【Dream Dictionary】What does it mean to dream about FISH?

You will soon discover why dreaming of fish is one of the most difficult experiences to classify in the world of dreams: it can both represent the arrival of wealth and abundance in your life, as well as the advent of an illness or a catastrophe.

Do not miss this article on what it means to dream of fish according to our dream dictionary.

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Dream dictionary: What does it mean to dream about fish?

Classifying the experience of dreaming about fish is difficult in a global way, because of the great load of symbolism associated with this animal. In this case, attending to the context of the dream is essential to draw conclusions about its message.

In the psychic or premonitory dimension of dreams, fish are one of the elements with the most symbolism of all: in our culture we associate fish with abundance, belief, faith, wisdom and knowledgeand believe it or not, you have internalized all these associations involuntarily in your subconscious.

There, in the depths of your brain, where dreams are cooked, nests the image of fish as guardians of the spiritual and knowledge, with that strong symbolic charge that acquires form and meaning in each dream with its nuances and particularities. When you dream of fish, you must deconstruct the dream from its essence: abundance and energy.

In a premonitory sense, fish herald the arrival of wealth and abundance, not only in the field of economy. That is why, for example, when the dream turns into a nightmare it can announce the arrival of calamities and diseases. However, dreaming of live and colored fish is synonymous with the fact that something wonderful is about to come.

When the dream is not an oracle but the expression of a state of mind, your brain is manifesting positive energy within you. Balance, energy, wholeness, wisdom, ambition, confidence and faith.and are associated with the symbol of the fish.

Dreaming of fish: variants of this type of dream…

The shape of each dream molds that symbolic charge of the fish through the subconscious, to transmit us very useful information. Pay attention to the variants of this dream.

Dream of a school of fish

It is the classic dream that expresses abundance, wealth and prosperity. It can be the dream translation of the current moment, of your state of mind, but also an oracle that foresees an immediate future where luck and material and spiritual wealth abound. Attention, women: dream of a school of fish can be the prediction of a pregnancy.

Dream of a fish swimming in clear water

The dictionary of dreams, by the symbolism of the fish, associate this dream with a favorable environment for the realization of our wishes. It not only expresses your firmness in decisions and the clarity with which you see your future, but also conveys the idea of ​​a peaceful moment in your social life, in your circle of friends, in the family nucleus. Everything plays in your favor.

Dream of a fish swimming in cloudy water

If the fish symbolizes inner strength, trust and faith, the fact that it is swimming in a dark and dirty environment represents the difficulties and obstacles to achieve your dreams. The fish is the oneiric translation of your willpower, which swims towards the goal (success) but the murky water filters dangerously through the gills and impedes its vision.

dream of dead fish

The image of the dead fish refers us to putrefaction, anomaly, agony. That is, the disease. Dreaming of dead fish is associated with a bad premonition, the arrival of a calamity, which can be economic but, above all, physical. A variant of this dream is the fish dying out of the water: the dreamer is anxious and feels fragile.

Dream of fish in your bed

The agonizing dream of seeing fish in your bed is a sign of bad omen, the premonition of economic crisis or personal problems and, above all, the advent of diseases. Although it may be alarming, it is an invitation to overcome adversity: take action against everything that can bring you bad luck and difficulties.

Dream of fish in your hands

It is an oneiric reproduction, through the subconscious, of an internalized sensation: the fish in our hands transmit insecurity to us, something that slips away and escapes our control. In this case, the dream conveys that we have An opportunity in our hands and it’s slipping awayand invites us to make a determination to hold it.

Dream of goldfish

It is a pleasant dream that transmits peace, happiness, fullness: when our brain is capable of reproducing bright colors it means that we are full of life, that we have energy inside us and we can channel it towards achieving our dreams. It also transmits freedom in our feelings, emotional explosion and euphoria.

Dream of dangerous fish

The deformation of dreaming of fish in a nightmare indicates something negative or a state of mind marked by anxiety. The dream visualization of dangerous fish, especially piranhas and sharks, expresses a sense of threat: someone is trying to hurt you and your brain reproduces it in the form of fish. Be on your guard against those threats.

Dream that you eat fish

It is the metaphor of good luck and wealth, but also can symbolize pleasures and fun. We associate fish, as food, with something rich and luxurious, which on a material level can mean that we will have good luck and a lot of money. On an emotional level, it expresses lust and desire, as an expression of a very passionate stage or the need for new experiences.

Dream that you catch fish

It is a clear expression of the pursuit of your dreams or the search for opportunities. Perhaps you are going through economic difficulties or you are unemployed: if you find fish, you will be lucky, if not, it is not a very good sign. In the emotional field, dreaming that you are fishing express your need to find love.

Conclusion: if you dream of fish, pay attention to…

We associate fish with freedom and the pursuit of happiness, but also with abundance and wealth on a material and emotional level. In a positive sense, it conveys to us the presence or arrival of good things; in a negative sense, calamities and disease.

Dreaming of fish is usually the expression of a general state of our spirit: if there is clear water, we are in a placid moment with a favorable environment, but if the water is cloudy there are obstacles and difficulties. When we dream of a few fish or a single fish, the dream has many nuances and its context must be analyzed in more detail.

The dying, dead or rotting fish expresses anguish and an uncertain future with problems and bad experiences, but in favorable contexts and associated with food it represents luxury, pleasures and prosperity. Be that as it may, if you dream of fish pay close attention to your dream because the fish is one of the most symbolically powerful animals of the dream universe.

Do you want to know what all your dreams mean? Discover it: Dictionary of Dreams of Spain Daily