Capricorn Weaknesses: Know Them So You Can Defeat Them

Those born in Capricorn are never the angels they want to seem. They are not for nothing sensitive and naivewhich means that they are prone to handle Y scam.

These natives can plan for a long time, not to mention that they can become authoritarian with no reason. However, it seems that they also do not have enough imagination and that they keep silent when others least expect it.

Capricorn weaknesses in a nutshell

– They can be blinded by their own ambitions.

– When it comes to love, they can be quite cold Y disdainful with the emotions.

– They love their children very much. familiesbut sometimes they avoid responsibilities.

– Regarding work, they can be hard and intolerant with your colleagues.

stubborn and fanatical

Always in control of emotions that may be going on, this can affect the way they look. It would be a good idea for them to talk and find someone as sensitive as they are, to address what is bothering them.

As soon as Capricorns make decisions, they invest all their resources. However, when it comes to their emotions and their closest relationships, they are simply blocked.

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This can cause them to have headaches or be depressed for a long time, not to mention that they can start making up problems and become weak, once again, for no reason.

People born in Capricorn should realize that there is nothing to lose when they are more open. They are stable and loyal to those they love the most, but they can have problems when they have to remember some things they have done and when they insist on being too close to others..

More than this, they may have compulsive ideas and think of ways of revenge, perhaps being hurt by things that don’t matter, for long periods of time. These people have to forgive and be more relaxed. The planet Saturn makes them more focused, but similarly, it takes away all their romanticism and ideals.

They may be low-spirited and overly serious. When it comes to the spiritual realm, you may miss out on many experiences of affection.

These people can use all their skills to reflect about how they can develop what they believe in, as well as how they can be more loving, affectionate and joyful.

Capricorn weaknesses according to their age

Capricorns of the first decade are disciplined, which means that they never leave anything to chance. They are interested in other things than love. This indicates that they want to raise the social scale and just pay attention to your ambitions.

More than this, they would hate to be caught off guard and would want to dominate their choices as well as the circumstances. For this reason, they are choosing the not-so-mature ways to fool others and feel happy again, over their childhood moments.

Capricorns of the second decade are true fans, stubborn to the point of severity. They act with strange manners and most of the time they don’t pay attention to emotions.

However, they need to learn how they can count on themselves and control their impulses. This is a decan that makes people feel worthless.

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These people need to prove that they always have reason. They can sacrifice everything that is important and show that they are tough to deal with their sensitivity that is being repressed. They can understand their weaknesses and why they need to be tender.

Capricorns of the third decade can work very hard, for long periods of time, just to make their dreams come true. It is important to love and support them, also to rekindle their enthusiasm. They are people of great character, so they do not make any compromises.

These natives can play many roles, just to get their goals met. When they are loved, people can forget themselves and their own dreams.

What is Capricorn like in love and friendships?

The natives born in Capricorn never think optimistically and do not want to occupy an important place around their loved ones.

It is difficult for them to express their feelings because they need to be patient and tolerate any moment of silence or despondency. Their beliefs are often pessimists.

When it comes to being lovers, they are investing with wisdom Y gratitude. Possessing a good sense of humor can also offend and make others feel agitated.

If couples are serious and stick to the rules, it is estimated that as soon as their other half is found, they can no longer look for someone else, ever again.

Capricorns are masters when it comes to domestic life. They don’t pay enough attention to emotions because they think they are just wasting their energy by having them. In conclusion, your conduit is all about the logic. Many may see them as cold, and in case they are doing something that seems emotional, they don’t really care.

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Capricorn people are not the best at keeping those who are suffering comfortable. They don’t mean it when they say «Okay.» Therefore, they cannot provide comfort to those they love. Those who want to understand them may need to explain what and why they feel a certain way.

They are good at offering the most logical answers and do not like to hug people or be affectionate with them. It is their purpose to encourage and support. The natives with the Sun in Capricorn do not understand why others are crying because they are too intellectual to understand all this.

Are negativesThey want to earn more than others and always ask for more. They don’t have many friends and they select them severely. When it comes to friendships in the long run, they’re the weird kind that need to be cheered up, so they can be counted on when things are completely dark.

It is very likely that they will despair at different times in their life. Their social life usually starts to get chaotic as soon as the fun has started, when they manage to enjoy the excitement of life. His sign is more about finesse than partying like crazy.

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This is the family life of a Capricorn

People born in Capricorn have a tendency to seriousnessbut at the same time, they are too traditional, anxious Y moody. These natives can rebel in chaotic situations or when they are not under proper management, they do not have the proper senses.

They normally resist shadows until conformity has been achieved. Capricorns often get discouraged and depressed, not to mention that their company is worth having faith in.

When it comes to parenting, Capricorns are cold Y authoritarianThey take full responsibility and ask their children to be moral as well as respect tradition.

Children of this sign seem to have been born at an advanced age. They do not appreciate when other children do not measure themselves, preferring to stay with adults. They are reserved, which means their polite ways can bring them down for no reason.

Capricorn in your work life

People born in Capricorn suffer from frustrationsare career-focused and can be harsh. They cannot cause any trouble to the elders in their family if they are allowed to be free and given proper instructions.

These natives hate the chaos and they are not the most flexible. They have a tendency to moralize their colleagues and cannot adapt to new forms or codes of conduct, their main objective being teamwork.

These people want their elders to respect them, so they must tread carefully. When they are bosses, they are like parents, believing that it is important for them to sacrifice for a career, which makes them motivating role models for their subordinates.


If they are independent, they act independently. pessimistic and continue with their routineuntil they are exhausted with any kind of frustration and are no longer accessible to anyone.

When they work, they must be careful who dares to take their job. As has already been said, they are the ones who only think about their professional life.

These natives have a lot ambition and they don’t hesitate to destroy their competition when trying to achieve their goals. Behind their laid-back demeanor, they are cool and calculated, even annoyed to the point of appearing gloomy with their partner.

In trying to achieve their career goals, Capricorn individuals can forget about other interests in life, even their love for the most important people.

These natives may insist on spending all their time at work, not to mention that they are the ones who don’t separate the personal from the professional. Therefore, they cannot relax or be happy at parties.

Negative reactions from other people urge them to suppress their emotions and not seek the success they eagerly await. Capricorn people need spread your interests Y understand that rest is important.