How does it influence your personality?

The 8th House is all about change and sexuality, while the Moon is also a huge influencer when it comes to change. This means that People with the Moon in the 8th House cannot find their romantic peace and are always looking for new partners to have fun with in bed..

Moon in the 8th House summary

Strengths: Sensuality, creativity and simplicity.
challenges: Press and control.
Advice: Be careful with the risks you are taking.
celebrities: Cristiano Ronaldo, Nicki Minaj, Orlando Bloom, Zac Efron.

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The Moon makes them emotionally unstable, in need of pampering and care, feeling that they have to take care of others themselves.. These natives want to connect deeply with people, but the lunar influence does not allow it. If you are able to recognize this, the level of intimacy with your partner will deepen.

Eighth house natives are known for their possessiveness Y jealousy, being the type to always ask questions like «Where have you been?» or «Who else was there?» It’s kind of a paradox with them, because on the one hand they desperately want to be close to someone, and on the other, they are not able to trust a person who wants to be their partner.

conflict on strike

People with the Moon in the 8th House are very aware of their surroundings and how those close to them feel.. They are those individuals who know many things about taboos, the occult, strange sex and even death.

It is easy for them to become very attached to others because the way they love is so intense and deep. This is also why it takes them a while to recover from loss, from being hurt or from being rejected.

As children, their parents may have forbidden them to live as intensely as they wanted, because they exaggerated how deeply they used to feel.

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When these people love, you can be sure that they do it with all their heart and soul, always wanting to be the main support in the lives of their loved ones.

The position of the Moon in the eighth house means that they inherit many traits from personality on your side motherincluding all the negative aspects that the ancestors of the woman who raised them may have had.

It is normal for unfortunate events to be destructive in love and stability, so they must be vigilant not to let anything destroy their passion and the beautiful connections they have built with others.

Natives with the Moon in the eighth house may have this arrangement as a symbol of very strong complexes that they don’t even know about and that exist below what they show in public.

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They may also hide memories that caused them pain in the past.. This is the reason why they are sometimes hateful, jealous and even depressed.

While they earn their own money and live the good life, they also want to be in control of their loved ones’ finances. When they feel blue, they like to go shopping and spend all their money on clothes or jewelry.

They may inherit a consistent fortune from their mothers, but they will still have times when they feel that what they have is not enough.

Because they are very emotional and intense, it is very possible that they initiate all kinds of conflicts with those who do not see things the way they do. These natives have a deeper and more meaningful understanding of life than others, which means they are different and often puzzling.

When the Moon is in difficult aspects, they become very difficult to let go of and power hungry. Also, they may want to deal with anything that is off-limits and out of the public eye.

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Many of them will have psychic abilities because they are so intense and capable of picking up on the darkest aspects of a person’s personality. So don’t be surprised if they are alternative medicine healers, using their instincts to determine how to make people better and how to nurture them.

The position of the Moon in the eighth house indicates that they are more aware of the dangers that surround them and that they have the need to protect. Your emotions may be based on sexuality rather than other types of interactions.

This 8th House is also the ruler of the accumulated wealth of others, so the planets in it are often linked to an organizational spirit and a flair for business.

Moon in Eighth House individuals can be domineering and controlling, so they may not even care what others are feeling if they are not emotionally satisfied. Meanwhile, they will crave feelings and go through all kinds of emotions.

at least its appearance hypnotist and his magnetism you will always have them attracting people, no matter how overwhelming your personality may seem.

The eighth house deals with sex and death, so people with the Moon in them may have been impressed by the powerful scenes related to these two things when they were children.

They are the type that want a stable sexual partner because security is very important to them when it comes to making love.

If they don’t get what they want, they may encounter many problems along the way, becoming disillusioned and disappointed in those who can’t offer it to them. And on these occasions, they end up displaying behavior they would otherwise be ashamed of.

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Experiencing intense feelings

Needing to feel emotionally secure more than anything else, Luna in the Eighth House people always push themselves to be better or take on new challenges because they need to reinvent their own emotions.

Simply fascinated by how others work, secrets and everything that is not told, they are very attracted to those who are a mystery to them. Changing their sexual partners too often may indicate that they are actually emotionally insecure.

These people need intimacy, but the fact that their emotions change too often can get in the way of reaching their relationship goals. However, they are known as passionate, intense and truly loyal to their other half..

While they long to be close to someone, they can be very introverted and not trust those they want to be in their life. Expect them to give their all when they’re in love, but don’t think for a moment that they don’t want the same in return.

The Eighth House is about feeling very strong emotions. intenseso people who have their Moon in them respond with strength Y passion to challenges, no matter how cheerful the Moon is in an Air or Earth sign. The 8th House position means that they have their feelings stronger than others, but they don’t show them.

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For those with the Moon in Pisces, the rich imagination and transcendental abilities are lived more internally when the 8th House houses this celestial body, because this position would make them more private, reserved and even lonely.

Their need to take care of their own feelings would be normal, as they are aware that many people cannot understand their intensity.

Mysterious, some will not be able to see what is below its surface, but they will probably feel how the Moon in the Eighth House influences them.. These natives like not to be discovered, so you can be sure that they will never reveal too much of themselves and their emotions.

But this can influence them in a negative way because they can develop paranoia and an exaggerated need to protect their own feelings.

It can be overwhelming to discover their survival instincts, but you can get a sense of all of this by seeing how they think danger is around every corner, hence the paranoia.

However, it is impossible to find someone stronger and more resistant than them.. They can go through the most difficult problems and become wiser and more powerful after finding the solutions. The more they fight, the deeper they will become emotionally.

They would make great advisers because they have all the necessary experience and can read people like an open book. The connections they often make are of real depth, so their loved ones need to be as deep and intense as they are if they want a lasting relationship.

Moon in the eighth House individuals do not have sex for fun, as they are emotionally invested in making love. Physical interaction feeds their soul and makes them more emotionally attached.