Compatibility in love, in bed and in relationships: Gemini and Scorpio

From the very beginning, you should know that the compatibility between Gemini and Scorpio is quite difficult. Think of natural phenomena, when a strong air element meets an angry water element, the result is a tornado.

Degree of compatibility between Gemini and Scorpio

emotional connection: Strong. Communication: Average. Trust and reliability: Below average. common values: Below average. Privacy: Strong.

Both Scorpio and Gemini are very interested in psychology and how life works. human mind, and they can talk for hours on end on this very subject alone. However, it is a pity that Geminis tend to lose focus and interest in a topic if it has been under discussion for a long time.

this attitude carefree Y rampant of the Twins creates big problems for the stable, earth-based scorpions.

When Gemini and Scorpio fall in love…

The bond between the two can grow more and more over time, contrary to all beliefs, even though they have their secrets Y riddleswhich not many can hope to respond to, least of all each other.

And on their way to the answer, they will move mountains to discover the secrets that are hidden within, this being exactly the most intriguing and interesting of them. Also, Scorpio is very Romantic in general, and while you may want to keep your partners to yourself, and not involve other people in your private moments.

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While Gemini lovers need to constantly be in a state of perpetual enthusiasm Y exercisein the permanent need to do something and be entertained with certain ideas crazytheir couplesscorpions would do anything but that.

they prefer their peace Y tranquility above all, and these episodes of impulsive and energetic events will take away their happiness Y comfort general. Both Scorpio and Gemini will have to get used to each other’s way of life, and perhaps give them a break, seeing how they could live together after a short period of time, if the odds are correct.

Without some compromises, and without sacrificing anything, no relationship is going to work, because nothing is completely perfect at first. They have to strive a lot for things to be as they should be.

The relationship between Gemini and Scorpio

It may seem that the Universe has made a wrong decision in putting these two together, seeing how one looks at the world from a different perspective. sparkly Y optimisticwhile the other can’t help but frown constantly.

Fortunately, this also means that they can make up for Y successfully fill the blanks that each of them has as a result.

Also, although scorpions are not as sociable Y extroverts like their partners, this does not create problems in their relationships. On the contrary, the Twins find this quite intriguing and will become more and more interested in their partners as a result.

If a relationship is established between these two, one thing is for sure, there will be no problems for indiscretions, tricks either adventure. There is a great sense of confidence Y devotion among them.

Perhaps due to the innate personality of scorpions, resolved Y signthat doesn’t allow the Geminis to make their moves, or because the Twins have finally realized that someone loves them deeply and unhesitatingly, that they don’t want to hurt them.

Either way, what matters is that this Gemini-Sagittarius bond is unbreakable from that point of view. Also, there is a great sense of understanding between the two, which is not so surprising, given that Geminis will never try to hide either pretend to be something they are not.

Together, they can go through many events Y situationsactually social, that they can put a burden on other people, but they can not only find their way, but also develop along it.

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This means that, by combining all the forces Y qualities in a great source of energy, they can deal with almost anything that comes their way.

From professional challenges, to romantic hiccups, and even attacks from the outside, nothing stands up to these natives’ unwillingness to give up.

Gemini and Scorpio Marriage Compatibility

It’s a wild card, no one would tell you otherwise, right? The chances of these natives getting married should be slim, almost nil, as Geminis are terrified just thinking about it.

You would have to do an exorcism to calm them down Y dip them in holy water. Marriage is the work of the devil, is how they would put it. Well, actually it is not.

Most are just freedom seekers who don’t want to be repressed in any way, and this gets boring over time, it’s not a permanent attitude. His is not an irrational fear, because if it were, the problem would have been much more critical and worse than it is now.

From the Scorpio perspective, settling down at the right time with a good home Y kids to fill it, it doesn’t seem so far away.

compatibility in bed

There is a lot of potential for these natives when it comes to intimate relationsand this is mainly due to the Gemini’s strong inclination towards physicality and a strong passion for making love with intensity Y enthusiasm.

Furthermore, scorpions are also quite enamored with feelings of satisfaction and of satisfy desires or impulses of the couple. There is no feeling in the world that compares to having a night with the person you love. Literally nothing compares to this feeling, not even your daily explorations of the unknown.

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The drawbacks of this union

As expected, the problems arise due to the traits of conflicting personality between Scorpio and Gemini. One is more of a recluse who prefers to live in his own world, tending to his own needs and never telling anyone about his comings and goings, while the other is very open and direct with his secrets Y emotions.

For once, the constant tendency of Geminis to modify their environment and his approach how they handle things annoys their teammates to no end, and things will come to a climax when they can’t take it anymore.

Also, the way Scorpio tends to hesitate Already wallow in their inactivity, their periods of silence and introspectionare certainly not to the liking of the spirited twins, who would rather gnaw their own hands than have to live through it.

What to remember about Gemini and Scorpio

The relationship between these two signs may or may not be the most romantic, but what is certain is that they love each other, even if one is too possessive Y caringwhile the other has other things to do as well.

It’s pretty obvious what role each one fits into the picture. Who else but the wild and freedom-seeking Gemini could be the one who yearns for independenceAnd who else but him? intense Y jealous Scorpio could be the sticky mate? theirs is a relationship problematic Y conflictive that you will go through many difficult times as times go by.

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Scorpions are usually very honest, generous Y confident from the beginning, and they do not accuse their partner of anything until their suspicions are confirmed.

That possessiveness does not derive from jealousy, but from love and the desire to keep that person as close as possible, affection and tenderness being essential in this case.

However, if and when they have their suspicions, they undergo a 180-degree transformation. These expectations are quite difficult for Gemini changelings to meet, because they don’t even know what they will think Y they will do tomorrowmuch less in the next moment.

Putting the highs together social skills of Geminis who could quickly become A-grade flirting material, and the unwavering love Y loyalty from scorpions, which can instantly turn into monstrous jealousy, is there any doubt that the end result is nothing but catastrophic?

Either one calms down with the amiability toward other people, or the other learns to be more trusted, sure Y self controlled.

Arguments could flare and degenerate when the Scorpio-Gemini couple is highly skilled in the art of war of words, one of them being the eternal persuader Y manipulatorwhile the other is simply poisonous Y sulphurous when he gets angry.

It may seem that they do not have a future together, or at least not an easy one, but the truth is that they are very attracted to each other, in many ways. The characterthe personalityapproaches to solving problems, even on an emotional level, find some points common Y similarities.

So even if they have some ups and downs from time to time, they will quickly regain their peace and get back together, ready for another journey full of exciting and entertaining things.

Of course, it’s going to be difficult to achieve perfection, or even anything close to that level, but then again, what’s really worth striving for isn’t easy to achieve.

Both will bring out the best in themselves, and if the relationship can be taken another step in the right direction, neither will hesitate to show their innermost and hidden aspects of themselves. In fact, both will receive something from the other, since will change for the better thanks to peer influence.

Geminis, for example, with their attitude carefreewill get the scorpions to relax with the seriousness and the attitude overly melancholy. They can’t seem to enjoy the moment, and they really needed this in their life.

In turn, the scorpions show their partner what efficient Y valuable which is learning to be decisive, resolute and persevering. The only thing that matters is that they manage to see beyond the superficial aspects and fight together for a better future.