explore your past lives to discover your destiny

What was I in another life, what burdens have I inherited, and what good deeds will return to me? The karmic law, based on the existence of an eternal soul in continuous transformation, helps you to learn lessons from the past according to the position of the stars at the moment of your birth. This is what is called karmic astrology, an exciting discipline that you will discover below.

What is karmic astrology

Beyond its esoteric dimension, astrology is a tool to resolve doubts about the problems of the present and the concerns of the future. Karma is a concept that establishes the eternity of the soul and the repetition of actions in successive lives: beyond the belief in reincarnation, it speaks to us of a spiritual continuity.

Karmic astrology is therefore the discipline that studies the position of the stars at the time of a person’s birth in order to decipher the burdens accumulated in the soul during past lives with the same objective as conventional astrology: to resolve the conflicts of the past, understand the circumstances of the present, and foresee the future.

In addition, karmic astrology allows us to offer behavior patterns through connection with past lives, in order to improve relationships with oneself and with the environment. In this case, however, the astrological elements take on a new meaning..

Past Lives Through Sun and Moon Nodes

In conventional astrology, the sun is the star that marks the beginning of life and the ruler of personality qualities. As such, it offers a lot of information about what your life will be like in the future. In karmic astrology, on the other hand, it explains the reason why your soul has reincarnated. in the person you are now: mark your purpose in life.

In karmic astrology, the lunar nodes are also decisive, which are not a star but the node, the union, between the sun, the moon and the earth. In this case, they offer keys to the understanding of the soul in its continuous evolution and transformation.

The nodes are arranged facing each other at 180º at birth. The South Node records the information we inherit from past lives, while the North Node reveals to us the path to follow to reach fulfillment and receive the Dharma, the cosmic law of the Buddhist order. The lunar nodes can be, for example, Leo-Aquarius or Virgo-Pisces.

The importance of Saturn in karmic astrology

Saturn is a key planet to take advantage of all the knowledge that karmic astrology gives us for personal growth. ANDThis is the star of blockages, frustrations and sadnessand through their energies we can detect brakes and limitations for the development of capacities and potentialities.

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So how to extract the information that Saturn contains? Although its movement is slow and its energies can be heavy, thanks to it we can mature and improve our life experience. Through Saturn we can detect previous traumas and unassimilated lessons in a past life, so that in our present we can move forward.

The position of Saturn at the time of birth is a guide to free us from the chains of the past and move forward on our path to wholeness. Through their influences the lessons of karma come to our knowledge. so that we apply with wisdom all that we have learned.

retrograde planets in the natal chart

In conventional astrology, the so-called retrograde planets are those that appear to go backwards when we observe them from Earth, and they are very useful to discover difficulties in the development of abilities and personality. According to the astrology of karma, retrograde planets report lessons poorly learned.

A life lesson from the past may have been left unfinished due to a misinterpretation of it or the incorrect application of actions, which can be corrected through karmic astrology and the projection of the retrograde planets in the natal chart.

Jupiter’s Role in Karmic Astrology

If Saturn is the great teacher in karmic astrology, Jupiter is the bearer of karmic gifts and helps to understand this type of knowledge in a less restrictive way. Karma is a way to correct the past and learning, but also a tool to take advantage of all the good that we inherit.

In that sense, Jupiter, as a star responsible for the expansion in the material and the spiritual rewardsis the planet that karmic astrology takes into account to read what we can receive and discover how to exploit it to the fullest.

In fact, the position of Jupiter is in turn the acceptance of the Law of Karma, because this tells us that everything we do in the present, each of our actions, has an impact and returns sooner or later. And so, the analysis of the energies of Jupiter and everything that returns us from past good deeds confirms that law.

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The astrological houses and the importance of the 12th House

In traditional astrology, the mysterious 12th House is one of the unconscious houses, so called because they infer qualities in a person that are not consciously manifested. Of these three, the 12th House is the one that offers the most interpretation problems, because it is the one that is more hidden from understanding human.

If your zodiac sign is in this astrological house at the moment of birth, the interpretation of your past, your present and your future meets a difficult and confusing interpretation. In karmic astrology, this does not have to be an obstacle.

