Discover the 14 most effective types of divination

Since ancient times, there have been two ways of predicting the future: clairvoyance and divination.. Clairvoyance is natural, intuitive, spontaneous and can arise in many ways: through images, dreams, sensations… While divination, through different mancias, is inductive and analytical, and it is effected through signs provoked by the one who wants to consult the future.

14 types of magic and divinatory arts

Divination, as we explained, is the ability to interpret messages and omens thanks to the understanding, learning and knowledge of the symbols and associations linked to an oracle.

Thus, in the mancias or divinatory arts (means the same) we find an answer to a question An answer that does not necessarily have to do with knowing your future, but rather an answer to a question or a way to reach a goal.

Y for this, a support method will be used, also called oraclewhich can be objects closely linked to divination such as a deck of cards or a crystal ball, but also other less popular ones, such as keys, coins, or even the howling of a dog!

Next we are going to discover the main skills within the divinatory arts, as well as some of the most curious or unknown.

1. Palmistry

It is the mancia related to the reading of the lines of the hand, that is to say, the future of the person can be seen according to the drawing that he has in his palm. The gypsy people have a special gift for this divinatory art, because he knows how to decipher the lines and folds of the hand and find the line of life, the line of love, the line of the family as well as other aspects.

2. Thesomancy

Within the mancias, this allows to interpret the tea leaves and find meaning in it for the future life. Within popular culture we have seen this divinatory art in the ‘Harry Potter’ movie saga as well as in the ‘Charmed’ series.

3. Caffeomancy

Divinatory art very similar to the previous one, consisting in this case of reading coffee grounds. If the well draws a fish, good news is ventured, and they will be bad if the shape is similar to that of a spider. If we see the symbol of infinity, a good economic streak will come, a triangle warns of travel, a heart of the arrival of a new love, and if what you interpret in the well is the silhouette of a person, it is that a loved one who died is helping and protecting you. This prediction technique is very present in some countries like Turkey.

4. Aleuromancy

If caffeomancy seems curious to you, you should know that there is another more curious divinatory art, based on the interpretation of the shape of the flour. More amazing still, aleuromancy is a somewhat forgotten divination practice that is based on the interpretation of the forms in the flour!

5. Crystallomancy

When thinking of a witch, many of us imagine an old woman consulting the future in a crystal ball. And precisely that is what crystallomancy consists of, in interpreting the signals that can be perceived through a sphere of this type. It is known that it was already used 2,000 years before the birth of Christ.


6. Cartomancy

In divination, cartomancy refers to the divinatory arts to read the cards and better understand the events of the future. Tarot cards are specially designed to be used as oracles, although other decks can also be read, such as the Spanish one.

7. Oliomancy

Have you ever heard that pets, especially dogs, have a sixth sense? Oliomancy is closely related to this, since predicts the future through the howling of dogs, and it is based on the fact that these furry companions can perceive certain events.

8. Geomancy

Geomancy is one of the oldest arts of divination. Literally means divination by Earth and thus the one who practices geomancy is simply the intermediary, the interpreter of the messages of the Earth. By connecting with the consultant, he will send you the messages that Mother Earth wishes to convey to you at this time.


9. Lithomancy

lithomancy predict the future with precious and semi-precious stones in which 12 crystals are used that must be purified before being used: amethyst, smoky quartz, moonstone, jasper, calcite, rose quartz, angelite, lapis lazuli, sodalite, ametrine, agate and amber.

10. Thyromancy

We return to talking about food and mancias, since this divinatory art typical of the Greek peoples is he interpreted the forms drawn by the fermentation of the cheeses. It is also said that the wormy cheeses allowed to guess the future, putting it on a piece of paper in which the names of people who were suspected of a crime appeared, and that the worms would go to the name of the culprit.

11. Cleidomancy

In the divinatory arts, cleidomancy is a very old divination system for which you need a key, like a pendulum, and a tape. It allows knowing dates, names, finding lost things or knowing in advance the sex of a baby.

12. Ovomancy

For this mancia you have to take an egg, a pin and a glass of water. The egg is punctured, and its content is dropped on the glass, and while the egg white falls we must formulate the question. The way that the content of the egg draws us in the glass (an arch, a boat, bubbles, a circle…) will be the message that this divinatory art wants to convey to us.

13. Xylomancy

It is based on the observation and interpretation of tree trunks and branches that have fallen to the ground and takes into account the shape, position, orientation of the wood to interpret the future. It is an example of how strongly nature is linked to the divinatory arts. Most of the time, these practices are forgotten and it is extremely rare to meet a seer who will use them to predict his future, although he does not mean that they do not exist.

14. Arachnomancy


Continuing with the link with nature, this art of divination tells us that seeing a spider in the morning is a sign of luck and seeing a spider at night is good news.