Cancer Rising Man: The Good Communicator

The man with the ascendant in Cancer is the true caretaker of the Zodiac, so you will give a hand to anyone you love with any problem they may have. He is capable of change and easily adapts to any situation or type of people, so traveling is something he really likes to do.

Although he is reserved, he still manages to grab the public’s attention. He is a good psychic, very emotional, has an interest in the dark and can read people better than others.

This is the Cancer Rising man

Strengths: Brave, firm and resourceful.

Weaknesses: Dispersed, nervous and presumptuous.

Perfect partner: Someone who lives his emotions as intensely as he does.

Life lesson: You have to put aside material possessions.

Normally kind and friendly, she acts shy around people because she doesn’t want to reveal her true feelings. This man wants a family, has a perfect memory, and is really curious about history.

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The Cancer Ascendant man is soft, sensitive and emotional, which means he has many vulnerabilities as well.. Known for not being at all ambitious and determined, he is nonetheless very responsible and wants to do his job. But he will never pay too much attention to his career because he just wants a home and his family to be happy.

His emotions run deep because he is so intense, especially when he talks about his problems. It’s like he never has any ambition or manliness in him, so he’ll be pretty hesitant when it comes to serious matters.

Cancer is the most maternal sign of the the man with this ascendant is likely to want to take care of everyone in his life.

He is a good communicator and uses his hands a lot when he speaks. It’s like he has crab claws instead of hands and he really puts them to good use as he’s an amazing cook or gardener.

A bit immature, he will stick his nose into other people’s business until he discovers, at a later age, that this is not at all elegant. His memory is amazing as he can keep in mind the smallest details related to different events and people from his past.

Give your best version at work because he wants the money to offer his family the most expensive things. However, he will not spend on what he thinks is not worth it.

It can be said that he really has a talent for saving and organizing his finances. The man with the Cancer Ascendant can sometimes fear things that are not really there and likes to keep his secrets well hidden under his emotional shell.

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He prefers to spend his time at home where he has all kinds of collections and personal things. Visiting it, you will notice perfect order on one side of the house and complete chaos on the other.

Very traditional, does not show his true face to the public. He often changes his mood and has many secrets, since his fragility needs to be kept secret in some way.

However, with those he holds close to his heart he is sensitive and emotional, to the point where he can no longer keep his balance and becomes very moody. He can be difficult to understand and keep up with because he can be reserved one minute and flamboyant the next.

He usually loves with sincerity and strength. However, he often plays the victim in relationships because he torments himself with all sorts of unreal problems.

At home, she cooks for the family and takes care of the children. But it is essential to keep his imagination engaged or he will get bored with the domestic routine. After a long time working at home, you may one day decide to go on a new adventure and change friends. He’s not reckless or unfaithful, but he needs to feel like he has more than just a great family life.

Women will want him as a husband because he is caring and able to stay in the same relationship for life.. When it comes to making love, you need to be understood and confident before you get into bed with someone.

He likes changes and wants to travel, especially if there is someone waiting for him at the destination. He may want fame and a lot of money, even though he pays close attention to his spending. Don’t be surprised when he guesses your thoughts because he really has psychic abilities.

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What is Cancer Rising like in a relationship?

When in a relationship, this person takes love very seriously, even if they don’t express affection all the time. She needs to be given a lot of space so that he too can develop on his own.

There will be times when he will be completely reserved and will escape from reality because this is what makes him feel most secure. If you are with someone who doesn’t believe in personal space and who wants too much attention, you will feel very frustrated and sad.

Faithful, this male needs to feel that he is with a stable person who is not looking to cheat or abandon him at the first sign of weakness. The man with the Cancer Ascendant has no idea what one night stands are because he needs intimacy and a lot of confidence to sleep with someone. He can be loyal to the extreme, defending his partner even if she is wrong.

very attached to his mother, he needs a wife who accepts the fact that he talks a lot about the woman who raised him. He wants a woman who leads because she prefers to follow someone and not be the dominant one. It is normal that he is the best father, but when it comes to deciding how to raise his children, he prefers to leave all this responsibility to his partner. The woman who can accept her moods and her inconsistency will be very happy to have such a faithful husband or boyfriend.

Many ladies will like his passionate and devoted style, but his sensitivity can sometimes be a problem. Worried about the people, she backs out when she realizes that she may have made a mistake.

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This man can’t find the security he needs within himself, so he looks for it elsewhere.: at your friends, your lover or at home. For example, he will feel much more secure knowing that he has a good career or a partner who loves him. Therefore, he will always look for people and activities that make him feel grounded.

What to remember about the Cancer Rising man

The Cancer Rising man is definitely an introvert who takes a long time to trust someone.

However, as soon as he establishes a connection with a person, he can be expected to be kind and generous, to avoid any confrontation with that individual and to want to please him.

He allows anything or anyone to influence him and can have moods that change from minute to minute.

Many will see him as agitated and not at all patient, although in reality he is firm and very calm.. There is no one more delicate than him, considering that even the smallest petty comment can make him feel bad. It doesn’t matter if a person didn’t even refer to him when he made a nasty joke, he’ll still take it personally. He is also famous for having trouble letting go of the past. It’s like he can’t and doesn’t want to forget what has already happened and is long gone.

He is good with money and gives it a lot of importance because it makes him feel safe, he has a talent for business. But this does not mean that he does not have many other talents because he surely does. He wants to be recognized and will ask for praise everywhere he goes, this being another thing that makes him feel much needed security.

This person will pay great attention to his home because it is the place where he feels most comfortable, happy and fulfilled.. It’s normal for him to hoard, as he just can’t let go of things.