【 Dream Dictionary 】 What does it mean to dream of RABBITS?

Have you ever dreamed of rabbits?, a small mammalian animal that has a great spiritual meaning, as it is a symbol of sensitive people as well as lovers of traditions, responsible and fair. The rabbit, as a totemic meaning, is an element that represents a good intellect to resolve conflicts and problems, although to achieve this it may lose track.

So, in the next Magic Horoscope report we will explain what does it mean to dream of rabbits according to the Dream Dictionary, so that you can interpret the images that have come to your mind while Morpheus holds you in his arms at dusk. As an introduction, we will point out that the rabbit is associated with cuteness, softness, tenderness, the fragile creature to be protected, It is prey and not predator. However, it also has a hot side, as there are popular sayings about the copulatory capacity of these animals that usually measure about 40 centimeters.

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Dream dictionary: What does it mean to dream of rabbits?

Dreaming of rabbits the animal symbolizes distant and informal childhood memories, those who fearfully return to the surface. It becomes, in a way, a catwalk that goes from the Unconscious to the Conscious, and returns to the comfort zone when something is perceived as dangerous. And this is related to the fugitive appearance that rabbits have.

This mammal comes from the shadow, from its burrow, and from there it goes to the light of a jump to disappear again, and thus take refuge in the subsoil. This does not mean that dreams of rabbits do not become a representation of nervousness, fragility, as well as dissipation and dispersion, even procrastination that leads us to waste time in our day to day leaving for tomorrow. those obligations that we do not feel like facing today.

Dreaming of rabbits: variants of this type of dream

The meaning of dreaming of rabbits can vary depending on what color they are, whether they are alive or dead, how you interact with them, as well as many other variants. And, of course, you should value your own experience with these furry creatures: if you are fond of it, if a rabbit is your pet, or even if you are afraid of it, why not.

Dream of a white rabbit

Seeing a white rabbit in your dream symbolizes, according to the Dream Dictionary, fidelity in your life as a couple, the arrival of satisfaction, peace in the home, or even promises of love. The white rabbit you see in your dreams also serves as a guide to point you in the right direction.

Dream of a black rabbit

If the color of the rabbit in your dreams is black, it could reveal some of your innermost fears. Also can be related to business failure, various frustrations, annoyances and disappointments.

Dream of wild rabbits

Rabbits can be pets, but there are also other free-range animals, which we can come across during a field trip, for example. If the rabbits you see in your dreams are of this type, it is a way of represent that your pleasures cost you dearly.

Dream of rabbits jumping around us

You may see yourself in your dream surrounded by rabbits jumping in all directions happily. The Dream Dictionary highlights that happiness will come to our home through children, whether they are our own children or those of other people.

Dream that a rabbit runs away

In this case, the Dream Dictionary warns us that there is a risk around us, specifically, of losing valuable items in a mysterious and surprising way. But calm down! Because you can get it all back. In the same way, can indicate to the dreamer that in his life he is running too fast, and that you should consider how to take things more slowly in order to catch your breath.

Dream about rabbits and raise them

This is a good omen! Earnings and good reports are announced for you.

Dream of dead rabbits

Here the meaning of dreaming of rabbits is bad, because announces losses or unfulfilled promises. The meaning is the same if we kill the rabbit in our dream.

Dream of rabbit fur

The rabbit is an animal that can be hunted, although sometimes it is difficult to hit their agile bodies. If in your dream you see the skin of a rabbit, possibly a hunter, portends loneliness, misfortune; bad news, after all. Similarly, if in the dream the rabbit is caught in a trap, then in front there is a risk of breaking.

Dream of eating rabbit

The rabbit is an animal that can be eaten in many ways: grilled, stewed, as a rice dressing… Dreaming that you eat rabbit at a family celebrationthere will be good news soon, and will be related to the celebration of marriage, or the arrival of new family members into the world.

To dream that we make an amulet with the leg of a rabbit

There are people who associate rabbits with good luck, and use their dry feet as a talisman. Dreaming that we are making a lucky charm with a rabbit’s foot, the ingenuity we have is highlighted, or our predisposition to believe in superstitions.

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Dream about being bitten by a rabbit

If you dream that a rabbit is sinking its teeth into you, it means that you should pay more attention to your personal relationship or your life as a couple.

Conclusion: if you dream of rabbits, pay attention to your relationships

With all the above, we can conclude that the fact of dreaming of rabbits according to the Magic Dictionary it is a signal for us to pay attention to our relationships. But not only as a couple, but also with family, friends, even partners with whom we have started a business.