How to know if a Sagittarius man likes you in 6 signs

Of the three fire signs, Sagittarius is the most sophisticated. Although the impetus and passion that come to be born from within are similar to those of their element brothers, what really sets them apart is their particular way of externalizing them. If you want to know if a Sagittarius man likes you, do not expect clear and vehement demonstrations. But he has the surprise factor of which he is a true seducer.

Do you want to find out if that Sagittarius man likes you? 6 signs to detect it

Forget everything you thought about the impulsiveness of fire signs. Sagittarius burns, but with another magic.

1. An attentive watcher on the prowl

The one that is one of the warmest signs of the zodiac, however, is not the most impulsive of its element, fire. Sagittarius feels, yes, with great intensity, too, but he is not a kamikaze who jumps headlong without thinking at the first sign he detects. When someone calls his attention he will be interested, but their modus operandi is usually more strategic and the duster will not be seen at the first change.

In principle, he will maintain an apparent distance, from where he will observe the person who is captivating him. Silently, you will assess whether it is really worth it. Only if he believes so, will he go to great lengths to go after his goal. And we already anticipate that, whatever his goal, he will not stop until he reaches it.

Therefore, if you suspect that something has changed in his way of looking at you and you want to know if that Sagittarius man likes you, also be a careful observer of the situation: If you notice that his (disguised) attention is on you on a recurring basis, his interest in you is probably also deeper.

2. Dose of excitement guaranteed

The adventurous spirit that characterizes this sign makes them turn any experience that is part of their life into a feat. And when it comes to love, the motivation it produces intensifies your desire to add emotion to the matter.

There is nothing more exhilarating for Sagittarius men than the possibility of a great adventure, and if he intends to take the step to seduce you, he will make seduction an art and will take the game of conquer you as the opportunity to show you what it is to feel, enjoy and be surprised. In his own game he is the one who sets the rules, but he will ensure that you enjoy as much as he does (and even more if possible).

Therefore, if lately you don’t really know why, but the moments you share with Sagittarius leave you daydreaming, you’re probably already immersed, even without knowing it, in the new adventure that this sign wants to experience (and wants to share with you).

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3. Sophisticated and subtle seduction

The ardor of the three signs of the fire element is one of its most notable characteristics, its intensity is well known by all, but in the way of transmitting and expressing it is where they mainly differ. In the case of the Sagittarius man, he sees no motivation in directly expressing the fact that he likes someone.

For that matter, once he assumes that he has a crush on that person, he prefers to devise his own way of reaching her and connecting incisively. It will take more or less to achieve it, but where he sets his eye, the archer shoots his arrow… and rarely makes a mistake.

The way to perceive the signs in this case will not be as obvious as in other signs, but what we do tell you is that you will notice that something changes in your days when Sagittarius enters them to impregnate them with its magic.

4. Communication as a spell

Among the skills most developed by this sign is communication, which in their case becomes a real tool to influence people. Sometimes, with their ability to speak, they can be considered somewhat manipulative.

But in reality, what Sagittarius does is carefully select the right words and match it to the cadence of their voice. simply he is a magician of words and communication is one of his skills. Do you want to know if a Sagittarius man likes you? Well, pay close attention to his subliminal messages, because he may be preparing you for the moment of sharing it with you.

5. He trades his freedom for sharing it with whoever he likes

For someone who loves, defends, and protects their freedom as much as Sagittarius does, giving it up (or part of it, at least) has to be more than worth it. And in such a case, the best way is to share it with the person who has conquered it.

For it, the search for the affinity with which he would like to have as his inseparable companion is essential to dare, a little later, to take the step towards a greater rapprochement.

For that reason, do not stop paying attention to the signs that whisper to you that this Sagittarius man is digging into your personal tastes in search of coincidences that can unite you in the not too distant future.

6. Carpe Diem: Seize the moment (whether it lasts a moment or a lifetime)

To finish, it is not bad to remind you of one thing about the way of feeling of those born under this sign, and that is that they sing a Carpe Diem at every opportunity to live a unique experience that they detect in the course of life.

And when the Sagittarius man considers living the moment with the woman of his dreams and enjoying the adventure of connecting with her, it is when the lucky woman will probably be able to clearly realize what her desires are, because it will be the moment when decided to go all out with her and let her know.

If the moment comes when you discover that you are everything he wants, be clear about two things: that he is going all out with you and that his way of understanding relationships does not understand time in the conventional way. An affair with Sagittarius is something unique that can last the blink of an eye… and in some cases, a lifetime.