Aries in the 12th House

Karmic astrology reveals in this case that your past life was linked to the military, crafts and exploration trips. Your inner consciousness manifests itself in a vibrant, visceral and energetic way, always in contention for victory.

Your subconscious is continually making plans, designing projects, dreaming. And although your impulse can be a brake, it is the demonstration that you never give up.

Taurus in the 12th House

In a previous life, your existence was dedicated to the cultivation of the land or the financial sector, perhaps a banker, perhaps a farmer. Who knows. What comes to you in the present in an unconscious way is a tendency to material stability and the fruition of goods.

In that most hidden part of you remains crouched a natural instinct for pleasuresan innate relationship with nature, and a wonderful development of the senses.

Gemini in the 12th House

In a past time you were working in direct contact with others, and you were especially good at communication. That is why in your subconscious you maintain an urge to talk to others, and you are especially good at sales and business.

Not only that, but you also have an enormous intelligence that can help you control the impulses of your childish spirit.

Cancer in the 12th House

This astrological circumstance indicates a past linked to the sea, with an inclination towards the universe of children and a tendency towards the feminine. Sensitivity rules your inner worldbut at the same time there are brakes and limits to the expression of your feelings.

Everything that could apparently emerge in relation to your need for a family bond is found trapped in disabilities, traumas and blocks that you have to unravel.

Leo in the 12th House

Leo’s placement in the 12th House at your birth informs you that your past experience was linked to political, religious, military or social leadership, with a position of power from which you inherit security and creativity, but also manias and arrogance.

That is why you must use the great inner power that you carry inside to get what you want without falling into excess or excessive judgment of others.

Virgo in the 12th House

Probably in a previous life you were an accountant or manual worker in a position that required maximum precision. Inside you, the priority of order remains dormant and panic to chaos. The discipline that structures and corrects the mistakes of the past.

Everything that you can change in your favor has to come hand in hand with the subjectivization of what comes from the outside for its discernment between good and bad.

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Libra in the 12th House

And according to the position of Libra in the 12th House in your natal chart, what was I in another life? Surely an artist, a judge, a critic or someone linked to fashion. Self-confident, elegant and balanced, karmic imbalances must be resolved.

Social life, moderation, sensuality, art, justice and kindness They are values ​​that will help you overcome crises, fears and limitations.

Scorpio in the 12th House

Karmic astrology reveals, when Scorpio is in the 12th House, that a person has a previous life dedicated to the esotericism, magic, crime or the underground. And that his spirit harbors a great source of magnetism and sensitivity.

But in this case there is the risk of negativity, which prevents the processing of interrupted lessons from the past. Moderate the excesses of passion.

Sagittarius in the 12th House

Perhaps a philosopher, a thinker, an intellectual, a master of the abstract; or perhaps an intrepid traveler, a sportsman. Even a banker. The past lives of Sagittarius when he is in the 12th House at your birth define you as an optimistic and idealistic being.

To take advantage of karmic returns open your spirit and free your mind. To correct frustrations, avoid being self-indulgent and letting yourself be absorbed by your environment.

Capricorn in the 12th House

The revelation of karma for Capricorn in the 12th House hints at work related to land or construction, an administrative job or bureaucratic positions. Your soul is in need of realism and unconsciously leads you to material progress.

Others admire you putting into operation your sixth sense, your cunning and your intuitionbut you have to avoid the tendency to melancholy and isolation.

Aquarius in the 12th House

In the past you could have been a revolutionary, a humanist, a social worker, but also someone linked to science and research. Your innermost point is illuminated by utopia, idealism and cooperation.

This can be very inspiring if you have enough drive to make your dreams come true.but you often use that unreal world as a refuge, and therein lies your great limitation.

Pisces in the 12th House

Your previous existence was linked to a hospital, to religion, to the world of children or to creation. You have impressive psychic powers, more developed than any other sign, but they are waiting for you to bring them out.

You will find satisfaction in the appeasement of the soul, meditation and activities that offer you peace and tranquility. Any disorder, however, leads to insufferable anguish.