Compatibility in love, in bed and in relationships: Gemini and Leo

It cannot be possible that the flames of love do not grow between these natives. Geminis and Leos are well known for their twisted and playful behavior, and this is exactly what makes their relationship seem so plausible.

Degree of compatibility between Gemini and Leo

emotional connection: Average. Communication: Below average. Trust and Reliability: Strong. common values: Very strong. intimacy and sex: Average.

The social life is a great point in common for these natives. That’s where they’re most likely to meet, after all, at a party, where they’ve both had a little too much to drink, and are already on their way to seduce everyone.

Well, surprisingly, Gemini and Leo manage to bump into each other, and that’s when things start to come together for a splendid love story. They won’t be able to look down from that moment.

When Gemini and Leo fall in love…

The Leo-Gemini relationship is a relationship full of adventures fun and full of adrenalinefull of mysterious and exciting events, where doing what seems to be the right thing is never an option.

Instead, they go for what most satisfies their senses, and that often means trying really hard, doing crazy things, while going hand in hand through the chaos they’ve created. It won’t be long before they realize they were born to do thisand they will see the advantages of doing it together, as a couple, until the end of time.

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With the ever-burning fires of enthusiasm and vitality of the Leo, as well as the drive fiery and turbulent of the Gemini lover, even for a short time, the initial phases of their love life will not lack diversity, intensity and passion.

The biggest thing at stake here is that Leos seem to really understand their partners’ innate contradictory conflicts between different personalities, as well as the tendency to try many different things, with many different approaches, constantly, in an eternal struggle against their will. own self.

Geminis, being the guilty ones, will feel great knowing that their partners are tolerant and allow them to act as they see fit, and this will make them try to control Leos even more.

In turn, the royals will fall into the traps set by the sweet, mellifluous words of their silver-tongued peers, and this will create a situation that is more beneficial to the Geminis.

The relationship between Gemini and Leo

With the Leo’s aptitude for extravagance and the exhibition In almost all contexts and social situations, the Gemini’s somewhat strange and erratic behavior will appear mysterious and intriguing.

In turn, the twins bring to the table many opportunities Y prospects of adventure that the Leo-Gemini couple will naturally be happy to take on.

While Leo natives strive to put on the most extravagant outfits, appearing as the most superb and beautiful that exists, their partners will subtly influence their decisions and actions, so that finally a mutual result desired by both is reached.

This is the time when you can clearly see an increase in its efficiency for work togetheras well as strengthening their bonds to an even deeper level of understanding.

After all, any couple can go from intense passion and full love to total despair and even a breakup. All that matters is the effort and time of the couple, and not what others say, or the operation of external forces.

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if they are enough understanding and devotedwilling to compromise and sacrifice their own time for the improvement and repair of the relationship, then how could it not work?

This is exactly the case for Gemini-Leo natives, who are besieged by all sorts of obstacles and problems, often of their own making. But do they give up? No, because his innate astrological education, Air and Fire it ensures that, given enough time and effort, they will rise from the ashes like the fiery phoenix, giving birth to a future world of love and compassion.

The relationship of Leo and Gemini is based on the mutual interdependence, a synergy of souls, and a catharsis that reaches the deepest recesses of their beings. This means that each one is specially endowed with qualities that directly benefit the other.

Thus, the fresh and innovative impulse of Gemini manages to support and give new strength to the explosive and wild Leo, who needs as many great ideas as possible, being energy the least of the problems.

In turn, the cat kings realize that their twin partners they are not just jokers wimps who roam the world, making fun of everything and not caring in the slightest about anything.

The truth is that Geminis are very skilled, and they are not masters of none, it is true, but they are engaged in many activities, and have a great creative drive, which makes it much more fun.

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Gemini and Leo Marriage Compatibility

It is a well known fact that Leos they love to be in the spotlightand they are self-centered in the truest sense of the word, as they are always looking for opportunities to show off and live life to the fullest.

