Spiritual meaning and in love

In numerology, composite or multi-digit numbers are evaluated for meaning in several different ways. The most common way to evaluate a composite number is to reduce it to an underlying root number and interpret the multi-digit number in light of the root number’s vibrational essence.

Another way to evaluate a number that has two or more digits is to view it as a combination of the digits that make up the number. Either way, evaluating the meaning of a composite number like 14 can help you better understand what the Universe is trying to communicate to you when it shows up in your life.

The numerological meaning of 14

Most numerologists believe that the number 14 indicates a time of change or transformation. It can show up in a number of different ways that may not even be detected right away. When numbers appear again and again in our experience, it is a sign that spirit or source is trying to communicate with us.

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Therefore, it is important to be attentive to such communications. In traditional numerology, the number 14 would be evaluated by reducing it to its underlying root number. In this case, it would be 5 (1 + 4 = 5). Five is the number of the physical senses, which makes it primarily concerned with sensual pleasure..

When that energy is released in a compound number, it is diluted or weakened to some degree. This weakening is usually the result of being confused by other energies that weaken or modify it.

The energies of the number 14

In the case of the 14, the sensual energies are weakened by the influence of the numbers 1 and 4 which are also exerted when it appears. There is a general affinity between the energies of the 1 and 4 which gives the 14 a harmonious aspect.

While the numbers 1 and 4 are associated with the Sun and the Earth respectively, the number 5, which is the root of 14, is associated with the planet Mars and the astrological sign of Aries. When these energies combine, the result can be unpredictable.

This is how the number 14 appears in your experience

The number 14 most often appears as a person’s birth number. The birth number is the day of the month you were born. When 14 appears in your birth chart, it indicates that you have innate personality traits that come from the presence of 1, 4, and 5 in your chart, all of which are present in 14.

Independence and firmness of purpose are combined with the ability to carry out projects. Those who live under the influence of 14 are adventurous, original and charismatic.

Although the 14th is not in your birth chart, it is still possible for it to influence your life. The number 14 can appear as a time, a date, an address, or even as part of a phone number. When the 14 appears in your experience it may be a message from spirit designed to inspire you in some way.

The charisma of the 1 with the work ethic of the number 4 suggests the ability to achieve success in business or politics. When the 14 appears it may be a message for go after what you want in life without fear of what other people will think.

The symbolic meaning of the number 14

Tarot card 14 is called Temperance or The Angel of Time. The Temperance card image reveals an angelic being carrying a golden cup in each hand, pouring water from one cup to the other, signifying a inner transformation process.

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Another curious detail of this card is that the Angel of Time is standing in front of the gates of the Underworld. We know that the doors behind the Angel of Time lead to the Underworld because the next card in the Major Arcana series is The Devil. It is as if the Angel of Time has appeared to reassure us as we prepare for our quest for spiritual fulfillment.

The Spiritual Meaning of Angel Number 14

The Angel of Time on the Temperance card is pouring the water of the past into the chalice of our current experience. This refers to a process of integrating past attitudes and impulses into our current mental and emotional experience. This is a kind of reconciliation, resulting in a transformation process that produces a strong, healthy and integrated personality.

The waters of the past that pour from one chalice to another in the «Temperance» Tarot card can be considered as a karmic debt, which «tempers» the process of our spiritual development. This is why the number 14 is often associated with cosmic debt processes.

Numerologists often warn people who have the number 14 in their chart that this idea of ​​cosmic debt can make their current activities heavy with «throwing karma.» Throwing karma is the power of an event to «throw us» into negative outcomes. Therefore, people who have the number 14 on their chart should always be careful about their life choices.

The karmic challenge for people who are influenced by the number 14 can be associated with the conflicting impulses that are surely part of their nature. The ability to integrate conflicting impulses and put them in the service of drive and achievement is the challenge for those who are influenced by the number 14.