Rue magical plant properties

The ancient empires discovered it as the blade of a thousand uses due to the great variety of properties it showed. later the witches discovered its magical uses and used it for numerous spells to attract love, money or good energy. Today it is still used for therapeutic, magical and esoteric purposes. Discover the properties of rue.

What is rue?

Rue is a perennial plant from the group of aromatic which is recognized by its yellowish green flowers. Although several species are recognized, the best known is the so-called common rue (Ruta graveolens) and one of the most characteristic properties of rue is its strong toxicity. That is why you have to be careful with the uses and doses. However, since ancient times, at least since the Roman Empire, This plant has been used with various magical and therapeutic uses..

The Chinese and Egyptian empires also used it, as well as other civilizations (the Celts and the Hebrews, for example) who discovered a wide variety of advantages in it. Rue lives in dry areas and adapts very well to the Mediterranean climate, which makes it a a plant suitable for growing in gardens and orchards. In rue we find the male variety and the female variety: the first is planted on the left side of the garden, while the second is grown on the right side.

Some benefits of rue

The interest of various empires and civilizations around rue is due to the wide variety of properties and the multiple uses that can be given to it. At a therapeutic level, rue has been used since ancient times to tone the arteries, regulate intestinal transit, reduce stress and anxiety, regulate menstruation, relieve pain in general, and lose weight.

Nevertheless, the consumption of this plant is recommended in a controlled wayto avoid poisoning. Do not exceed 12 leaves per liter of water in infusions, no matter how beneficial the properties of rue are. The beliefs surrounding the powers of rue have also made it an amulet with esoteric energies.

In the home it is used to protect space and attract positive things. It is always recommended to have this plant in the house to take advantage of these energy channels, but there is a whole ritual around it to enhance its effects. Also at a magical level, several uses have been developed that go from the protection and attraction of the positive in the individualeven its healing properties.

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What is rue for: Magical properties and other uses

Below is a list of the magical, esoteric and medicinal properties of rue that have been attributed to this plant since ancient times and that are still used today:

1. Rue: magical plant

The magical properties of rue continue to offer widespread uses of it, in various directions. One of them is its protective capacity: it is considered that carrying a bit of that plant with you creates a protective energy field around the person that rejects the envy and possible slander of other people.

At the level of energy attraction, the belief has also been created around him that he has the ability to attract good people to us, especially in relation to friendship and love. Within its magical uses, the uses are varied, as there are rituals to attract money, to achieve a happy marriage or even to attract love.

2. Love spell with rue

Rue is used for various spells related to the attraction of love. If you are in love and want to attract the love of a person, you can resort to the rue bath with prayer: It is done on a Friday with a crescent moon and as a previous step, rue leaves must be boiled with water and left to rest. After giving yourself a bath with neutral soap and, While you wash yourself with rue water, you must pronounce the following prayer:

«Blessed Ruda, powerful miraculous Ruda that on Mount Calvary, you shed for Magdalena’s tears, bring me tears for me, surrendered to (the name of the person)».

Another variant is to combine the rue bath with some other leaf that serves to attract love, such as basil, jasmine or honeysuckle. With 100 grams of each herb for 4 liters of water will suffice. The procedure is the same as the previous one: boil the plants and take a bath with them while we repeat the prayers for rue.

3. Menstruation control

Rue infusions help control the hormonal levels of women and as such behaves as a regulator of menstruation. It’s a weed very effective for women who have delayed periods or who have irregular menstruation, but It should always be taken in moderation, under the advice of a qualified professional and in case of more serious problems go to the gynecologist.

One of the most common infusions consists of adding tuda leaves in a cup of boiling water (never more than 4 leaves per 1 litre). Let the water boil for about 10 minutes and let it rest. This infusion can be ingested up to three times a day two days before the probable date of menstruation.

4. Rue tea for abortion

One of the best known properties of rue is its use as an abortion method. Indeed, this plant produces a severe contraction of the uterus, so it is contraindicated for women who are pregnant. In the first three months of pregnancy, rue acts with high efficiency, increasing blood flow.or the uterus and causing it to contract, which can effectively terminate the pregnancy.

You have to follow the advanced instructions in the interior point on how to make an infusion of rue and, as before, it is better to seek advice from a qualified professional. Its flavor is bitter, so it can be accompanied by cinnamon, lemon or some other aromatic. To increase the effects of rue in abortion, there are those who recommend combining them with aspirin: drink about three cups of tea daily and about two or three aspirin, producing an effect not exceeding three days.

IMPORTANT: These are popular uses of this type of plant and its dissemination is strictly for informational purposes, but its consumption is discouraged except on the prescription of a qualified health professional, since its use in an inappropriate way could be very harmful and dangerous for who consumes it.

5. Home cleaning and protection

We have already seen that rue can protect the home and attract good energies. To do this, it is more effective to take rue from someone else’s garden, but it can also be done with rue from our own harvest. Of course, it is preferable that there is planted outside of periods of stress and when the woman is not menstruating.

Once placed in the home, the properties of rue drive away evil spirits, prevent accidents and cleanse bad energies. Not only that: the smell given off by rue drives away insects, so if we have an orchard or a garden we can protect our plants and our harvest from pests.

6. Attraction of money

Magicians have always used the properties of rue to attract good fortune, and effective money attraction spells are still performed today. To do this, it is best to resort to the rue bath. Previously we have revealed to you how to make a rue bath for love, which it serves as a procedure to also attract money.

Pour the previously boiled rue water and gently throw it over your head while, facing the sunrise, recite the following prayer: «That’s why I hope for your help watering your water at my door so that being open between love and money. Thank you powerful Ruda, plant that transmutes everything and fortune seeks«.

7. Medicinal purposes

We have already seen the many benefits that rue can bring to our body. Here we detail the most common uses, always under personalized advice from a health professional:

For the skin

Rue oil has powerful anti-fungal effects, that is, against fungi, and in addition to being a good moisturizer calms itching and softens itching. On an aesthetic level, rue oil can help lighten the skin and keep it smooth.

For the hair

If we apply a rue treatment to the hair, we can strengthen the health of the root, preventing hair loss and, above all, reinforcing the shine of our hair. Also is a powerful agent against lice besides being a soothing when we have itching on the scalp.

for the mind

It is a powerful anti-stress that helps control and relax the central nervous system. Also It is used as a sedative, as it helps to control hysterical and epileptic crises.. Its high content of neurotoxins helps to accelerate numbness.

for circulation

Rue stimulates blood circulation and tones the arteries helping better blood circulation through the vessels. That is why it helps prevent varicose veins, reduce edema, prevent internal bleeding and balance cardiovascular health.

for digestion

Likewise, its digestive function is recognized, helping the stomach in the digestion process, but also reducing problems such as gas, burning and acidity. It is recommended to take an infusion of rue when you have eaten too much or indigestion problems appear.


Rue has analgesic properties, so it cures pain, and anti-inflammatory properties, so it is used in problems such as arthritis. The consumption of one or two cups of rue infusion Helps relieve muscle stiffness and ease joint pain.