This aspect is what brings Geminis closer and closer, being drawn by the other to the excitement of the world. If the rest of the story is going to be like this, filled with endless opportunities to have fun and live as if there is nothing more important, then Geminis are in, despite what everyone says. Also, children will be a natural course of action, if they find the time to think about it, obviously.

compatibility in bed

It is already a common thing and something that everyone knows that Gemini knows all about erotic relationships and intimate love life. They do it, they talk in endless debates about the most intense and satisfying techniques, and not only that, but they actually like to experiment and try with all their might to fulfill all their desires.

Along with the innate dynamism and the explosive temper From Leo, you have one of the most passionate and erotically crazy couples out there.

Put the lack of any kind of restraint when it comes to complying with the rules and regulations of society, and there is nothing stopping Gemini-Leo lovers from experiencing true happiness.

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The drawbacks of this union

Conflicts can and will certainly arise, and it will all have to do with the Gemini’s tendency to manipulate and use to people for his own benefit, as well as Leo’s innate prideful nature, which suffers from not playing.

They are both overly dramatic and will often have overreactions to the most insignificant events, but that’s what makes them so deeply enmeshed in each other as well.

Be that as it may, it is still very annoying that the Leo often turns very possessive and exaggerated with their expectations of knowing exactly what the couple is doing, where they are going, and who they are talking to.

This would upset and make most people run away at the first signs of danger, but surprisingly, Geminis manage to seize the situation with their duplicate personalities. Therefore, there are many things that can separate this duo, from emotional excesses, to jealousy and rancor, and even absurd reflections of obsessive possessiveness.

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What to remember about Gemini and Leo

This couple is all boundless energy, debauchery, and plenty of entertainment. Fun activities have never been more sought after, and when they start looking for them, it’s like they’re falling from the sky.

Geminis and Leos they are individuals of rare enthusiasm and drive, traits that propel them on a pretty high pedestal, as far as romantic games go. You can imagine that there are not many arguments or conflicts with these two, the kind that could end in tears, bouts of depression and sadness, because they are having so much fun, it would be almost impossible to destroy that mood.

If we join the egocentric and narcissistic Leos, natives who are so in sync with their inner egos, who want to always be in the spotlight, with silver-tongued Geminis, who could convince the blind that they can see, what could be the result?

Well, just one, and it’s a perfect relationship, a working relationship. efficient and complete which is based on the Leo’s endless supply of energy, their protective instincts, their sensual appetite, and everything that manipulative and persuasive Geminis need.

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Of course, just as they can bring happiness and smiles to other people’s lips, twins can also instill a sense of inferiority and savagely destroy anyone who gets in their way with a good choice of sulphurous words.

Despite the Gemini’s willingness to act like puppeteer and animator From eager, real Leos, this doesn’t last long, because our favorite Twins have the attention span of a two-year-old who’s been given a new toy. They will quickly tire of and even become annoyed at their partners’ seemingly one-way treatment.

Leos are the couple more emotional of the Gemini-Leo couple, but given the cold and calculated mentality of their partner, as well as the cunning silver tongue, they will not have the opportunity to talk about how they feel, and about deeper things, about the workings of the heart.

Even if there is a compelling need for such a discussion so that your overall situation improves, it’s unlikely to happen, because someone doesn’t feel comfortable talking about this sort of thing, and we’re talking about you, Gemini.

The honesty it plays a big role in their lives, and this helps to build a pretty strong relationship between them, but some subjects are better left alone.

In general, there is a great compatibility between these two natives, mainly thanks to the incredible childlike aura of the Gemini, who can’t stop freaking out, doing all kinds of things that you can’t laugh at. They’re too cute and lovable for their own good, and Leos are obviously not immune to such behavior.

Together, you could fulfill your dreams and achieve your desires, whether it be financial security, career success, or family well-being. Nothing is beyond their reach when they combine their efforts. It really is as simple as that.