North Node in Leo: The Bold Explorer

Those born with the North Node in Leo alternate between always being in the spotlight (from the Leo side) and playing for the team (from the Aquarius South Node side).

Leo energy is what motivates them, while Aquarius is what makes these natives feel good.. In fact, all the people born with Leo – Aquarius Nodes are still deciding to be the aristocrats of society or the spiritual enlighteners who want to change the world with their emotions.

North Node in Leo

Strengths: Spiritual, objective and adventurous.
challenges: Vain, isolated and too emotional.
celebrities: Jim Morrisson, Jimi Hendrix, Margaret Thatcher, Mahatma Gandhi, Beyonce, Robert DeNiro.
dates: November 22, 1942 – May 11, 1944; June 11, 1961 – December 23, 1962; January 6, 1980 – September 24, 1981; October 21, 1998 – April 10, 2000; May 10, 2017 – November 6, 2018.

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working from the shadows

The older individuals with the North Node in Leo become, the more they have the need to no longer agree with their group’s ideas because they want to think freely, express themselves openly and use their imagination.

They can recognize when the time is right to shut up and speak up for their own interests. Sometimes, you may find all of this to be very helpful.

However, North Nodes in Leo can help you identify situations where you need to speak your mind and discuss your concerns, as well as when you need to stand up for yourself.

Individuals with the North Node in Leo and the South in Aquarius can make major changes. They just need a wide audience to make their voice heard.

As soon as this happens, it becomes easier for them to have all the attention on them, also to be relaxed when having individual discussions.

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These people seem to love technology and ideas that can change lives because Aquarius is the ruler of computers and the exact sciences. They are those mad scientists labeled as geniuses, especially if they decide to pursue a career in the digital or media world.

Your most important task in life is to embrace the North Node in Leo’s desire for luxury, boldness and expression of ideas. If not, they may end up being the shadow workers, those who are never appreciated for their imagination and opinions.

When they manage to get the attention of the public, they need to remain humble, as it is a challenge for them to be comfortable when they are in the spotlight. These natives seek to see the world through their own eyes and not depend on the opinion of many..

In this life, they may want to be in the center of attention and at the same time mingle with others. There are ways for them to become people of excellence and succeed in this competitive world.

Some of them may want to be just deeply spiritual and great people, but they will still start working on their career from a very young age and seek to get the spotlight because after all, everyone wants to be VIP’s, one way or another.

Many of them are charismaticlarge leaders and skillful workers because that’s how they were born. All of their talents can help them on their path in life, but they need to nurture what they have learned. Your personality and skills can attract a lot of attention.

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A need for changes and transformations

Leo North Node natives should occupy the stage of life, especially since they have waited all along for loved ones and colleagues to push them up.

It is your soul’s desire to move forward, to instill change, and to play this game of an important existence, just because you find all things exciting. challenges.

When they were young or maybe in their past existences, they were just on the sidelines, watching others fill important roles, which made them feel isolated.

They should be more active and explore their artistic talents, no matter what they are doing. It’s okay to play with your own creativity and enjoy what’s coming out. After all, they just need to explore what beauty has to offer and enjoy the results of their work. There are many ways they can do this.
Following your passion, the North Node can be your best medicine. If they don’t understand it, they need to listen to their inner voice and see what it is that makes the emotions in them alive.

Those with a rebellious side, geniuses and isolated personalities have somewhere in their natal chart, the sign of Aquarius, most likely the South Node in it.

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These people are conditioned by their soul to think differently, so they may not be fully aware of what they are hearing from others.

They can tell their own truth and make it difficult for others to understand them, so they need to learn to communicate as well as be more empathic.

Aquarians have a tendency to be objective and single-minded, so they can lose touch with the real world.

Many people from the North Node in Leo may have a tendency to be part of groups they don’t like.. If they act with passion and believe in strong values, as well as having clear priorities, they can identify the individuals who are perfect for them.

They should not put aside their own personality to make room for others or to be more obedient. It would be easier for them to trust their intuition and make new friends while working on their dreams.

The soul of these natives asks them to connect with others and not feel exiled anymore. If you choose not to judge yourself and your loved ones, you can truly make friends with those who may play an important role in your life. More than this, they shouldn’t want to be right all the time, or be different and lonely. Their presence should be felt because they have a lot to say. His shadow is about the unconscious fear of not being in control, as well as being too stubborn and rigid when it comes to the little things.

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People born with North Node in Leo should try to be more funny because they really have a talent for comedy.. Dark, tongue-in-cheek humor can help them work through the pain and drama, and also help them accept life as it is. There is a part of them, conscious or unconscious, that wants to shock.

They can cause heart palpitations to others, especially those who are not used to changes and surprises. It’s not that they want to be too different because they act, look and dress like everyone else.

It’s just that the light from Uranus tends to hit where they least expect it, and they’re the ones rocking the boat. It is normal that they want to collide due to the energy of Uranus, which is similar to that of Pluto.

More than this, they have the need to change and innovate. There is a dark side to all of this obviously because it may be something that is covering up their insecurity as well as a form of communication as the South Node in Aquarius is making them less able to express themselves in the proper way.

These people can be the shocking rebels who act angry when they are in pain. This is leading to a problem that those with the South Node in Aquarius have, which is that they have no idea how to feel.

These people need to be emotionally detached because they can feel overwhelmed by having to discuss their own problems. They may be uncomfortable with feelings, especially when they don’t know where they come from or how they should be dealt with. In fact, they cannot fully understand emotions and would rather suffer than solve a problem. They see them as an impediment to finding solutions and achieving great things or becoming someone important. For this reason, they should think that emotions only serve to help them develop, not that they are useless.

Individuals with the South Node in Aquarius see detachment as something that helps them help others. This is most noticeable in them when they want to make evaluations, which means that they can be incredibly efficient in solving any problem. However, the cold can get them into trouble because they may end up not so mentally and emotionally healthy.

There is no selfishness in dealing with problems in a more sensitive way, not to mention how much your world can flourish after you have decided to get in touch with your own feelings.