【 Dream Dictionary 】 Do you dream of excrement?

Defecation or urination are daily actions that we all do, but it is rarely talked about, as it is considered something dirty and shameful. And as a habitual act, and as natural as breathing, eating or blinking, and which gives a true sense of well-being because we feel relieved of what weighs us down.a, in our dreams we can see excrement, poop and any type of residue of those expelled by our own body (or that of other people or animals).

Dream dictionary: What does it mean to dream of excrement?

In the collective imagination, as we have said, excrement is something that causes shame, and therefore, dreaming of feces in any of its varieties represents something uncomfortable, but also a certain transgression. The dreamer feels as if he is dirty, and it could be a way of channeling his madness, his inner demons..

The dream dictionary also reveals that the act of defecating symbolizes the expulsion of what remains in us, that matter that we do not usually mention out loud because it hurts us (something that increases more in dreams in which defecation is difficult, such as a constipation situation).

A) Yes, it could be a complex, an injustice that we are experiencing in our flesh, or a financial problem. In this last sense, if the droppings have economic connotations, it could also be a warning about the existence of excessive greed, a certain obstinacy.

  • Discover what it means to dream and what is the dictionary of dreams

Dreaming of excrement: Variants of this type of dream

Poop can sneak into our dreams in multiple ways, but we are going to analyze in broad strokes how we can interact with it and what more specific meaning the dream dictionary gives off.

Dream that you are covered in excrement

If feces cover you in your dreams, your psyche is warning you to change your attitude. Above all because you lack will, and you must take the course of your own life so that no one can abuse you and your good faith.

Dream about getting dirty with excrement

One thing is that the excrement covers you, and another to have the feeling of having dirty yourself, since the second can happen with a negligible amount. Thus, if when you wake up the sensation is of how dirty you have been during Morfe’s visitor it is possible that some kind of family discussions are being announced, which could even turn violent.

Dream that a person dirty us with excrement

In this specific case, our mind is warning us that we have to act cunningly with that man or woman who has sneaked into our dreams. That it is best to avoid a risky confrontation with him or her.

Dream of dirtying a person with excrement

It would certainly be a very unpleasant sight within our dream, wouldn’t it? But the interpretation of it is not much more flattering either, since predicts a bad omen for that person who ends up stained by poop, and it does not have to be our responsibility.

Dream that we walk on dog poop

Although social awareness is becoming more powerful, and dog owners pick up their pets’ excrement, there was a time when the sidewalks were full of poop and more than once we got one stuck to the sole of our shoe, TRUE?

Well, you should know that dreaming that we are walking on dog droppings is usually an excellent omen. The dream dictionary interprets the appearance of an unexpected opportunity in business, or also in everyday events.

dream of diarrhea

Dreaming of liquid excrement, with diarrhea, poop not only symbolizes the need to purify and renew thoughts quickly and definitively. And it’s alson is alerting us that in real life we ​​are suffering from some kind of digestive disorder.

Dream that you sleep on excrement

All the alarms around you can now sound, dreamer, because if this is what you have visualized in your dream state, it is an omen that you will suffer disgrace, disappointment, or misfortune in any of its possible aspects. Also It can be interpreted as the beginning of a bad streak, of a period of misfortune.

Dream that you are defecating

The dream dictionary reveals that you will get rid of an uncomfortable and painful feeling; your path is lighting up and you will feel free and satisfied with your actions. Likewise, it can be interpreted as that you will remove annoying attitudes or people from your life.

Dream that your car is full of excrement

Can it happen that, in your day to day, you do not feel recognized, that you have the feeling that you are not valued enough? This is what follows from this dream, and it may be because the path you have chosen does not allow you to move forward, and that you devalue yourself for it.

Dream about manure

The excrements of certain animals can be used as fertilizers, so that plants and trees grow more lustrous. In your dream, poop may appear in the form of fertilizer, and that you or a gardener apply it to the flowers you have in your garden, for example.

The interpretation of this is that you will benefit from positive elements, that you will have a reward or receive praise. If you use the fertilizer, you will have to act so that those laurels arrive, but if the fertilizer is handled by someone else, everything will arrive smoothly, without you having to break a sweat.

Conclusion: if you dream of droppings pay attention to your confidence

In general, the excrements symbolize elements and people that make us uncomfortable in our day to day life, as has already been developed throughout the entire report. If poo appears often in your dreams, you should still take some time for yourself, to get to know yourself better and regain confidence. that you may be losing dropper. So, dreamer, you should feel free to modify what bothers you, change your path, position, and ultimately, purge from your interior what weighs you down.