How does your Descending Sign influence your personality?

Surely you are familiar with your Ascendant, but would you know what is your descendant? Here we tell you why this concept is so important in astrology. Discover what is yours!

What is the descending sign of the Horoscope?

It is a concept closely related to ascendingalthough unlike this one, which indicates personality in society, the descendant tells us about the type of people that appear in our lives and with whom we tend to create bonds. Point out the couple, the partner, etc. It is the great “other”.

the zodiac sign in which our descendant appears in a natal chart reveals a lot of information, such as the qualities we look for in a romantic partner or in a business partner. The astral descendant refers to all that we admire in the otherbut because in some way we feel that they are qualities that we lack.

On the other hand, just as we attribute our most ignored qualities to the other, we also we project on others the negative characteristics that we do not assume (such as jealousy, aggressiveness, etc.) That is why it is also said that the descending reflects the potential enemy, he or she who is opposed to what we are, to our values, to our identity, but that in reality appears in our path so that we understand those own characteristics that we dislike. In summary, the Other is the one who serves as a mirror for us, both in the good and in the bad.

Assimilating those energies that we project on others is the path to self-knowledge and self-realization. Know the descenderand therefore, inquiring about those aspects of the personality that we have repressed, teaches us to dominate our true potential but also, to know our flaws up close.

In the field of love, the descendant helps us tremendously not to establish relationships of dependency but «from equal to equal» because assimilating our lights and shadows is the only way to create an emotionally healthy couple.

How to calculate the descender


The first step in calculating the astral descendant is know the ascendant For its calculation it is of vital importance that we know data such as the time of birth, be it ours or that of that person on whom we want to make the natal chart. In the link you will find everything you need to discover your ascendant.

Once we know in which astrological sign the ascendant falls, this being the one that marks house I of a natal chart, then the descendant automatically falls on the opposite pole of the zodiacal wheel, on the 7th house cusp, which is precisely the house of interpersonal relationships. For more signs, while the ascendant is located on the left side of the natal chart, the descendant is located On the right side.

For example, if the ascendant falls in Aries, then the descendant will be Libra. Other combinations of pairs of opposites in the zodiac wheel are: Taurus-Scorpio; Gemini-Sagittarius; Cancer-Capricorn; leo-aquarius and virgo-pisces

How are you according to your astral descendant?


Once we know the ascendant, you will be ready to discover how you live your relationships with the other. Astrology is a very useful tool that we can immediately put into practice!

Descendant in Aries

Looking for one active couple, in every sense. They are attractive, but display certain “bad boy” attitudes that can disrupt relationships. He is also afraid of commitments. The «dark» tendency is to repress aggressiveness more typical of Aries until he suddenly explodes with anger.

Descendant in Taurus

You want someone stable, faithful and affectionate, which can be the pillar of the relationship. However, jealousy, pride and stubbornness will be the main obstacles. Relationships are a status symbol. Warm contact with others is very important, but with a descending Taurus it is difficult to manifest it naturally. Comfort is something very attractive although we rarely allow it.

Descendant in Gemini

This Descendant hates controlling relationships. A creative, free, seductive and lively partner is required. The other side of the coin is that you can’t help being possessive of your partner., or have several at once! Another paradox is that falsehood is hated, but it is quite common that with a Gemini descendant, they resort to lies.

Descendant in Cancer

With a descendant in Cancer we seek a reliable, sensitive and homely partner. The hidden part of the character is the lack of understanding towards instability. The associates are usually «maternal» because there is a permanent need to receive guidance and advice from someone we believe superior. The biggest fear of a descending Cancer is to show their own authority and strength.

Descendant in Leo

The descending Leo seeks the company of original, dynamic people. Conventional people are not tolerated very well. Despite this, people who go too far in prominence are annoying, because It is not completely assimilated that we also deserve to stand out from time to time.

Descendant in Virgo

For an individual with descendant in Virgo, the ideal partner will be someone orderly, detailed, prudent and persevering. We value humility and compassion, but there is a tendency for destructive criticism. The ability to detail is admired because with a descending Virgothere are great difficulties in focusing on daily tasks.

Descendant in Libra

The maximum value of a descender Pound is diplomacy and knowing how to be. They prefer the partner who demonstrates people skills over any other quality. The bad thing is that we easily get tired of always being surrounded by people, or It is missing that the couple wants to spend more time alonesince the presence of friends on dates will be quite frequent.

Descendant in Scorpio

Emotions are too intense or easily overwhelm us, but we tend to look for people with these Scorpio characteristics. This descendant in Scorpio enables great learning through the partner and associates, but personal work must be constant and sometimes it becomes exhausting.

Descendant in Sagittarius

This position indicates the need for a relationship where personal space and freedom are respected. There is a certain childish component in the manifestation of character, however, by assuming differences with maturity, balance is maintained. Personal truths are taken too much to heart and we are not willing to give in to an argument, but then we want others to accept our word without question, something very Sagittarius!

Descendant in Capricorn

Responsibility is highly valued, sacrifice and power in the couple. This tends to be greater when the descendant appears in Capricorn. Nevertheless, that authority that we want so much in a couple, turns against us, because we all need freedom and space to develop. The descending Capricorn is one of the most difficult to cope with.

Descendant in Aquarius

There is a need to relate to someone adventurous, curious, cheerful and intelligent. The lack of flexibility and the refusal to compromise are the biggest obstacle of the descendant in Aquarius. Nevertheless, the same intransigence that is criticized is the one we apply when quickly categorizing others.

Descendant in Pisces

The tendency to idealize the partner is too strong. People who are dreamers and who seem to be in another world are overestimated, being that later it turns out to be an annoying characteristic in the coexistence of a couple, due to the lack of pragmatism in the day to day. You have to watch the fear of failurewhich appears irrationally in the lives of people with descendants in Pisces.