How does it shape your personality and your life?

People born during the time Pluto transited Sagittarius are significantly more spiritually in tune with the world than the rest of us, being able to tap into a form of ancient power hidden deep within her being.

This is connected to religion and any other form of spirituality, giving them the potential to bring about a true spiritual renaissance, or to set up a new direction for the entire world to take.

Pluto in Sagittarius in a nutshell

Style: Principle and exploration.

superior qualities: Reliable, resourceful and spiritual.

challenges: Superficiality and lack of tact.

Advice: You need to stay close to family ties.

Celebrities: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Nostradamus, Marie Antoinette, Anne Boleyn.

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Personality traits

This native has a free personality, you’re always looking for the next adventure to go on and the next exciting getaway to make memories. The Sagittarius Pluto foresees a great future for himself, a future marked by a change of perspective, by many trips to exotic places and other foreign territories. Freedom and open-mindedness are the greatest advantages of this native, and he makes the most of it with the help of Pluto.

The dynamic planet further enhances this native’s communication skills through the series of adventures and people they meet along the way. Pluto is associated with a state of inner enlightenment through knowledge, elevation of one’s spirit and status by acquiring and assimilating bits and pieces of the world.

Sagittarius Pluto natives are literally obsessed with having new experiences from which they can extract even the smallest information.

Self-development has never been so fun and exciting, and As long as nothing stands in their way or prevents them, Sagittarius Plutonians will go on forever. With each insight gained, they expand their minds further, learning to accept so much more of the world.

On the one hand, this native’s spirited and spontaneous personality is a good thing, ensuring that one does not stay too long in one place and does not try to take control or dominate a situation.

Once this native realizes that there is nothing more to learn, he quickly sets off on the next adventure with nothing but his emotion and intuition to guide the way.

| Pexels: Helena Lopes

The good and the bad of the Pluto in Sagittarius native

The Sagittarius Pluto seems to be always evolving from the experiences it goes throughfurther developing your skills through the knowledge you gain.

However, changes in the world view do not mean that this native changes what he perceives to be the essence. Yes, they may see things slightly differently, but their life principles are basically set in stone. The one born with Pluto in Sagittarius has a system of morality deeply rooted in his subconscious and there is not an iota of arrogance or self-centeredness in what he does.

The most glaring flaw of this native is that he never fully thinks through his next action.Instead, let it all come naturally. This lack of self-awareness and planning can get anyone into trouble, but mistakes are opportunities to learn from them, and if the Sagittarius Pluto realizes this, everything should be fine.

Also, to better continue on the path of self-development, one should think about being more flexible with their life rules and not being too tied to their comfort zone.

How are Pluto in Sagittarius natives in love?

The Sagittarius Pluto tends to have a very peculiar approach to social relationships and love affairs.. They tend to trivialize them, never giving them the importance they deserve due to their highly animated and spontaneous personality.

Unrestrained and in search of freedom, these natives zip through the world at breakneck speed, like a fading shadow or a running goblin, always looking for the next thrill. Especially when they are young, their dynamism and enthusiasm take them away from any serious commitment or attachment.

This does not mean that the Sagittarius Plutonian never takes a relationship seriously because they can become reliable and even slightly romantic companions. These natives care a lot about their friends and family, even if they don’t always show it. They are most demonstrative at key moments, when their support and attention is crucial to the situation at hand.

Eventually, they will meet someone who will make them put everything else aside and reveal their feelings. That’s the moment this guy finally commits and becomes incredibly devoted.

| Pexels: Juan Mendez

Pluto in Sagittarius if you are a man

Compared to their female counterparts, these men are not exactly very interested in reclaiming their emotional side. Rather, they would like to embrace a bit of the innate softness and tenderness of romance.

The last time in history when Pluto transited Sagittarius, these men had important roles in her life, always engaging in heated debates, having long discussions on the most controversial issues of the day, and bringing change to the world. Being willing to share your own ideas with the world may now be perceived as second nature and a mark of high intelligence, but this was not always the case.

The last time Pluto roamed Sagittarius, society was especially against this kind of attitude, discrediting it over and over again. Those who had the courage to break through these barriers were mercilessly mocked and their value degraded endlessly. This means that Sagittarius Pluto men still have these attitudes embedded in their subconscious and feel the need to fight for their voices to be heard.

Pluto in Sagittarius if you are a woman

Women born in the last generation when Pluto transited Sagittarius were blessed to break down the barriers of gender boundaries. They were fully capable and willing to work alongside men in domains that put their skills to the test.

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Challenges are welcomed as opportunities to further refine themselves, and it’s something that women have long fought for, this freedom to think and act. In this way, with that mindset guiding them, the woman with Pluto in Sagittarius sets herself on the path to success. She knows how to capitalize on her natural sensitivity and her diplomacy.

Modern Sagittarius Plutonian women are also well aware that it is not a bad thing to expose their feminine traits and even some weaknesses, but it is actually an advantage most of the time, something they should be proud of.

There is nothing wrong with exhibiting sensitivity and empathy or having stronger emotionsand this is one of the biggest breakthroughs of all time, accepting this as the truth.