sharing the same element, the overwhelming fire.

3. Aries: Direct impulse in the face of problems

We start with the one that occupies the third place in our selection of the three strongest signs of the zodiac, and it is Aries, the ram of the horoscope. More than known his intense temperament, his drive and his predisposition to action Isn’t it difficult to imagine him having all these elements as his own weapons to face adversity?

And it is that when things get complicated in the life of Aries, the fire of the element that governs his imposing personality awakens his mechanisms of action to face the situation under the motto of «through thick and thin». Those are precisely the kind of situations in which you can discover your most powerful side, because what Aries is not capable of at a time like this, few will be capable of.

But be careful, because their direct actions to face adversity can also bring unwanted consequences, since when it comes to managing their emotions they are not so skillful, finding at other times that your inner fire can inadvertently destroy what you want to care for and protect.

For that very reason, despite having the intense strength of her great push forward in the face of problems, the one that would be his weakness counteracts the great quality that consecrates him as one of the three strongest signs of the zodiacalthough it would subtract positions relegating it to third place.

2. Leo: The king of solemnity (and the dissimulation of his fears)

We are in the second position of our podium reserved for the three strongest signs of the zodiac and this time it is the lion of the horoscope who rises in this respected place. We could imagine that Leo, being famous for his power, his decision and the image of courage he conveys With that impetus that seems to come from series and from birth, she would be one of the personalities with the greatest capacity to face with strength the turns that destiny prepares for all of us, and that only a few know how to face, not only with success but also with dignity. .

Yes, it is true that the strength and outburst that characterize Leo may well be impressive when it comes to the reaction of the majority of those represented in the zodiacal wheel. However, there is an aspect of himself that shakes that impeccable image of someone relentless in the face of adversity… And it is that his constant effort to try to convey an image of absolute perfection also shows his shortcomings, and the main one is the lack of self-confidence.

He knows better than anyone that sometimes he sells an image of security that doesn’t really correspond to his own feelings, because fear paralyzes Leo. Although he conceals them quite acceptably, it would not deceive the most acute nor would it be as capable of channeling the circumstances as the one that occupies the first place among those chosen as the strongest signs of the zodiac could doalthough it must be recognized that he is more cautious when it comes to not spoiling things as usually happens to Aries when emotions run amok and they bring out their most impetuous side out of necessity.

1. Sagittarius: The perfect balance strategy.

And monopolizing the first position among the strongest signs of the zodiac, we do not make ourselves beg for more; Sagittarius is, by far and deservedly, the strongest of all. Until now we have found that the previous signs, those that precede the archer of the horoscope on the scale of strength, had the igneous element in their blood, just as Sagittarius has, however fire itself requires a mastery of the duality of its virtue in the face of the danger that its own nature entails: it can be as vital as it is destructive.

However, of the natives of this zodiacal sign it could be said that represent the most sophisticated version of the essence of fire; it is something present in them and representative of the drive, the decision and the ability to face a complex or problematic situation. But he doesn’t succumb to fear like Leo does, making him back down at the moment that requires the most couragenor does it destroy important and benevolent things in its path as happens to Aries when circumstances make you burn.

None of that, the strength of Sagittarius that consecrates it as number one among the strongest signs of the zodiac is due to the virtue of his perfect strategy in times of crisis: Enough momentum to get up after falling and authentic emotional balance to manage the fire that burns inside him without getting burnedneither blind to pain nor reeling from fear.

And if we add all this to the ability to always see the bright side of life, no matter how dark everything is, we can only surrender to what is by far the perfect and absolute representative of the strongest signs of the zodiac. Sagittarius without a doubt.