Compatibility in love, in bed and in relationships: Taurus and Cancer

Cautious in life, the Taurus and the Cancer are the same in love. Before they get to something more serious on their dates, they will spend a lot of time getting to know each other. Both signs are famous for not rushing romance and for wanting to be sure of love.

Both interested in security, tradition and family, they can build a strong and lasting relationship on these common points they have.

Degree of compatibility between Taurus and Cancer

emotional connection: Very strong. Communication: Average. Trust and Reliability: Below average. common values: Average. intimacy and sex: Very strong.

Since they are both affectionate and long for a stable home, they will be very happy together. The Taurus lover wishes to enjoy all the pleasures of life and is a sensual one who likes good food and the Cancer partner will follow in his footsteps.

Your first dates will be discreet as you will be sending subtle signals to each other. But as soon as they determine that they can be together, things will become happier and more open. When Tauruses love, they become this artistic person who seeks to establish a home with the person they are with. And the Cancer will love all of this, as people born in this sign are nurturing, emotional and also want a comfortable home.

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When Taurus and Cancer fall in love…

The Taurus can be very careful not to show feelings. It takes a long time to attract a person in this sign. The Cancer may have to work hard to penetrate your armor. When they want to impress, Cancers often tell their life story when they’re out on a date. They want to melt the heart of the partner, but this can be a bad move with a Taurus.

In general, Taurus and Cancer make a great couple.. They are like soul mates who met in high school and now can’t be apart.

Domestic satisfaction is what makes them happy and satisfied. Creative and imaginative, your home could be an art gallery of all the work you’ve done when inspired by each other. The healthiest attraction between them occurs when things are no longer platonic for the Cancer and when the Taurus no longer cares about where things are going.

Both need to be relaxed and calm in order to start something more than a friendship. And they will be attracted to each other every step of the way. The Crab will undergo a subtle makeover and the Bull will stop being a couch potato and head to the gym.

This is how they will act when they realize they are in love. Gestures like looking into each other’s eyes and smiling are signs that they are deeply in love. They can break up a few times, when the Taurus will get the impression that they want to be independent.

While they will be apart, the Cancer will probably stalk the Taurus. If you happen to be their friend, let them be and don’t intervene. They will meet on their own. They have a tendency to remain loyal even if they are fighting.

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The relationship between Taurus and Cancer

A water sign, Cancer makes their partner feel things they never thought possible to feel. Earth signs are known for being emotional only on one side, with practicality being their main characteristic. On the other hand, the Bull will help make the Cancer more realistic and realistic. You will be able to build a stronger future together, this way.

Caring and compassionate, these two will take care of each other when they’re sick, and they’ll have an anniversary for the first romantic movie they’ve seen together.. Taurus isn’t usually that sentimental, but with Cancer, they become a little different.

This Cancer-Taurus couple will last over time and will overcome any difficulty. But the Bull needs to know that the Crab is heavily influenced by the Moon. Cancer is moody and can have many different feelings from one moment to the next. It is normal for them to make up their minds easily and to be in a different mood. This can be very tiring for the Crabs themselves, so having someone who understands them is absolutely necessary.

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It doesn’t matter if they are male or female, Cancers experience many female cycles. They change according to the phases of the Moon, and are very connected to this celestial body. Nostalgic and melancholic, they cling to things that they once cherished or belonged to loved ones.

If Tauruses don’t give them affection and love, they will feel abandoned and neglected. The Taurus will sometimes be overwhelmed by the Cancer’s need for attention, and will take time off to take care of his ego. And the Cancer will feel really hurt when something like this happens.

The Taurus is more likely to not think about the partner as much as the Cancer. The Crab wants to have a perfect family and an untouchable romance. The Taurus can sometimes be confused by the emotional needs of a Cancer.

When they are lovers, Cancer and Taurus are happy and very close.. Conservative and pragmatic, the Bull does not act on what they feel and his partner will not be able to understand it.

With the Taurus, the Cancer will always show their emotions to be better understood. They will say what bothers them, what hurts them and where they feel something is missing in their life.

Raw and in touch with their feelings, Cancers like to tackle their problems at the root. And this will once again confuse Taurus who are more practical and not so in tune with their emotions. They are both kind people who will be happy to have each other in their lives.

