Prayer to Saint Pancratius: work, money and parsley

A very popular cult, especially in Spain, is the one that exists around the figure of San Pancracio, very present in houses and shops. His fame links him to work and money, although few know his story.

In the following report we will delve into who was this saint who died very young, what is his festivity, what are the most frequent offerings and we will give a prayer to San Pancracio and a novena to San Pancracio to intercede to improve our economic and labor situation.

Who was Saint Pancratius?

According to Christian tradition, the saint to whom we must pray a prayer or a novena to bring money and work was born in present-day Turkey at the end of the 3rd century. Although its existence has never been questioned (as it happens with Santa Bárbara or San Expedito) there is little information about his life. His parents were of pagan origin, and when he was orphaned, Saint Pancratius traveled to Rome with his uncle Dionysus and there he converted to Christianity and received baptism.

At the age of 14, Saint Pancratius was martyred in the persecution of Diocletian, who ordered his head to be cut off. His tomb appeared in the Octavilia cemetery, next to the famous Via Aurelia. In that same enclave, Pope Saint Symmachus built the current basilica that bears his name.

His feast day is May 12, the same day that Santo Domingo de la Calzada, saints Nereo and Aquiles and San Germán de Constantinople, among others, are remembered.

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How Saint Pancras is represented

In the Christian imaginary, Saint Pancras is represented dressed as a Roman soldier, or, above all, as a boyish-looking young man wearing a red Roman tunic and green robes.

In his hand he usually carries a bible open to a passage from the gospels, which reads «Venite ad me et ego dabo vobis omnia bona», that is, «come to me and I will give you all the goods» (a phrase that refers to the fact that follow Christ and that, depending on who read it, could well link him to requests for work and money).

Also in his hand he carries a palm, a common symbol in those saints who died martyred, although, in some statues, the palm is replaced by a feather.

The miraculous fame of San Pancracio with work and money

From the 6th century the relics of Saint Pancratius spread throughout the world, which leads us to think that, as on so many occasions, they may be false. However, for a long time the Church allowed the worship of objects or remains that had only been in contact with the original relic. In the Middle Ages, Saint Pancratius was very popular, and the most needy entrusted themselves to him to ask for his protection.

Currently the image of San Pancracio is very common in shops and private homes, either in prints or figures. According to tradition, for Saint Pancratius to bring us luck, they have to give us his image, or steal it (although this conflicts with something as basic as the commandments that govern Christianity).

If we want prosperity to enter our store or companywe must place the figure of San Pancracio in a visible place, and offer fresh parsley in a glass by his side. It is believed that this tradition starts from a woman who would sell this plant at the door of a church, and people would buy it for charity and then offer it to the saint.

The right hand of Saint Pancras is usually facing heavenward, with the index finger raised, and in his figures a coin with a hole is usually placed in its center on said finger, or else, a bread rose. That finger, in addition, must point towards the interior of our business, if we want to get work done.

At present, also it is easy to find candles with the image of the saint, that on their reverse they have a prayer to Saint Pancratius, or even special incense as an offering to him.


San Pancracio and its link with the lottery

The Roman martyr’s relationship with money has caused many to raise a prayer to Saint Pancras to win the lottery or other games of chance, especially from the 19th century; in fact, it is common to see his name in lottery administrations (something that also clashes with Christian doctrine).

Although popular tradition links the prayer to Saint Pancras with money and work, He is also famous for his healing power. In fact, in the tomb of the martyr, the following message is read on his tombstone: “In this place, health is restored to those who come to it with illnesses, and many healing benefits are granted to those who come to it with sincere faith and approach”. He is also patron protector against false testimony, perjury and vain oaths.

Prayer to Saint Pancras

If you want to say a prayer to Saint Pancratius to ask him to intercede for you to get work and money, you should say the following:

Glorious Saint Pancras

Get me from God honest and sufficient work

for all the needs of this earthly life.

I ask you for health and strength to fulfill my task.

Through him, I will hope to achieve eternal glory.



Novena to Saint Pancras

Another way of invoking the martyr Saint Pancratius to ask him to give us work and money it is through a novena, that is, a prayer that we must repeat throughout nine days.

Blessed Saint Pancras

In destiny I have written

find a stable job.

I ask Jesus Christ

and you will be my holy bond,

and I your implacable devotee.


At the end of the novena, we must give alms to nine different people who need it.