They will listen carefully to each other, and will grow very close. As friends, colleagues and relatives, they will be close by and always ready to play a joke. As business partners, they will be successful and wealthy.

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Taurus and Cancer Marriage Compatibility

In order not to make you wait any longer, discover that Taurus and Cancer are very compatible when it comes to marriage. The Cancer is afraid of getting hurt and the Taurus wants to be safe.

Your wedding will probably be traditional, if not rustic. They will have some friends and their relatives as guests.

Parenting is something that comes easily to both of them, as they are carers and responsible beings. Their parents will be proud of them and the fact that they are respected by their own children.

The kids will be showing up soon, and these two will be changing their lifestyles to make room for the new little people in their lives. It is not difficult for them to suddenly move to the country from the noisy city.

Your house will be cozy and welcoming, people who visit it will feel amazing and will want to come and visit more often. They will have good home-cooked food, and when they are old, they will be found on a bench or on the porch, holding hands.

The history of their marriage is written in the stars. They are affectionate and loving, and they are looking for the same things, which are stability and security. They don’t need anyone else to be happy and that’s very healthy for a Cancer-Taurus relationship.

compatibility in bed

Both the Taurus and the Cancer are very active in bed. The Bull has a touch that can make the Crab go berserk. If the woman is in Cancer, she will want to be dominated and caressed by her Taurus man. And the Taurus man will be the first to offer all this to his lady, as he is very eager to make sexual fantasies come true.

Taurus’s erogenous zone is the neck, while Cancer’s is the chest and belly. Both sensual will not have sex as if they were doing a sport. Everything will be passionate and romantic.

Taurus’ lovemaking style will be perfect for Cancer’s sentimentality. It will be as if they are listening to music when they are making love. Nothing will be rude or rushed. The Cancer will light candles and lay on silk sheets. And the Taurus will love it.


The most dangerous thing for the Taurus-Cancer relationship is stagnation. When they are in the comfort zone, it is difficult for them to get up and do anything else. Also, they cannot see things objectively. And this can lead them to not see the whole picture many times.

They can also be overly possessive of each other, as both Zodiac signs are jealous when they don’t get the attention they crave..

The Cancer will want to talk about feelings so much that the Taurus will want to go away and hide. If they want to be happy, the Crab has to let go of petty fights, or the Taurus will shut down.

On the other hand, the Taurus has to be more open. The Taurus is known for procrastinating and the Cancer for nagging. This will cause them to fight from time to time, so a little effort from the bull would be more than welcome.

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What to remember about Taurus and Cancer

The Taurus-Cancer relationship is a clash between the lover and the housewife, something rare that few people get to experience. Their compatibility lies in the fact that they both need the same things in life. And this not only makes them allies, but also great companions.

However, he expects them to be private about their love. They are not the most social creatures, they will prefer to spend time together or with their families. Your friends will not be very present in your list of activities. Only if you want to visit them. They like privacy very much and will not share anything about their relationship with others. Both sensual will have a great sex life. But no one will know except themselves.

These two signs will love each other deeply. Your connection is a karmic union between your signs. All this is outweighed by the fact that they have a lot of respect for each other. They are loving and caring people, and neither of them like to go too far from home.

They are both possessive. The more time you spend together, the more you will trust each other. It’s good that they don’t bother spending time on the couple.

But your friends will definitely be upset that they won’t get enough attention anymore. However, his gang will have to get used to the fact that the Taurus-Cancer couple will rarely be seen outside.

Family oriented, careful with money, housewives and devotees, Tauruses and Cancerians are equal in everything. Their negative traits will no longer be noticeable when they are together. The fact that the Bull is calm and realistic is perfect for the Crab, who is very emotional. It’s also good for the Cancer to teach the Taurus to be more in tune with his emotions.

The fact that the Cancer is persuasive will be an antidote to the famous stubbornness of the Taurus. It’s great to see these two people together, if you ever manage to catch them. Maybe at a festival or something.

One thing is for sure and that is that they are meant to be.. If you happen to be a Taurus or a Cancer, now you know who suits you better. If you are already in a relationship with one of these signs and you are the other, then don’t even think about leaving.

No matter what stage of the relationship you are in, stay there. You will be happy that the stars have told you how compatible you are. It is true that the relationship…